
December 8, 2014

Tis the Season

During this Christmas Season I want to encourage you to remember the true reason for the season.  Too often we get caught up with Black Friday shopping, Cyber Monday, and all the holiday parties and events we attend that we don’t relish in the true reason for the season.  

Jesus is the reason for the season!  As you shop, eat, mingle, remember we are celebrating Christ’s birth and as we celebrate and remember Christ birth, we should also be reflective of his second coming.  

I too have been guilty of running to and fro and not truly enjoying the miracle of Christ’s birth.  I too have been caught up in the commercialism and consumerism at times in my life.  Sometimes even caught up in doing “good” deeds or what you would consider charity work, but again, if you are so consumed with the “works” of it and not reflecting on the birth of Christ and His redemptive work, it’s all the same you have forgotten the true reason for the season.  

Sometimes even the simple things of family photos for that annual Christmas card, baking cookies, and doing crafts can all be part of checking off a list that you did it, or being so consumed with Pinterest and all the festivities we lose sight and then we don’t pass on the true meaning of the season to our children.  

I have done some advent activities with my children, where you reflect and celebrate Christ typically on the four Sunday’s leading up to Christmas is when you celebrate “Advent”.  You can purchase advent wreaths  that come with candles and usually a pamphlet to help you reflect on scripture and Christ’s birth.

One of my favorite things I have with my kids is a plush nativity set I found somewhere, and attached to Joseph and Mary, is a little board book with the story of Jesus birth from Joseph's point of view and from Mary's point of view.  It is perfect for younger children, they are able to hold the plush characters, and hear the story of Jesus birth.

I also have a wooden house type thing that has little doors you can open up and so each day like a Christmas countdown, you can open the doors and either put scripture verses in it, or I’ve used little symbolic things similar to Resurrection Eggs if you have heard of those before again something to do during Easter to remember the true reason of the season of Easter.

Whether you do an advent wreath or advent calendar with your family my encouragement is for you yourself as a parent to relish and savor this season.  I know as a mom we can come under the pressure of gift buying, gift wrapping, event attending that we can dread this season or enjoy all the festivities but again be caught up and forget the true meaning of CHRISTmas!  When you are busy running here and there, this season can be draining, which should not be.  This is a beautiful time to spend with family and friends and remember the true meaning of CHRISTmas.  

As CHRISTmas is important to you and you marvel at the birth of our Lord and Savior, you will be able to automatically bring in the true meaning of Christmas in everything you do with your family.  It’s nice to have an advent devotional or ritual but again, it can be simple.  A lot of people participate with Elf on the Shelf, how about incorporating the Nativity Story with your Elf on the Shelf.   Bake a cake for Jesus birthday and sing happy birthday to Jesus as a family.

When you do sit down to watch a family Christmas movie and enjoy hot cocoa ask your children questions about why do we celebrate Christmas and what does Christmas mean.  When you set out to bake Christmas cookies, bake extra to share with a neighbor or friend or widow you may know.  As you decorate your Christmas tree, do you have a Nativity scene in your home, do your children know Christmas is about celebrating Christ birth.

As fun and festive as the Christmas season is, it can also be a very lonely and depressing season for others.  For people who have lost loved ones, for people who are struggling financially, for people who don’t have family nearby.  

I am not saying don’t shop, don’t bake cookies and attend your events.  I am simply saying pause and reflect as you do these things remember Christ birth, think of the work God did in Mary Jesus mother, a young woman who was a virgin to be with child, think about the relationship she had with God to be able to fulfill His purpose.  Remember that Jesus did come as a baby, remember all the miracles He performed when He walked the earth, remember His death and resurrection and remember He is soon coming again.  

In this what some would see as hopeless world we live in, remember that Jesus is our hope, He is the light of the world and He lives in us.  Remember that Jesus came not for the perfect but for the sick and broken.  Remind yourself of all the people God chose and used to do mighty things.  Moses who stuttered and did not always wait for God, David the adulterer and murderer, Saul/Paul who persecuted the church.  

If you have not received Jesus in your heart, ask Him in a simple prayer to come into your heart and be Lord of your life to change you and shape you.  You do not have to get things right in your life first that is what Jesus does.  Come as you are; attend a church service, Christmas Eve service.  Many churches have multiple Christmas Eve services, the week leading up to Christmas, avail yourself to spend time with Jesus.  I have attended not only at my local church where I attend faithfully, but at different times in our life my husband and I have attended an extra midnight mass, or another weekend church service, I love the Christ centered Christmas music, I love hearing the message of Christ in different ways.    

Last year on our date night that is what we did, we went to dinner and a Christmas Eve service at another church, these things help me pause and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.  As a Christian bring the light of Jesus with you as you run your errands and attend your festivities.  Be sensitive to call someone who is having a more difficult holiday season and carve out some time to spend with them.    Remember food banks and toys for tots and giving to others.

Are you familiar with Veggie Tales?  Watch Madame Blueberry, it’s not about Christmas but it’s about having a thankful heart, there is a part where she thinks “stuff” can give you a happy heart only to realize a thankful heart is a happy heart.  Use these different kids videos to teach your children about being thankful.  

I pray that you will do something memorable with your family, whether your children are small or grown, it’s never too late to start a family tradition.  To remind each other that “stuff” is not the most important part but time together surrounded with faith in HIM, and HIS love for each other is the most important.  Build the anticipation of Christmas by discussing the Christmas story, how what we call wise men searched for the Christ child, and brought gifts to Him.   

If you do not know the Nativity story, use Google, and Youtube look up on Luke chapter 2 and read from scripture about Christ birth.  Watch the Nativity Story movie.  

Growing up my family was not active church attendees or members we were not religious but we attended at times a Christmas Eve service or play which I am very grateful for.  You don’t have to be religious to introduce the Nativity story to your children.  Maybe you have not made the choice to attend church regularly yet, there are great churches that provide plays, musicals, and faith centered events for the entire family, introduce your children, and you never know you might enjoy yourself!  

There is a peace and joy like no other that Jesus brings, if you open up your heart and invite Him in, invite Him in your heart, your family, your festivities, the Nativity story inspires me, I pray it will to you!

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