
November 12, 2018

Thanksgiving Mini Pies

Every Thanksgiving I want all the pies!  There are so many delicious pies to enjoy Pumpkin Pie, Pecan Pie, Cherry Pie, Apple Crumb Pie, and don't forget pumpkin cheesecake and all the other desserts that come with Thanksgiving.  How are we supposed to enjoy all the delicious foods of Thanksgiving and save room for all these yummy pies?  Bake mini pies!!!

Baking mini pies is a great way to enjoy all the delicious desserts and not overdo it.  They also look cute and are easier to serve.  Your guests can pick one up and enjoy, you don't even need plates and forks for these mini pies. When foods is bite-sized it looks even tastier, I think because we somehow know we can enjoy more.  

These mini pies are the perfect size for little ones as well.  Too often at our home, when we host Thanksgiving or any party, I find the kids plates left with half-eaten food, and we end of up throwing away so much food.  With these mini pies, the kids are sure to gobble up all their pie, leaving nothing to waste.  

If you have a pie crust recipe you love you can use that, I used store bought pie crust and can cherry and apple pie filling.  I will list ingredients below for the mini pumpkin pies.  

What you need:
Pie Crust (I used Pillsbury refrigerated pie crust)
Pie Filling of your choice (apple, cherry, blueberry, pumpkin)
1 egg whisked
Non-Stick Cooking Spray
Muffin Tin

Crumb topping for Apple Pies:
Brown Sugar
1. Preheat the oven to 350 and grease muffin cups with cooking spray.
2. Lay out a single pie crust on a flat surface.  I used a glass for my circular cut-out, you can use a mason jar or biscuit cutter if you have one.  
3. Press each dough circle into the bottom of the muffin tin cup.
4. Fill each cup with pie filling.
5. Use the remaining dough to create a top crust, you can make a lattice, using a pizza cutter to cut thin strips then lace together to form a lattice.  You can use a mini cookie cutter, I used a mini heart on some of my mini cherry pies.  I made a crumb topping for the apple pies.  
6. Brush the tops of each pie with the whisked egg, then bake 30-40 minutes or until the crust is golden.
7. Remove from oven and let cool for 20 minutes then with a knife loosen the edges and gently lift out.  Serve warm or cover and refrigerate.  

For the mini pumpkin pies, I used my mini muffin tin, not the regular sized cupcake tin. These are literally bite-sized.  I combined all the ingredients below, used non-stick cooking spray on my mini muffin tin and then after pressing the pie crust into the mini muffin tin, I used a tablespoon of the pumpkin pie mixture for each mini pie.  

Ingredients for the mini Pumpkin Pies:
1 15 oz. can of Libby's Pumpkin Puree
3/4 cup of sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 egg
4 oz heavy whipping cream (most recipes call for evaporated milk, I used what I had on hand)

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  1. These look so tasty! I think mini pies are so cute for groups!

    1. Perfect for groups and Friendsgiving get together's.

  2. I've made mini pies in mason jars before but these are SO cute!!

  3. I’m with you on pies with Thanksgiving! They just go together! These mini pies look perfect! They are so cute!

  4. This is such a good idea and the pies are so cute!

    1. Easy to serve as well, love finger foods! Perfect size for little ones too!
