
July 31, 2017

Studio 40 Live | Back to School Tips

Today I was on Studio 40 Live Sharing Back to School Tips!  You can view the segment here:

It's that time of year again, Back to School!  I have a 5th, 3rd and 1st grader, here are some tips that have been helpful for our family to gear up for Back to School.

Start bedtime and wake up routine 2 weeks before school starts.  It is important to practice your school bedtime and wake up routine before the first day of school, not only for the kids to get back in the habit but also for you the parent getting them ready.  This will make the transition back to school smoother for everyone. 

Clean out and prepare your pantry for lunch and snack packing.  Prepare for packing lunches and snacks by stocking your cupboards and make sure you have the necessary supplies, Ziploc bags, or reusable containers.  If you have a kindergartner, practice with them opening their lunch containers and back packs, especially if they have never taken lunch before. Start searching for lunch box ideas, I find it helpful to make a list and keep it on the refrigerator of lunch food items and then I have a rotating variety to go through.  
Get in the mindset of school.  Spend some time writing and reading, practicing those math facts. Even spending some quiet time at the table coloring helps the kids get back in school mode.  

Have a spot where you set out school clothes the night before.  Having a specific spot, helps both you and the kids stay organized and prepared.  Also have a designated area where backpacks will go, so they don’t have to search in the morning for their backpack. 
Prepare a homework station.  If you have all the tools in a central location it makes homework easier so you do not have to search for a pencil, glue, scissors or any other items.  You can find colorful containers at the dollar store and many times right in the back to school section of your local retailer.  
Get a head start on back to school shopping, don’t wait until the last minute.  Shop as soon as you see those back to school sales hit the stores.  Not only will you get first pick of the supplies, I find this is especially important when it comes to backpacks and lunch boxes. You can also cash in on all the Back to School SALES and avoid the crowds!

Print out or order those “First Day of” Signs for first day pictures.  If you like to take those memorable first day of school pictures, prepare ahead of time, even the day before, make sure you have your camera ready, batteries charged, and if you want a sign that says the grade and date have it printed out ahead of time, or you can order signs on Etsy Shops and many blog sites, Pinterest is a great place to search for ideas. Here are some FREE Printables I made and
Do something fun the weekend before as a family.  With going back to school and getting back to earlier bed times and homework, plan some fun family things the week before or at least the weekend before back to school.  Visit your local swimming pool, go out for pizza, camp out in the backyard or in the front living room.  Enjoy the extra non-structured time you have now with your children.  I know once school starts, the evenings seem shorter and a little more hectic with homework, and after school activities, so enjoy and savor the moments where you have extra time to spend together without feeling rushed by schedules and to do lists.

Save Money!  Back to School shopping can be expensive, shop those weekly sales at stores like Office Depot and Staples where they offer penny deals, and low priced items.  If you go each week and get the deals you can save a lot of money, it all adds up.  Sign up for their store rewards, many times they have special rebate offers, where you can get printer paper and other items for FREE after rebate.
Use coupons!  You can find coupons on-line and in the local newspaper.  Let the coupon websites do the work for you, my favorite coupon sites to help save money on Back to School are and

Download my favorite money saving App IBOTTA.  Right now you can get a $10 sign up bonus by using my link:  You will love this app, you shop buying items listed in the App, take a picture of your receipt sometimes you can scan the QR code on Walmart receipts and hit submit.  You receive money back within 48 hours.  It is easy to use and there are everyday items you can get money back for, like produce, milk, and back to school supplies!
Thank you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends.

Here is the Studio 40 Live Segment:


  1. These are great tips! I especially love getting the outfit the day before, cuts on time for sure.

  2. These are awesome tips Jessica, I think it's so important to start the school bedtime and wake up schedule in plenty of time. And great job on another segment!

  3. This is GOLD. My kids are definitely going to bed later lately, and I probably would've just started them at their earlier time like the day before school. So glad I have this in the back of my mind now. Everything else? amazing. I need to start thinking about lunches for my new kindergartner!

    1. My boys don't enjoy the practice of going to bed earlier, but it really is helpful in getting back to our routine. YAY for a new kindergartner, so exciting!
