
November 3, 2014

My Birth Story-Baby #2

We were so excited to find out we were expecting baby #2, we were excited for another blessing and excited that our son Diego would be a big brother.  I knew what a wonderful experience God had blessed me with my first pregnancy I started to stand on God’s Word and knew this delivery would be even easier now that I knew what to expect.  I used my “Supernatural Childbirth” book by Jackie Mize, every day, listened to the audio as often as I could.  I listened while I worked at my father in-laws roofing company, as I typed and did bookkeeping, the audio was playing on my computer.  I spoke the prayers and confessions in the back of the book, just as I did with my first baby. 

I had no morning sickness or any complications throughout my pregnancy.  I also only gained 18 pounds during this pregnancy which I was excited about because my first pregnancy I gained 40 pounds.  We had an ultrasound at the 20 week mark and found out Diego was going to have a baby brother, we were happy all was well and happy to have two boys close in age.

I was due July 15, which our doctor was going to be leaving for a mission’s trip on July 11, so I was praying this baby would come before she left town.  As June was wrapping up my husband also received a new job, which he was going to be out of town for a week of training starting Monday, July 13, which again had me asking God, to have this baby come before then so my husband would be there.  I was not asking for the baby to come super early, I know God ordained pregnancy to be 40 weeks, and I never want a baby to come early no matter how anxious you get towards the end of pregnancy.  I wanted the baby to be in as long as possible, to be born healthy and strong, but I was thinking just before the due date and before my Dr. and husband are out of town would be great.

Tuesday, June 30, I had a regular doctor appointment scheduled that morning; I also had a list of errands to run.  At my doctor appointment there was nothing out of the norm, they measured my belly, listened to the heart beat and that was it.  I was in nesting mode and trying to prepare and get everything ready for when the baby would come.  I actually went shopping for a friend’s baby shower gift that morning after my appointment and grocery shopping.  The shower was a few weeks away but I wanted to have the gift taken care of and wrapped.  When I arrived home later in the afternoon, I felt a few contractions, but they stopped, I figured because I had been busy all morning and doing a lot of walking that is why I had them.  My husband arrived home from work and I told him, I thought the baby was going to come this 4th of July weekend, we had invited some friends over for a barbecue, so I asked my husband if we should cancel those plans, because I was pretty sure the baby would come that weekend. 

I was making dinner around 4-4:30 and I started having contractions that were 8 minutes apart but not too consistent.  Everything I had read, recommended going to the hospital when they were 5 minutes apart for an hour straight and I had not gone to the hospital with my first baby until they were 3 minutes apart, so I was not in a hurry.  I finished making dinner, fed my two year old.  We had our mid-week church service that night, so my husband was getting ready for church and I said “I don’t think we are going to make it to church, I think we should go to the hospital.” 

I called my mom and asked if we could drop off Diego to her and she could take him to church.  So we went over to my mom’s house, took Diego inside, again, my contractions were not real consistent.  I got back in the car, my husband drove around the corner, and my water broke in the car.  My contractions became intense and back to back.  I felt a lot of pressure once my water broke as if the baby dropped down.  I told Jeff “I think I can feel the baby’s head, drive faster.”  We came to a red light, my husband stopped, I screamed “run the red light, go, go, go.”  There were cars in front of us, he really could not go anywhere, I said “drive on the sidewalk I don’t care what you have to do, get me to the hospital.”  My husband honked his horn and drove as fast as he could, running red lights, carefully of course, running stop signs, it was quite exciting. 

When we pulled into the hospital, my husband was trying to get me into a wheelchair, but it felt extremely uncomfortable to sit, so I was insisting on walking.  We walked up to labor and delivery; I calmly said to the nurse I am here to have a baby.  There were 3 nurses in the check in station; they started getting paperwork and a clipboard together.  I calmly said “I mean I am having this baby right now, I think I can feel the head.”  The nurse looked at me as if I was joking, I think because I was rather calm. 

She put the clipboard down and said “okay let me check you.”  I did not even put a gown on, took my shorts off, laid on the bed and the nurse said “Oh my, don’t do anything, don’t push, I can see a head.”  She screamed for a doctor, a crowd of doctors and nurses ran into the room, bringing in a lot of equipment, one nurse literally stabbed my arm with an IV, it became quite chaotic, in which I started to panic with all the chaos.  I who was able to walk in calmly all of sudden felt a  lot of burning and pain, which I believe because of the chaos I stepped out of my peace and got into fear which is why I started to feel a lot of pain, I had screamed a couple of times.  Thank God for this precious nurse that was in there, she grabbed my face with both her hands on my cheeks, looked me right in the eyes and said “Jessica, everything is okay, the baby is right there, just push, and you can have this baby.”  She brought me back to focus, I calmed right down, gave two pushes and this baby was out.  Emanuel Tomas Briggs, born June 30, 2009 at 6:24 PM, 7lbs., 8oz., 19 ½ inches long.  I think I freaked out because no one was really talking to me, everyone was just running around and doing all this stuff.  Even the doctor when he walked in, did not really say anything, which with my personality, I like to know what is going on, what the plan is.

I knew this delivery was going to be supernatural and quick and easy, which I was grateful for, but I did not plan on it being that quick.  We were at the hospital five minutes and we had a baby, we filled out all the normal questionnaire and paperwork after the baby was already born.  The nurses kept asking me why I waited so long to come in.  I tried to explain, I did not have contractions all day, when they did start, they were not consistent. 

After going through this experience, I was able to pray differently for my third delivery.  I was very specific in praying for my third delivery, “Lord I desire a quick and easy delivery, but I want to have time to get to the hospital, get checked in, and within one hour have a baby.”  I figure one hour is long enough to have a baby.  Thank God prayer works, my third delivery was the perfect timing for me, I will blog about that next week.

We also went to birthing classes, even though this was our second baby and we had been before.  Someone recommended the importance of taking birthing classes with every child as a refresher, and I also encourage others to do the same.  Attending these classes helps me prepare mentally, helps me get in birthing mode.  It is also good for my husband, I think it helps prepare him to support and coach me; it’s a great refresher for both of us.

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.

If you have not read my Birth Story-Baby #1, you can read that here:

I purchased “Supernatural Childbirth” at Family Books & Gifts
Product Description:
Pregnancy and childbirth are often depicted as a time of sickness and mood swings for women followed by 12-24 hours of pain and hard labor. Many women have been told they can never conceive. Others have suffered the pain of conceiving and miscarrying. Supernatural childbirth is a practical and realistic look at God's promises for conception, pregnancy and delivery. You will learn how to put faith principal into actions for your child's birth.
Book - $9.99 Link to book:

Audio (3 CDs) - $19.99 Link to Audio: 

Love these orange slushes!
Grandma helping big brother hold baby.

Proud Aunt Gaby
Diego wants to be in the pictures.

Proud Uncle Robert

Big brother wants to play.

Brother and baby toes.
Our Manny

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