
October 15, 2018

Sunshine Blogger Award

I have been blessed with the opportunity to share more about myself by being nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Jesica Saldana at The Wife SAHM LifeI am so grateful for the amazing and encouraging people I have met through blogging. Thank you, Jessica, for the nomination!  I loved the tips you shared on your "Strategies for Success in Your SAHP (Stay at Home Parent) Life and can so relate to your "Take the Trip" post. You can check out Jessica's blog at 

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Jessica Saldana wants to know:
1. What is your favorite way to start the day?
 My favorite way to start the day is with prayer and coffee.  As a busy mom with four littles, I know I need help getting through the day and tackling my to do lists.  I love to pause and thank God for the day, thank Him for my family and blessings and ask for His guidance and wisdom for the day ahead.  I know on the days that I pause and start with an attitude of gratitude, my mornings go smoother, and even if there is a frustrating moment, the kids fighting, or on the way to school realizing someone forgot their lunch box, I respond so much better when I have had some quiet time with God and a cup of coffee helps too.  Just like the comforting feeling while sipping a hot cup of coffee, prayer gives me that same feeling, that aaaahh, "life is good", "breathe", "it's going to be okay", "you've got this".  

2. What is your favorite spot to “just be” in your home?
I have a couple of favorite spots in our home to "just be".  Right now it's our front living room.  It is usually the tidiest spot which makes me happy but also I seem to relax and just be in the front room.  I also love my bedroom in the morning, looking at my Vision Board and enjoying the quiet in the morning before I head downstairs to tackle that never-ending mom to do list. I also have quite a few pictures of my husband and I, in our bedroom, pictures from our wedding, pictures from cruises, or get-a-ways we have taken, I love to relax in my room and enjoy those pictures/memories that bring me joy.     

3. If you had no budget and could afford anything you wanted, what would you purchase first?
If I had no budget and could afford anything I wanted my first purchase would be a NEW Chevrolet Suburban.  I love our Suburban, but it is twelve years old and well loved, we really need a new one, I just haven't bought a new one, because I don't want a car payment. 

4. Who is the one person you are most comfortable being yourself with?
The one person I am most comfortable being myself with is my husband.  We have been married fifteen years and he has seen me at my worst and my best.  I feel there are no expectations from him, he just lets me be me.  He accepts my quirks, and silly moments and he knows I have those moments when I when I need to vent and knows I am not being a complainer, I just need to talk it through sometimes and talk myself into what I already know I need to do or embrace.  

5. What "thing" do you feel a bit compulsively, obsessed about or have noticed you do on a regular basis that has you scratching your head at when you began that behavior?
I am compulsively obsessed about taking pictures.  Pictures of people, events, food, really everything.  I have always loved taking pictures even before cell phones, so I am not exactly sure when I began that behavior but I would say nowadays with cell phones, cameras are so easily accessible, that it has become a habit.  Although pictures are great, I love that pictures help you hold onto a memory or moment in time.  I recently have been trying to put down my camera and just enjoy the moment, I've been trying to know I don't have to take a picture or video of every little thing.  

6. Are you generally on schedule or running behind?
I am generally on schedule.  I am pretty good at planning ahead and preparing for my day the night before.  I will say though, that since having children, I have had more moments than I'd like to admit, of running behind.  I think this is especially true with little kids, it seemed when my kids were really little, it would never fail that the baby would need a diaper change right when we were about to walk out the door, as they are getting older it is easier getting out the door, because they are great helpers.  

7. Do you have a bucket list and if so, what have you accomplished so far?
I do have a bucket list and love bucket lists.  I have a vacation bucket list with my top ten vacation spots, we have accomplished four of the ten and I am currently checking off my Fall Bucket list, we've accomplished about half of those items.  We have visited a pumpkin patch, taken a hayride, decorated for Fall, the boys have picked out their costumes, and we've done some Fall baking.  We still need to carve our pumpkins, visit Apple Hill, eat a candy apple and jump in a pile of leaves. 
8. Who brings the brightest ray of sunshine into your life?
My four boys bring the brightest ray of sunshine in my life.  They shower me with kisses and hugs and keep me laughing.  I did not picture my life to be surrounded by all sons, but I sure am grateful for their never-ending energy and adoration.  I dreamed of being a mom since a very young age and it really is the best thing in the whole entire world. I love the way my kids love me unconditionally and with four boys there is never a dull moment in our life.   

9. Do you prefer windows with open shutters or limited windows/closed blinds in your home?
I prefer windows with open shutters and as many windows as possible.  I love natural light!  Natural light is great for so many reasons, sunny bright days help me feel energized, I appreciate the Vitamin D and with my love of taking pictures, natural light is the best light for photographs.  

10. What is your favorite fast food item?
My favorite fast food item is definitely onion rings, Sonic onion rings are my favorite fast food ones, although onion rings are my favorite they are often not available at fast food restaurants.  Second to onion rings is french fries, I've never met a french fry I didn't like, lol.

11. If you could give a powerful message to generations to come (in less than 6 sentences) what would it be?
Love yourself and love others!  Love is a powerful tool, I've watched love change a person for the better.  One single act of love can change a community and then change the world.  It starts with loving yourself though, you can love others better when you love yourself.  I have found in my life that in recognizing that I am fully loved by a loving God, flaws and all I am able to love myself better as I remember that. When I am loving myself it is easier to be sensitive to the needs of others, compassionately looking at their situation, circumstance, life goal or even their personality traits through eyes of love.      

I'd like these bloggers (My Nominees) to answer the questions below: 
1. Ashley Newell @
2. Janel Berchielli @
10. Mommy Needs Cookies @
11. Marching to the Mom Beat @

My Questions:
1. How long have you been blogging and why did you start your blog?
2. Growing up, what did you think you wanted to do for a living?
3. What is your favorite holiday and why?
4. Describe your ideal date night?
5. If you could travel to anywhere in the world where would you go?
6. What is your favorite TV show right now?  If you don't have a TV show, what's your favorite movie?
7. If you could have a superhero power which would you choose?
8. What is your favorite kitchen gadget, tool or appliance and why?
9. Do you prefer winter or summer?
10. What is the top thing on your kids Christmas Wish List?
11. If you could give your younger self (at age 20) any advice what would it be?

I look forward to learning more about the individuals I have included. I am certain that they will enjoy their nomination as much as I have. I’m so happy that I’ve connected with some truly remarkable bloggers. Be sure to check out the blogs that I’ve mentioned, I am so grateful for this inspiring community of bloggers.

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for nominating me! I love these sorts of posts - it is always so much fun to learn about others! Glad to have found your blog!
