
October 25, 2014

Operation Christmas Child Interview

I participated in Operation Christmas Child for the first time last year through my local church.  My family thoroughly enjoyed giving back through this organization.  All three of my boys loved picking out items for their shoe box; they each colored a picture and my oldest included information about himself in his box.  It was a great way for them to actively participate in giving back.

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege to interview a young lady who received a shoe box when she was only 6 or 7 years old.  It was such a pleasure to speak with her.

Zarina Jensen’s mother gave birth to her when she was just 18 years old. Zarina was then placed in a Central Asian orphanage until a family in Oregon adopted her nine years later. Just before Zarina found her new family, she received a special gift in the form of a shoe box. She was the last child to receive a gift that day at the orphanage because she was shy and apprehensive about taking one. When she finally opened her gift, Zarina found a small stuffed animal that made her feel so special. Now Zarina wants to make sure other children around the world feel as special as she did, so she packs shoe box gifts at her home in Oregon.  Zarina loves to share the testimony of God’s faithfulness in her life.

Our Interview:
Me: Tell me a little bit about Operation Christmas Child.

Zarina: Operation Christmas Child impacted my life forever.  It gave me hope when I felt hopeless.  Receiving my shoe box was the first time I heard about Jesus.  Little did I know God had a plan for my life.  I would be adopted, brought to America and later receive Jesus as my Savior at 16.

Me: I understand you actually received one of these shoe box gifts when you were a little girl. What was your life like at the time you received the shoe box gift?

Zarina:  I remember being shy, and not too sure about receiving a box, after I finally opened my box I was so happy.  Living in an orphanage you do not have anything to call your own, this was the first time I had something I could call my own.

Me: Can you tell me anything you remember about the day you received the shoe box gift?

Zarina:  I remember it was two weeks before my birthday and I thought that maybe my mother had sent me a gift.  I remember thinking how nice it was to not be forgotten. 

Me: What was the most important thing in your shoe box? Why was that so special?

Zarina: A stuffed bumble bee, it was soft and something I could snuggle with and most important it was my own.

Me: How did the shoe box gift made an impact on your life? What was it about such a simple gift that made such a change in you?

Zarina: The shoe box impacted my life by giving me my first glimpse of hope.  Receiving the shoe box brought awareness that God was orchestrating something for my life. 

Me: It is such a great testament to this project that you are now packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  How does it feel knowing you are sending a gift to a child that was once sent to you?

Zarina: I am humbled at how blessed I am.  I am amazed at all that God has done for me.  I have a great family, I work at my church.  I know what it is like to have nothing and feel forgotten; now my family and I participate in Operation Christmas Child to give back.   I’ll never forget where I came from, and the blessing Operation Christmas Child has been to me.  It feels great to be able to give back, give hope to someone who is just as I was at one time.

Tips to get Involved:
  • Save the date: National Collection Week is November 17 – November 24, 2014
  • Don’t think you can make the deadline, Operation Christmas Child accepts boxes all year long, you could pack a box if not shipped this Christmas it will be shipped!
  • You can find drop off locations on their website.  You can use a shoe box of your own or use a similarly sized plastic storage container with a removable lid or other similarly sized box.
  • Follow your box: Make your $7 per box donation online and you will receive a special bar-code label that enables Samaritan's Purse to track each shoe box to its destination country.  You will receive e-mail updates and know the shipping details of your shoe box.
  • Think you don’t have time to shop or pack a shoe box, go on-line and donate to help with shipping costs of shoe boxes.  Find a drop off location near you and donate towards their shoe boxes and shipping costs.
Link for more information:

Download PDF Fact Sheet about OCC:

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