
July 19, 2018

Celebrate California's National Day of Dance

Have you heard of California's National Day of Dance?  It is the first of its kind to make its way to Sacramento! The primary goal is to inspire Sacramento to embrace dance as a fun and positive way to maintain good health, and to promote the availability of quality performing arts in the community. This event is for dancers AND non-dancers alike!

I heard about this event through a very inspiring lady named Ms. Tee!  Tamaira Sandifer “MS. TEE” has been teaching Sacramento how to learn & grow in dance for many years now. Not only does Ms. Tee teach and serve in art-starved communities she also brings a heavy dose of hope, and love through the arts.

Tamaira Sandifer has been dancing and choreographing since the age of 7 years old. Growing up in an impoverished community in Richmond, California, dance was a primary form of entertainment for her 6 member family as extra-curricular activities were luxuries the single parent family could not afford. There were no dance programs in her area so her dance studio became MTV and her dance masters became Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Paula Abdul, and many others through music videos. She thrived in this tough environment, forcing her to grow in problem solving, creativity and innovation. 

By the time she graduated high school, her passion for the arts created opportunities that compelled her out of the hood and into multiple successful entrepreneurial art-based careers.  Since then, Ms. Tee’s popularity demanded that she establish herself and this mother of three started her dance business, Studio T Urban Dance Academy, and nonprofit 3.0, Inc. Studio T became the arts partner for school districts and after school enrichment programs all over Northern California interfacing with nearly 3,800 students in the course of a school year. Her graduates currently travel the world working with artists like Justin Beiber, JLo, Jabbawokeez, NappyTabs, Brittany Spears, Usher, Selena Gomez, Rihanna, Chris Brown, and many others.

The mission of this dancer, producer, entrepreneur, no-nonsense coach, educator, speaker, author, arts advocate, and urban arts innovator is simple, serve her community, give from her heart, love hard, and DANCE! You can show Ms. Tee and these kids some love and support by attending California's National Day Of Dance.

Date: Saturday, July 28, 2018
Time: 7:00 PM PDT
Tickets: $15 Purchase tickets today on here:

Join the Celebration in 3 ways:
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM - KICK-OFF CEREMONY 

The party starts on the steps of the State Capitol with an opening ceremony. Everyone is welcome to learn a 10 minute dance together! Check back here for more details coming soon!

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM - POP-UP DANCE CLASSES 
Grab a map and visit one of our Pop Up Dance Studios, stationed throughout the Sacramento area! With lessons every 20 minutes and with genres ranging from hip-hop to ballet, you'll be able to take advantage of a wide array of dance learning opportunities

Buy tickets to attend this STAR-STUDDED Dance Concert! This concert will showcase performances from celebrity artists, local performers, studios and performers throughout the state of California! This year it is being hosted at the gorgeous Sacramento Community Theater. TICKETED EVENT. Tickets here:

For more information you can contact Ms. Tee at Studio T Urban Dance Academy here: you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends.

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