
March 29, 2017

Easter Peep Fruit Kabobs

It is almost Easter!  I love everything about Easter, I love celebrating Jesus and His Resurrection.  I enjoy the special Easter service at our church.  I love that its spring the weather is nice and summer is near, we get to enjoy playing outside.  I love all the bright colors that spring and Easter decorations bring.  For me it’s almost like another “New Year” with spring cleaning, organizing and preparing for when the kids are home for spring break.  I feel like we get to push the reset button again like the New Year.    

My kids are very blessed, our church always does an amazing Easter Egg Hunt for them, last year they had an interactive experience where they took a passport to each room/station telling the Easter Story.  We have a family get-together with all the cousins for an Easter Egg Hunt, and I usually do an Easter Egg Hunt for them at home as well and their school has an Easter Celebration before they are off for Spring Break, so for us Easter lasts for a couple of weeks which I love. 

Last year I made these adorable Easter Peep Kabobs for my sons to take to school.  In volunteering in my son’s classes I know there is always a large amount of cookies, cupcakes and candy, so sending in fruit is always a nice healthy alternative to balance out all those yummy treats.  I found this idea on Pinterest, a mom’s best friend.  There are ton of cute Easter Treat Ideas on Pinterest to help you prepare for those class parties, and family Easter celebrations.  If you haven’t purchased one of those silicone Easter egg molds, definitely do, I have used those for jello eggs, last year I also made brownie eggs in the mold and drizzled them with chocolate, yum!

Back to the Easter Peep Fruit Kabobs if your kids are like mine they love to eat food off a stick.  I love that these are easy to make also very cute and easy to handle. 
What you need:
Fresh Fruit of your choice (I used grapes, pineapple, strawberries, cantaloupe and watermelon).

Chop your fruit and prepare to assemble on the skewer and top with a peep.  I found using a grape next to the peep was best, so you don’t have “wet” fruit next to the marshmallow peep. 

Check out last years post on Easter and one of my favorite tools in sharing the Easter Story with my children "Resurrection Eggs" link: Celebrating Easter.

If you love Peeps as much as I do, check out Love Vividly's recipe for Marshmallow Peeps Milkshakes, they sound delicious and are super cute!

Thank you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends. 

Below are pictures of the jello eggs and brownie eggs I made last year.
Jello Eggs
Brownie Eggs

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