
November 13, 2018

Studio 40 Live | Thanksgiving Segment

Today I was on Studio 40 Live sharing Thanksgiving treats and thankful activities you can do with your family this November.  You can watch the segment here
Thanksgiving is right around the corner here are some tips I hope will help you prepare and enjoy a stress-free holiday.  

Make a to-do list!  Do a little off the list every day leading up to Thanksgiving, check off items as you go.  

Clean out your refrigerator now making room for your Turkey and all your Thanksgiving groceries.  

Prepare as much as possible ahead of time.  I love to prepare all my appetizer dips ahead of time, this saves you time on Thanksgiving day and I feel enhances the flavors.  
Peel and chop your potatoes ahead of time for mashed potatoes, place them in water in the refrigerator.  
I like to make my sweet potato casserole ahead of time and just pop it in the oven on Thanksgiving day to brown the delicious topping.  You can even prepare your pies ahead of time and put them in the freezer, then pull them out to bake after you are done cooking the Turkey and other items.  When everyone is done eating you will have nice warm pie! These mini pies are easy to make ahead, freeze and pop them in a zip lock freezer bag.  

Use your crockpot to keep your mashed potatoes warm and make more room on your stove top for other dishes you need to cook. 

Let others help!  If you having friends and family over, let them bring something to contribute, have them bring their favorite dessert, or bring sides, drinks or rolls.   

Make a cooking timeline, so you know what dish takes longer and what you can wait to put on the stove or in the oven.

Last but not least, enjoy your friends and family, it does not matter if your table is Pinterest perfect, we have so much to be thankful for.  With the thankful activities I shared, I hope to remind myself and our family of how much we have to be grateful for all month long not just on Thanksgiving day, even more so with so many here in California affected by the fires.  It is so sad to see the devastation the Camp Fire and other fires have had on our surrounding communities.   

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by family and friends.  

Here is the link with directions for the Mini Pies I shared
Here is the link for the cheese stuffed pumpkin shaped bread rolls You can prepare these biscuits ahead of time with the kitchen twine and then just put them in the oven before you are ready to serve, you'll have festive, warm rolls with delicious melted cheese in the middle.  
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