
November 17, 2014

Tips for Black Friday Shopping

Have you checked out the Black Friday ad’s yet?  Here is a link where you can find the ads:
I usually participate in Black Friday shopping on a small scale.  I have gone out before at the break of dawn and shopped at every store and it was fun but after many years of Black Friday shopping I have found that it is a much more pleasant experience to pick one to two stores and have a targeted plan.

I find if you have a strategy to your Black Friday Shopping it will be easier on your budget.  I know there are great deals and it is easy to get sucked into “this is only $10!”  If you do not have a plan and list of what you want to shop for, it is easy to start throwing lots of different items into your cart and it adds up quick.  I know there are great deals; if you don’t want to go into debt or spend more than you should you should ask yourself do I really need this?

Ideally you should have saved money all year long for your Black Friday shopping.  If you have not, I recommend you set a limit for yourself, only take that set amount in cash and leave your credit cards at home.  I know when you are in the store you will feel like you are missing out by not picking up that thing that is not on your list at such a great price, but when you get home, you will thank yourself.  You will feel so much better about your shopping experience if you stay within a budget.

In times past when you had to actually wait for the Black Friday ads to come out on Thanksgiving, my mom, sister and I would go through the ads and devise our plan of attack.  Now days thanks to the internet you can see the Black Friday ads well in advance which is great for planning.  

We have gone out at 2 AM and stood in line for some large ticket items, one year I roped my husband into going and standing in line for a ticket to purchase a laptop at a great deal.  I think some years they really do have great prices on TV’s, Computers, and other large ticket items.  It is a great idea for the future, if you know you will be needing one of these larger ticket items to save all year and wait for the Black Friday Deals, it’s definitely worth it.  Of course the deals are not always great every year, but it is better to plan and prepare ahead of time.

Some of my favorite Black Friday finds are kids’ pajamas and socks, household towels and bedding.  I usually get my three boys matching pajama sets that they open on Christmas Eve.  If you have little kids or nieces and nephews pajamas are a great Christmas Gift, stocking stuffer, or something extra to go with the gift you’ve already purchased and usually priced at $4.50, makes it easy on the budget.  If you need towels and bedding this is a great time to replenish on those items too and other household items, I’ve purchased things like a vacuum cleaner, coffee pot, and other appliances at a great price during this time too.   There are usually some great deals on kids’ toys as well.  Board games make great group gifts and I find are great Black Friday finds.  This is a great time to pick up a board game or extra toy to donate to a local toy drive.

Instead of getting sucked into overspending and filling your cart which is easy to do.  Plan your shopping trip!  Set your budget, go through the ads circle the items that you actually need.  Have your spouse or shopping buddy look over your list and offer any thoughts of things you might scratch off, or wait on.  Double check and make sure the things on your list are within budget, remember to add in tax.  

It is fun to shop with a friend, but you need to know yourself and your shopping buddy.  Are they going to help you stick to your budget or are they going to encourage you to overspend?  These are all things to think about, because although I know it is fun to shop with a friend, if sticking to your budget and not going into debt is your goal, then you need to be willing to shop alone.  I find the times I have gone alone, I go in, get the things on my list and get out, when I have shopped with a friend, you look around, you see something there getting and feel the need to make the same purchase, etc.  My mom is a great one to shop with because she goes in on her mission, purchases the items on the list and get’s out.  Many times we will have similar things on our list and we will split up, she will take one half of the list, I the other and we find what we need and are out quickly.  

Another thing I have found, you do not need to go as soon as the doors open, one exception is the electronics and large ticket items, if those are on your list then yes go as soon possible because each store is allocated only a specific amount of those items.  If your shopping list is the other items though, pajamas, household goods, toys, etc. it has been my experience that they do not run out.  I have gone later in the day even next day Saturday shopping and there are plenty of those items, no need to leave your Thanksgiving guests and run out to make sure you get your stuff.  

If you have not planned accordingly and saved money for Black Friday shopping, start saving now for next year.  Get an envelope that you can place cash in for Black Friday shopping, start a change jar, where you place all loose change in a jar, open a Christmas Account and have a set amount automatically deposited into from each paycheck.  Another year will go by quickly and another Black Friday will be here before you know it so purpose to save for next year.  

Enjoy your Thanksgiving, enjoy your family and friends, and remind yourself that although it is a great time to get a deal, there is no need to miss out on family time.  No one thing is more important than having quality time with your family and slowing down and enjoying the day.  Remember the same deals and sometimes better ones will come again next year and even at times around Christmas and cyber Monday do not buy into the lie that this is the “only” time you can get this at this price.

Things to Remember:

  • Browse the ads, make your list!
  • Have your spouse look over your shopping list.
  • Pick one to two stores
  • Set a budget, take that money in cash.
  • Leave your credit cards at home.
  • Stick to your list!
  • Know your shopping buddy – maybe shop alone; remember main goal is to stay within budget.
  • Enjoy your Thanksgiving, don’t rush out for stuff, value what is really important family and friends!

 Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.

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