
April 17, 2018

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day is quickly approaching, here is a DIY Photo Gift Idea along with some of my favorite Mother's Day gifts throughout the years.  I love pictures, and I must say these Mod Podge Photo Letters were really easy to make and I love the way they turned out.

What you need:
1. Paper Mache Letters (I found at Hobby Lobby for $2 a piece)
2. Paint for your letters. 
(I used black spray paint I had on one set and craft acrylic paint for the other set)
3. Printed photos printed on paper using a color laser printer. Real Photos or photo paper is too thick for this paper mache project.  
(I placed all my images in a Word Doc and then sent to my local Postal and Print Place, for 4 pages it was less than $3)

1. Paint your Paper Mache Letters let dry.
2. Cut out your photos and arrange around the letters.  
3. Place Mod Podge on the back of the photo and lay flat on the letter, pushing out any air bubbles, once you have completely placed all your photos, let dry.  They should be dry by the time you finish your next letter.  
4. Lastly brush on Mod Podge over the photos with a sponge paint brush.  Let dry and do a 2nd coat.

Over the years as a mom, I have received a variety of Mother's Day gifts and given a variety of gifts to the mom's in my life.  I must say for myself I really appreciate homemade gifts and gifts with meaning.  Of course, it's always nice to be pampered, I've received and given gift certificates for a massage or manicure and pedicure.  I have given gift cards so they can purchase something they want or to their favorite restaurant.  I love receiving and giving flowers.  If you are looking for a great deal on roses, go to you can place an order for 50 roses for ONLY $39.99.  This is not a sponsored post, just sharing a great deal. Place your order soon, though it is only while supplies last.  You can pre-schedule your delivery date.
Although a nice new purse and pampering are appreciated, I must say my most treasured Mother's Day gifts are ones made with photos, personalized gifts or hand-painted items my children have made.  Last year we made a special video for our grandmas to go with their gift.  I gave my mother-in-law a blanket with all the grandkids names on it.  Here is where I ordered mine

I love this photo holder gift I had my sister-in-law make for my mom for one Mother's Day that says "Grandkids Make Life  More Grand".  These are keepsakes that in my opinion are way better than any manicure or massage.  You can find similar items on Etsy and also local craft fairs.  An upcoming local Strawberry Festival is a great place to pick up some homemade jam, specialty food products or wood crafts like the one pictured below.  For more info on the Strawberry Festival, you can check that out here 2018 BerryFest Strawberry Festival.
I am so grateful for the school teachers and church teachers who have made different Mother's Day crafts with my kids because again, those handmade gifts are my favorite of all time.  Here are two of my favorites this planter with painted butterfly using my son's footprint which is a great idea for a grandma and this canvas with a picture of my son blowing hearts.

Many times local retailers will host DIY Craft events, we went to one last year and made a similar planter at our local Orchard Supply Hardware.  I've seen similar events at Michael's so keep your eye out for those as well.  Many times they are completely free, other times there is a small fee for the craft supplies.  

One Mother's Day my sister and mom made a shadow box for me with my son's christening outfit and pictures of all four boys in that same baby dedication outfit.  I love it!

One year for my Mother's Day gift, my husband and boys planted a garden for me in our backyard.  I had been talking about planting a garden for a while and just never made it happen, then they surprised me with a garden.  That is a great tip, listen to what they have been talking about it can be something they need or something they need to be done for them.
One year for Mother's Day I hosted a Mother's Day brunch at our home and invited my mom and mother-in-law and all our family, my sisters-in-law's who are mom's too. It was a fun get together and the moms did not have to cook or clean. A great tip is to plan something like a brunch or dinner on another date than Mother's Day.  That way everyone can still celebrate with their families on that specific day but know you all are getting together either the week before or the week after.

One year all of us women went out to lunch and a movie, that was another memorable mother's day that stands out to me.  My husband took care of the boys and I went out with all the ladies, it was great to have time together and just enjoy the day relaxing and laughing with a movie and lunch together.  We watched Mom's Day Out, it was a great movie with lot's of laughter.
These are just a few ideas that I hope will help you this Mother's Day in your gift giving or feel free to send this link to your husband. I know after making these photo letters for my kid's grandma's I am making a set for myself.  I know I can't expect my husband to hop on Pinterest for a DIY Mother's Day project, although he is always very thoughtful and great at celebrating Mother's Day.  That is another tip for you moms, if there is a craft project you've seen that you love, make one for yourself there is nothing wrong with that.  I know you'll look back in a few years and be grateful you made it.  Especially when they are little, make all the handprint and footprint crafts because they grow so fast.  Capture lot's of video asking your littles questions about their mom and capture their sweet voices and those words they don't pronounce correctly, you'll be so happy you did later.  

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