
October 31, 2018

Lucky Supermarket Deals 10/31-11/6

Thanksgiving is only three weeks away!  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite Holidays. I love all the cooking and baking.  I love spending time with family.  I love watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade.  I love sharing with loved ones what we are grateful for.  
I hear a lot of people say the Thanksgiving meal prep is so overwhelming, my number one tip is to start preparing now.  If you do a little bit of prep work ahead of time it makes things easier on you.  Start your menu planning now, watch the local grocery store ad's for deals and sales, and pick up what you can ahead of time, so you don't have to do all the shopping in one day.  Utilize Lucky's ClickCart online ordering service with curbside pick up to help you with your Thanksgiving shopping.  Talk about making it easy, order your groceries online, head to the store, park in the designated parking spot at your local Lucky Supermarket and a personal shopper will bring your groceries out for you!  AMAZING!!!

If cooking is not your thing, you can even order a complete Holiday Meal, either with a fully cooked ham or fully cooked turkey for only $49.99 visit for more details. 
I selected the newest ClickCart location (5000 Mowry Avenue, Freemont, CA) to look at the weekly ad.  You can find their weekly ad by clicking the image below or here: 
Their ads run Wednesday through Tuesday, this week’s ad is for October 31, 2018-November 6, 2018.
My favorite deals this week:
Zacky Farms California Basted Turkey .59 lb.
Zacky Farms Free Range Antibiotic Free Turkey .99 lb.
Zacky Farms Organic Turkey $1.99 lb.
Certified Angus Beef $3.99 lb.
Classico Pasta Sauce 2/$4
General Mills Cereal $2.99 select varieties
Tree Top Apple Juice 2/$4
Fuji, Gala or Granny Smith Apples 5 lb bag $5 
Navel Oranges $1.29 lb.
Kiwi 3/.99
Kettle Brand Chips $1.99 when you buy in multiples of 5 mix and match
LaCroix Sparkling Water $2.79 when you buy in multiples of 5 mix and match
Mother's Cookies $1.99 when you buy in multiples of 5 mix and match
Pepperidge Farm Tray Packs $3.49 when you buy in multiples of 5 mix and match
Freschetta Pizza $3.99 each when you buy in multiples of 5 mix and match
Florida's Natural Orange Juice $4.99 when you buy in multiples of 5 mix and match

FLASH SALE Friday, November 2nd 8 AM to 8 PM
Extra Large Raw Shrimp $5.99 lb.
Pork Spareribs $1.49 lb.
Pork Backribs $2.49 lb.
Angus Beef Loin T-Bone Steak $5.99 lb.
Sunnyside Farms Butter $2.99
More deals see the ad!

3 Day Sale November 3rd through 5th
Atlantic Salmon Whole Fillet $6.77 lb.
Del Monte Pineapple $1.99 each
Kretschmar Virginia Honey or Smoked Ham $4.99 lb.
Market Essentials Water 35 Pack $2.99 each (limit 2)
Be sure and try the ClickCart online ordering service, with curbside pick up this is a huge time and money saver.  You can read more about that here:

For more information or to sign up for Save Smart/Lucky You rewards programs, please visit their banner websites-Save Smart Rewards at and Lucky You Rewards at
This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Lucky Supermarkets. All opinions are my own.

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.

October 30, 2018

Tips for the Season’s Best (Yet Easiest) Tailgate with ProSticks by Expresco

How is October almost over?  This year sure is flying by, with the Fall season also comes tailgating season.  The Fall season is chock-full of sports drama, and whether you’re a sideline fan or someone who prefers the comfort of home to the chilly wind that whips through the stadium, one thing is for sure tailgating is no joke.

This post is in collaboration with ProSticks by Expresco to give you tips for the seasons best yet easiest tailgating.  The best tailgates bring both fans and nonchalant spectators together, but the worst tailgates leave everyone tired before the first kickoff. Avoid these common tailgate pitfalls and you’ll be the hero of the day.
Pitfall No. 1: Ignoring the fact that fueling up before the game actually means… fueling up
There are an estimated 50 million Americans who tailgate every year. That’s a lot of hungry fans who need something that’ll keep them going all day long. Although 30 percent of those tailgaters actually leave before the game starts, keeping your tailgaters full and happy is step one in keeping that “Host with the Most” crown sitting high on your head.

Pro Tip: ProSticks are a great “grab-and-go” option as a high protein snack (they have more than 20 grams)! Meanwhile, the typical “jerky-like snack stick” only has 6.1 grams of protein. Whole-muscle chicken that’s minimally processed, all natural and free from preservatives makes them a game changer. Bonus! They’re ready-to-eat so you can focus on giving those other tailgating favorites some of your attention.

Pitfall No. 2: Letting your guests fend for themselves in the chilly air
As that sun goes down, keep your fellow tailgaters happy, chatty and able to enjoy the game without having to worry about getting chilly. Simply bring along a basket of warm throws or blankets. This simple tip will go a long way!

Pitfall No. 3: Making your food a game of its own
Don’t let your guests struggle through full portions of food. Instead, take your handheld game to the next level, and fans on the move will thank you. In fact, single bite desserts, snacks packaged in easy-to-grab brown bags and skewered Prosticks are all great ways to make the most of the walking and talking that happens at a tailgate.

I hope you'll try ProSticks by Expresco I really love them, we have taken them on camping trips, used them for easy entertaining this summer, they are definitely a great grab and go option.  

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends

Say Yes!

This past Sunday I had the privilege of sharing a message at our church service.  I wanted to share with you all too.  The main point is to say yes to your goals and dreams, say yes to those things that are sometimes out of your comfort zone.  I find in my life, there are things I believe God put in my heart, but sometimes I hesitate, or don't think I can do it.  Sometimes I am asked to do things, that I would have never thought to do like preach a message, do a live TV segment, I have found every time I say yes and trust the bigger picture, I see the growth it brings to my life and also to others.  Although our obedience to the call or purpose God has placed on our lives very much affects us, it is a good reminder that sometimes our act of obedience is about the change it brings to someone else as well.  We can change our world, our company, our family by stepping out and making a difference.  

This can apply to so many things, interviewing for a new job, starting a blog you've been wanting to start, starting a business, taking a college class you've been meaning to take.  It can also be in small things, going to an event that you really don't want to attend, joining the gym, joining a bible study, book club, calling that person giving a word of encouragement, writing a thank you note to someone.  We don't always know the impact we make by saying yes to what I call assignments; things we are purposed to do.

We are in the last part of the year.  I snapped this picture at the beginning of September while I was at an onsite homeschool class my son was at.  I had felt this theme that God was putting on my heart, to step out and say yes, I heard it throughout messages at church, I heard it through things my husband was encouraging me to do. So when I saw this sign while dropping my son off at a class, I took a picture and said: "okay Lord, I hear you".  Have you ever experienced that?  Where you hear or see the same thing over and over, everywhere you go. You hear it in songs on the radio.  At the end of this post, I am also going to share a song that came out this year by Lauren Daigle, called "You Say" I hope you'll take the time to listen because it goes with this theme this message of saying yes! I've been meaning to sit down and write a post just about this song.   
I was listening and kept coming across a goal setting message by Terri Savelle Foy if you need some inspiration you can find great stuff on her website and on YouTube. I kept hearing God say dust off your goals, dreams.  If you see nothing you can expect nothing!
When vision is clear the results will appear.  Give yourself permission to dream!    Imagine yourself living your dream!  So I revisited my vision board, updated pictures, spent some quiet time, seeing myself living my best life.  It has changed the way I go about my everyday life.  It has changed the way I feel about myself, my life and what I do every day.  

We are all called to be a world changer!  Your "world" can consist of many things, as a mom, I am called to be a world changer in my home, impacting and shaping my family, making a difference at the schools my children attend, encouraging the moms in my circle, making a difference on our sports teams.  You can be a world changer at the office you work at, noticing that co-worker that needs help or needs to be appreciated, you can be a world changer at the grocery store, at your local park picking up litter.  Sometimes we think a small task doesn't make a difference or no one notices, but believe me, people are watching you.  You have an audience everywhere you go and no matter how small the task may seem or how big, you make a difference.  
Be the difference maker everywhere you go.  

A scripture I say daily is Psalm 23, in the recent months with this "say yes" theme, I have been emphasizing on one line that says "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures." and "He leadeth me beside the still waters." There are many times when I feel God or the Holy Spirit leading me to do something that I don't want to do,  this verse helps remind me that I give access to God to "make me" "lead me", He doesn't really force or make you do anything it is always your choice, but what I mean by "make me" is God knows what makes me tick, He knows what motivates me, and what to say to get me to step out of my comfort zone and say yes.  This is more of a prayer "Lord make me lie down in green pastures," I trust you know the plan you have for my life, I trust you know what you are doing in me.  Even though I don't want to do this help me.  Sometimes we don't see the purpose I've come to know that God is always working even when I don't see it or don't feel it.  I can look back at jobs I've had, volunteer work I've done, they all have helped me many years down the road, the experience I gained yes was for that moment, but I see now many years past that many things I've said yes to in the past are for this very moment in time.  Think of assignments as steps we need to take to get to the next path.  Think of the things you are being pressed to do as links in a chain, they connect, or building blocks on a foundation, sometimes we do something, take a job, go to an event, and it's like a building block, that in one sense no major thing takes place, but it builds upon something being done on the inside of you for your future. Think of it as part of the blueprint when you build a house there are steps to get that finished product.  
I love this passage of scripture in the Passion Translation.
I hear the Lord saying, “I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life.  I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide.  So don’t make it difficult; don’t be stubborn when I take you where you’ve not been before.  Don’t make me tug you and pull you along.  Just come with me!”  So my conclusion is this:     Many are the sorrows and frustrations of those who don’t come clean with God.  But when you trust in the Lord for forgiveness, his wrap-around love will surround you.  

It reminds me of times when I am stubborn and resist where God is leading me, that I find myself frustrated.  Frustrated with life or frustrated with a situation, but so often if I would just say yes to what God is asking me to do, although it may seem hard the grace comes to accomplish the task and the frustration leaves.  Our pastor has done a visual of this where he takes the hand of someone and leads them walking and as you follow easily, holding the hand, it's easy you follow to the left, you go to the right sometimes missing an obstacle, sometimes walking right into a blessing, but then he shows when you start to pull back or resist going, it's hard, you get tired when if you would just go with the flow it's easier.  Saying yes to the assignments God is bringing your way takes the frustration out.
My encouragement to you is that you allow yourself to be stretched, to do those things that may seem out of your comfort zone.  Stop resisting, all of us resist in different ways, sometimes it is through self-doubt and it's because we don't believe in ourselves.  If you can't believe in yourself believe in the greater one who has created you for a greater purpose.  Sometimes we resist with excuses, we think we are too busy, we can't take that class we've been meaning to take, we can't go to that event because it is too far.  Eliminate the excuses, just say yes!  

Listen to that still small voice. For me it's the voice of God, some people refer to it as their conscience.  Many times it's something you see or hear everywhere you go.  If you are hearing the same thing everywhere you go or seeing something everywhere you go I believe that is God speaking to you, leading you.  LISTEN!

Be open!  Too often we are not open to change, or new ideas.  Embrace it!  Just decide to go with the flow.  

Step out.  Take the chance, interview for the job, go to the event, start your business, take the class, make that phone call, write that letter.  As you take a little step and get started, the next steps will come in line.  Many times the path is not clear when you first start, but as you take each step, clarity comes, you'll begin to see the greater purpose.

The thing that often helps me take the step, is meditating on God's Word.  Going over these scriptures I just mentioned, reminding myself of Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."  Allow God to give you hope and a future.  Dream big, believe in yourself, you are amazing.  

Here is a picture of a birthday card that I cut out and put on my vision board.  I hope it encourages you as much as it has me.  It's things like this, that again reminds me of what God is saying to me.  You're already amazing, say yes to the plan He has for your life.  Say yes to things He is asking you to do, because you are a gift from God, a blessing to this world.  You are a world changer!
There are so many biblical examples of people who said yes, yes to God, yes to the assignment He gave them and they changed the world.  
Abraham – leaving his land, having a child in old age, being willing to love God more than the promise he was promised.  
Noah – building the ark when by the way it had never rained before then.  Can you imagine, being asked to build an ark, with no sign of a flood coming, people laughing at you, people not understanding why you're doing what you are doing. 
Joseph – forgiving his brothers who sold him into slavery.
Moses  going to Pharoah to let the Israelites go
Rahab in hiding the spies.
Joshua – leading to the promise land.
David fighting Goliath the giant.
Samuel – when he thought Eli was calling him when it was God calling him and saying yes Lord, here am I.
Esther – going to the King to save her people, an entire nation.
Daniel – not bowing to worship idols or eat like the rest of them.  Standing out, doing things differently. Standing up for His beliefs.  
Mary – carrying Jesus, a virgin birth, wow. 
The Disciples – leaving all and following Jesus. 
Paul going to the Gentiles and preaching the gospel, to the very people he persecuted.  

I like to think of our pastors who said yes and went to Bible college obeying the call of God on their life for ministry.  Our pastor left his construction company in his 30's when he had five kids to provide for, and started on the path to ministry.  Sometimes we look at people at where they are in life "now" but we forget to look at the journey they took.  The steps they took, the times they said yes to the assignments God put on their heart and stepped out in faith and now look at the lives they have impacted.  I can see the impact they have made in our community by saying yes to different things God has put on their heart, starting a community car wash, having a food closet and budget program, doing community clean-ups, dinners for our local law enforcement.  Praying for and encouraging a teenage girl shopping at their local bookstore, (me), my life is forever changed because they obeyed the call of God on their life.  Because they said yes to leaving all their family in Michigan and moving to California to start a church.  At the end of this post, I am going to share the video we showed at church for Clergy Appreciation month, I am sharing it as a reminder of the journey.  I hope it will inspire you, remind you, it is in doing what you are being asked to do today, that shapes your life for your future assignment.  It may not be a ministry call for your life but let us just say you are called to give to a charitable organization or start one for example. before you can give a million dollars, you have to give the ten dollars, the hundred dollars, it all starts somewhere.  
I can even remember a family I babysat for when I was thirteen, who invested in my life who took me to church and planted the seed of faith in my life.  They took me on family vacations and just lived a life that I admired and looked up to.  They showed me the love of God and the goodness of God just by living their everyday life.  I did not get born again until I was fifteen, two years after meeting them, they were part of the plan planting the seed, shaping my life. 

I can even go back further to my grandmother who dedicated me to the Lord as a toddler when my parents were not serving God or living for God.  I firmly believe God had His hand on my life all the years before my born-again experience because of my grandmother's prayers, because she took me to church as a toddler and had me dedicated to Him.  

You don't always see the impact you are making on someone's life immediately.  You don't always see what your phone call of encouragement did, or how the gift you gave made the difference.  Say yes, it makes a difference in you AND others!!!

I like to use my husbands job as an example too, he has had complete industry changes, each one has impacted who he is today, he has worked in radio, he worked in construction and then he left the pest control industry and went to work for someone, who offered him an opportunity in a completely different field.  It was in working for that company that he gained the experience he needed to work at his current company.  Each company he's worked for has built something in him not only work-related or industry related, but each place of employment also shaped him the person.  He learned, he grew as a person, father, husband at each place.    

Here is also a quote that I have come across in so many places recently it is a great reminder. 
CS Lewis - You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.

I am so grateful God does not give up on us and it is never too late to get started.  Never too late to do something new, it's a new day every day, maybe you have not said yes to things in the past, maybe you haven't stepped out of your comfort zone and followed your dream, the call on your life.  Don't look at the past, you can say yes today, you can take a step today!

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.


October 29, 2018

Disney on Ice 100 Years of Magic Sacramento | November 1-4, 2018

Disney on Ice starts THIS Thursday, November 1st!!!  Get your tickets now!  I am so excited about this show, I love all things Disney but I know this show will be special with Mickey's 90th Celebration.  This show runs Thursday, November 1st through Sunday, November 4th at the Golden 1 Center.  

One-of-a-Kind Skating Spectacular 
Featuring More Than 50 Disney Characters In One Show!
*Arrive Early for Special Mickey’s 90th Celebration Pre-Show*
The celebration of the century comes alive in Disney On Ice celebrates 100 Years of Magic.  This monumental ice skating spectacular is coming to Sacramento playing November 1st – 4th at the Golden 1 Center.

Audiences will be a part of the magic of Disney as Mouse-ter of Ceremonies Mickey Mouse leads a parade of more than 50 beloved characters starring Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and featuring an ensemble of Disney Princesses including Cinderella, Rapunzel, Ariel, Snow White and Tiana. The wintry wonderland of Disney’s Frozen also comes to life with Anna, Elsa, and the hilarious Olaf, as they discover that true love is the greatest magic of all.  Exciting moments from Disney•Pixar’s Finding Nemo, Disney’s Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast will leave the whole family with memories to last a lifetime.

The legacy of Disney is displayed through 14 classic and modern stories in this epic production that features an international team of award-winning figure skaters, high-energy choreography and a breathtaking set.  With over 30 melodious masterpieces such as “Let It Go!,” “You’ve Got A Friend in Me” and “Hakuna Matata,” Disney On Ice celebrates 100 Years of Magic is the ultimate Disney fan experience.

Families are encouraged to arrive early to join the fun as we salute Mickey and Minnie as the original hosts of Disney On Ice during the special Mickey’s 90th Celebration Pre-show at the start of the show.

WHEN: Thursday, November 1 – Sunday, November 4
Thursday, Nov. 1 at 7:00 PM
Friday, Nov. 2 at 7:00 PM
Saturday, Nov. 3 at 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Sunday, Nov. 4 at 12:00 PM & 4:00 PM

WHERE: Golden 1 Center – 500 David J Stern Walk, Sacramento, CA 95814
Tickets start at $20 each!  Discount Opening Night tickets available for only $10 each on select seating (not valid for premium VIP/Front Row Seating)  

Tickets available for purchase online at, charge by phone at 800-745-3000 or in-person at the venue Box Office. *prices subject to change; additional venue/ ticketing fees may apply.

To discover more about Disney On Ice, go to
Stay current on the latest developments through social media:
Twitter: @DisneyOnIce #DisneyOnIce #100YearsofMagic
Instagram: @DisneyOnIce

Disclosure: I am a Feld Family Ambassador, and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows.  Even though I receive these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine.

About Feld Entertainment
Feld Entertainment® is the worldwide leader in producing and presenting live touring family entertainment experiences that uplift the human spirit and bring people together. Properties include Monster Jam®, Monster Energy Supercross, AMSOIL Arenacross, Disney On Ice, Disney Live!, Sesame Street Live! and Marvel Universe LIVE! Across the brand portfolio, Feld Entertainment has entertained millions of families in more than 75 countries and on six continents. Visit for more information.

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.

October 25, 2018

Subaru Kids Obstacle Challenge Brings the Ultimate Family Adventure to Sacramento

You guys!!!!!  If my boys did not have soccer this Saturday, we would totally be at this event.  This looks like so much fun! I am so bummed that I cannot squeeze it in.  I hope you will go and share lots of pictures and videos so I can enjoy the fun through your family.   You'll want to purchase your tickets fast before they sell out! Save 20% off your tickets with this code (MUDDYKIDS20)

Subaru Kids Obstacle Challenge is bringing the ultimate family adventure to Sacramento.  If you are looking for a family-friendly kids event in the Sacramento area-look no further! 

Returning this fall, Subaru Kids Obstacle Challenge will be hosted at Gibson Ranch Park in Elverta, CA on Saturday, October 27, 2018. The day will begin with the Razor Competitive Wave at 8:30 AM, followed by Family Waves, every half hour, from 9 AM to 1 PM. Tickets range in price from $45-59 and can be purchased at
Subaru Kids Obstacle challenge is the ultimate family adventure and the only obstacle course designed for kids ages 5-16, where both kids and parents get to run together! 

Participants can traverse rock walls, army crawl through mud pits, rope swing overwater, scale up rugged cargo nets, dodge floating cannonballs, and more.
Give your kids the chance to release their inner beast and push themselves, all while getting covered in mud together as a family! Prepare to Brave Your Adventure and have some family fun!

Parents are invited, and encouraged, to participate with their kids on course at no additional cost! “We are thrilled to be heading back to Sacramento again this year,” said Brooke Jackson, Managing Director of Kids Obstacle Challenge. “We look forward to encouraging kids and their families to be more active and adventurous, not just at our events but throughout the year.” The Kids Obstacle Challenge event series, which is currently underway, will continue to stress the importance of family bonding and outdoor activity to cities across the nation. With the support of Subaru, who is committed to making outdoor fun as accessible as possible, Kids Obstacle Challenge will host over 20 events in 2018.

For more information on Kids Obstacle Challenge, please visit:
About Kids Obstacle Challenge

Kids Obstacle Challenge is a family-focused event series headquartered in Portland, OR. The company produces Kids Obstacle Challenge events throughout the country, hosting 23 events in 2018. Kids Obstacle Challenge is the largest touring adventure and obstacle course event series for kids in the nation. Each event consists of 13-15 obstacles across a 1.5-2 mile course, incorporating mud pits and water features throughout. The mission of Kids Obstacle Challenge is to inspire and challenge kids, and forge family bonds, through adventure and obstacles. Kids Obstacle Challenge proclaims, “Brave Your Adventure!” to encourage kids to courageously face the obstacles they will encounter on the course and carry that courageousness over to obstacles they will encounter in life. Kids Obstacle Challenge is committed to helping foster a more active, adventurous, and perseverant younger generation. For more information, visit Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. About Subaru of America, Inc. Subaru of America, Inc.(SOA) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Subaru Corporation of Japan. Headquartered at a zero-landfill office in Camden, N.J., the company markets and distributes Subaru vehicles, parts and accessories through a network of more than 630 retailers across the United States. All Subaru products are manufactured in zero-landfill production plants and Subaru of Indiana Automotive, the only U.S. automobile production plant to be designated a backyard wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. SOA is guided by the Subaru Love Promise, which is the company’s vision to show love and respect to everyone and to support its communities and customers nationwide. Over the past 20 years, SOA has donated more than $120 million to causes the Subaru family cares about, and its employees have logged more than 40,000 volunteer hours. As a company, Subaru believes it is important to do its part in making a positive impact in the world because it is the right thing to do. For additional information visit  

Follow along on Social Media:

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, I received complimentary tickets to giveaway in exchange for my time and efforts in reporting my opinion within this blog.  Even though I receive these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine.

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends. 

October 24, 2018

Fox 40 News in the Morning | Sacramento, CA

I will be on Fox 40 News in the Morning today Wednesday, October 24, 2018, sharing trick-or-treating safety tips and showing some gadgets that can help you stay safe this Halloween.  

If you are in the Sacramento area you can watch on channel 40 around 8:45 AM.  You can also watch live on their website at Tune in all week through Halloween day, for "Halloweek" at FOX40 they will be celebrating with Halloween-themed content on the morning show all week long.

Here is the blog post with the safety tips in detail that I will be discussing. 
Below are the products I mention and where you can find them.

The light up Halloween bucket, as well as the LED bracelet and finger laser lights, can be found at Learning Express Toys in Roseville.

I love the LED bracelets, a great way to spot your little one in the dark, they are bright and higher quality than a glow stick bracelet.  The connectors on glow stick bracelets often come off and the kids end up losing their glow sticks, this is not the case with this LED bracelet.  

The light up Halloween bucket is free with a $25 purchase from their Boo-tique section. They have a great selection of items if you would like to "Boo" a neighbor.
This is a great locally owned toy store that has great products as well as hosts family fun events, like character meet and greets.
Learning Express Toys 
Location: 2030 Douglas Blvd., Roseville, CA
Phone: (916) 783-6310
Follow them on Facebook to hear about upcoming events and specials at Learning Express Toys-Roseville.
You can find the light up emoji face masks as well as a lot of other light up costumes and accessories including those popular stick-figure costumes at
The light up masks range in price from $19.95-$44.95.
GlowCity has a variety of light up face masks options including a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle light-up mask, you can find those here:
These light up masks are great for a costume, but also for the adult/chaperone in your group who maybe isn't dressing up.  This is a simple way to participate but also a safety gadget, bringing light to your group.

The LED trick-or-treat bag is one of my favorite safety gadgets! I love multi-purpose items, it has lights to help you stay visible and it is a great bag to carry all your candy in.  The bag is very large and sturdy, I love this product! 
You can find the light up LED trick-or-treat candy bags for $14.95 here.

They also have light up LED Skeleton hand gloves in a variety of colors for $14.95 here.  These are great!!!  Very bright and will also keep your hands warm.  
You can find many GlowCity products on Amazon as well if you would like to contact them directly you can reach them at 1-877-562-4569 or visit them online at:
You can see their products in action on their Facebook page at

You can find reflective tape to add to your trick-or-treat bags or costumes at your local hardware store, I found mine at Home Depot. You can find reflective products like wristbands and ankle bands at your local Walmart or Target usually where exercise equipment is sold and you can find a variety of glow sticks at the Dollar Store including the disposable glow in the dark skeleton gloves. 

Remember to make sure someone in the group has a cell phone and portable charger, you can find the GPS Apps I mention on my Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips blog post along with links to download them.  

Ting Mobile just conducted a Digital Family Lifestyle Survey, which reported that of the 1,565 parents surveyed, 76% got their kid a phone for safety reasons.

Ting Mobile’s recent digital lifestyle survey found that 45% of parents of kids with phones used some kind of location tracking service to monitor their child’s location. It makes sense that parents would want to add an extra safety measure on Halloween.

Andrew Moore-Crispin, a former tech journalist, is the Director of Content at Ting Mobile, a top-rated mobile phone service that loves to save consumers money.  To help ease parents’ concerns he offers the following Tech Safety Tip for Halloween

Turn your child’s phone into a GPS tracker - Google Maps has a cool feature that lets you share locations in real-time. You can see where your trick-or-treaters are and supervise from home. This is an awesome Halloween safety tip for parents of slightly older kids (think early middle school) where kids might be asking to trick-or-treat on their own with a group of friends.

This GPS tracker for Halloween night is easy to set up. You’ll need two Google Accounts (one for you and one for your child), two devices and the Google Maps app installed on both devices. Just follow our step-by-step guide.

I hope these tips and gadgets will help you have a FUN and SAFE Halloween!

If you are looking for local Halloween events, check out this post:   
Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.