
May 18, 2015

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance of those who have died while serving in the armed forces for the United States of America.  The holiday is observed every year on the last Monday in May.  For many families it is often celebrated as the start of Summer vacation.  I can remember growing up, it was the first big barbeque my family hosted or our first summer visit to the lake.  I am grateful we live in America where so many have given their lives to serve for our freedom.  I am grateful for the three day weekend and time we get to spend together as a family and with friends.  I encourage you to remember why we have the day off and remind your children the importance of the holiday.  The importance of thanking God for the USA and those who have given their life so we have the privileges’ that we do have in our country.

I have found in times past where I too am excited about the Memorial Day sales that retailers are promoting, excited about the start of summer vacation, enjoying the smell of the barbeque and fun Pinterest inspired red, white and blue treats.  I don’t want to forget nor let my children forget that someone’s dad, mom, sister, brother, son, and daughter has given their life in the line of duty protecting our nation.  While we are home safe barbequing and enjoying the Memorial Day festivities there are many who are abroad away from their families, keeping our county safe.  

Many people visit cemeteries and memorials and you’ll often see cemeteries decorated with American flags, it is quite the site to see.  It’s beautiful, breathtaking and sobering all at the same time.  I encourage you if you have never visited a cemetery decorated for Memorial Day, it is a trip you should make with your children.  It will put the holiday into perspective, it will bring to life, the lives lost for our country.  

We attend our local community Annual Memorial Day Parade each year.  It is a fun tradition for our family.  We arrive early to find a spot on the street to view the parade, we partake in an early morning pancake breakfast.  At different times, we have participated in the parade, my husband has volunteered to set up sound equipment for the master of ceremonies, my oldest son has marched in the parade.  I hope my children will have fond memories of these times we share.  I pray they will grow to honor those who have served and have a love for our country and those in the armed forces.  

I encourage you to take a moment as a family and reflect on all the blessings in your life, thank God for our country and pray for those are currently serving in our armed forces as well as pray for those who have lost loved ones.  

If your community has a parade or festival, make an effort to attend at least once if you have never attended.  You’ll often find the local VFW hosts parades, festivals, and ceremonies to honor those who have laid down their life.  It is a great place to meet people with stories of their service to our country, which is great way to inform your family of the great price some have paid for us all.

So as you fire up your grill, swim and enjoy your families pause and reflect on the true meaning of the holiday.  Squeeze your children a little tighter and take in their faces, you never know if your son or daughter will one day join the armed forces.  If you have family who have served or family who has lost someone in their service, call them and thank them for their service to our country.  

Thank you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends.

2012 Memorial Day Parade
2014 Memorial Day Parade

2014 Ready to watch the Parade
Diego last year marched in the parade-2014

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