
July 31, 2018

Quarry Park Summer Concert Series

We were gifted tickets to the Legends of Motown Summer Concert Series at Quarry Park Adventures this past weekend, we attended with friends and we had a great time.  We enjoyed the music of Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Tina Turner, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and many other Motown greats.

They had a variety of food options, and plenty of tables with umbrellas for shade, we went with a plate of Jr's Texas BBQ for $15.  The food was delicious!  We also enjoyed an ice treat to try and cool down from Snowie, it was a 100-degree day.  The Snowie cart is pretty cool, for $3 you get your snowcone, and then you add your own flavor at a flavor dispenser station, it was fun trying out the different flavors.    

Attending the Summer Concert Series is a lot of fun, great music, food and their beautiful grounds.  The restrooms were clean and air-conditioned.  Although it was hot, it wasn't too bad sitting in the cool grass in the shade. 

They also had a Sizzling Summer Art Fair with fine art, unique crafts, clothes, and so much more.  

The night we attended they celebrated Roy Ruhkala for his 99th birthday, he is a long time Rocklin Resident who worked at the Quarry many years ago.  Roy has been the mayor, a school board member, and he is the founding member of the Rocklin Historical Society. His families quarry business, begun in 1893, and supplied granite to locations all over California, certifying Rocklin as the granite city of the west.  Roy is a very inspirational man and he looks amazing for 99 years old!

They announced at this concert, they plan to open Labor Day weekend, how exciting!!!  Pictures really do not do it justice, where the zip line will be and the ropes, it is pretty amazing.
If you would like to inquire about employment with them visit or email

A little history...
The site of Quarry Park Adventures is Capitol Quarry. First opened in 1864 by J.D. Smith, the quarry supplied the granite that was used in the construction of the California State Capitol building.   The state had started to construct the capital with dark-spotted Folsom granite but changed to the lighter and spot free Rocklin granite because of the cleaner look and because the Central Pacific Railroad offered to ship the Rocklin granite for free. The differences in the two granites are most obvious today in the contrasting blocks in the columns at the capital’s west entrance. From 1907 to 1930 the quarry was operated by Adolph Pernu and the California Granite Company. Finally, it changed hands to the Ruhkala Brothers and Union Granite Company in 1937. It was eventually renamed Big Gun Quarry.  The quarry was operational until 2005 and was the last of Rocklin’s 61 quarries in operation. Roy Ruhkala estimates that one million tons of granite have come out of Capitol Quarry during its operation.
Receive info on the park opening, daily ticket prices and info about special events by joining the Quarry Club at

For more information on Quarry Park Adventures visit them at
Quarry Park Adventures | 4060 Rocklin Rd | Rocklin, CA 95677 Phone 916.750.1772

You can follow them on Social Media to learn about upcoming events.

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