
November 10, 2014

My Birth Story-Baby #3

With my third pregnancy I learned in a greater way that each pregnancy and delivery is different.  I learned not to be in a hurry and to truly rest in God.  I had a great pregnancy with no morning sickness or complications, but because my other two boys were born before there due date, I thought for sure my third born would be born early too.   I planned and took time off work well in advance before my due date, planning on an early birth.

I was due on April 15th and on Monday April 4th I started having light contractions.  My husband at this time was working a little over an hour away, which had me on edge because I had my babies quickly I was concerned if he would make it on time if I went into labor.  Having this concern produced anxiety in me in these last few weeks.  That Monday April 4th I called Jeff at work saying I think it was time.  Because Manny was born so quick I was erring on the side of caution as to get to the hospital quick so we wouldn’t have to race there like last time.  I know after having two babies you would think I would be able to tell the difference between Braxton hicks and real contractions but again because the anxiety I was having I was sure it was time.  I called my mom and sister as well who would watch my other two children, as soon as my husband, mom and sister arrived to watch the boys my contractions stopped.  

When I called my husband telling him I think I am in labor, he called our church to ask for prayer.  I remember after he arrived home and realized I was not in labor, he called to tell the church it was a false alarm, I remember feeling embarrassed and a little frustrated that he called so quickly before he arrived home.  Which after the fact I apologized to him for being edgy over that.  I should be grateful that my husband thought of calling and getting others praying for us.  Instead of being focused on the fact that it was false labor and you had people praying when it was nothing.  So silly when I think about it now.    

Even though my contractions stopped I still thought for sure the baby would come that night or definitely that week because I never had false labor with the other two or any Braxton hicks, well boy was I wrong, that week came and went and every day I kept wondering if that would be the day the baby would come and nothing.  

Well every day I just kept trying to stay busy cleaning and preparing to be ready for my baby’s arrival.  I would go on walks and pray that all would be supernatural and thank God it was, God is so faithful and so good, I am so grateful for the privilege to carry children and give birth.  I am amazed at each pregnancy and delivery at the true miracle childbirth really is.  And I stand in awe of God’s greatness and goodness each time I have had the privilege to experience such wonderful deliveries. 

I was scheduled for a doctor appointment on my due date at 7:45 AM well I woke up around 4:30 in the morning with some light cramps, and so I thought maybe today is the day, I knew I had prayed that I would not be induced.  I got up and took a shower and got dressed to see if my contractions would stop or continue and they continued, so I woke my husband and called my mom and sister around 5 AM to see if she could come watch the boys.  We left for the hospital around 6 AM arrived at 6:30 AM and Matteo was born at 7:11 AM.  Matteo Elijah Briggs, Born 4/15/2011 @ 7:11 a.m. – 8lbs., 4oz., 21”. 

It was the perfect amount of time, I had time to get checked in, actually get in a gown this time, and they checked the baby’s heartbeat, I felt settled and ready to birth, instead of the panic that was on my last delivery.  

I had a great nurse, who connected with what I wanted, I told her I did not want an IV, this was my third baby, I had my babies quick, when we arrived at the hospital I was dilated to 7 and was very calm.  I remember her saying “okay looks like you know what you are doing I’m excited to see a quick birth.”  The nurse was amazed at how quick and easy everything was and I was grateful it was quick but not scary quick like my previous one.  I am also grateful for how God lines things up.  When we arrived at the hospital to check in, my doctor was there even though she was not scheduled to be in that morning she was scheduled to be at her office remember I had an appointment that very morning, she was not even in her scrubs, as soon as she knew we were checking in, she got into scrubs and prepared for the birth.  

I know the reason why I have had easy deliveries, is because I read the book by Jackie Mize and grabbed hold of the truth that we were created to give birth, and it does not have to be horrible.  I know because I listened to the audio version of the book frequently, every time I went into labor, I had the confessions, and scriptures from the bible memorized and that is what helps me remain calm and focused.  I would replay Jackie’s voice in my head.  I know we have had the right nurse for each delivery that we needed because we prayed for all right doctors and nurses.  This is very important, the nurses are the ones you will spend most of your time with, the doctor comes in for the delivery, but the moments before and after are spent with your nurse, you want to invest time in praying for who will be supporting you, working with you in labor and tending to you and your baby after.

I highly recommend Supernatural Childbirth below are links where you can purchase your copy and start reading today, no matter how far along you are, or even if you have a desire to be pregnant in the near future.  

I have blogged about my first birth story here and my second birth story here if you would like to read them.

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.


I purchased my book at Family Books & Gifts
Product Description:

Pregnancy and childbirth are often depicted as a time of sickness and mood swings for women followed by 12-24 hours of pain and hard labor. Many women have been told they can never conceive. Others have suffered the pain of conceiving and miscarrying. Supernatural childbirth is a practical and realistic look at God's promises for conception, pregnancy and delivery. You will learn how to put faith principal into actions for your child's birth.
Book - $9.99 Link to book:
Audio (3 CDs) - $19.99 Link to Audio:


Big brother Diego, so excited.

Big brother Emanuel, so excited.

Big brother trying to help the baby not cry.

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