
November 19, 2018

Thanksgiving Week Thankful Challenge

With Thanksgiving being this Thursday I wanted to share some resources you can use with your family this week emphasizing gratefulness.  Researchers have found that grateful people tend to be happier, healthier, more optimistic and less stressed. 

At our church this past Sunday, we were issued a Thankful challenge with two assignments.  Assignment number one we are to start each day this week with a text or a phone call telling someone special in our life that we are grateful for them and why.  

This is so important, too often I think we are grateful for the people in our lives, but unfortunately, do not express it.  It is unfortunate that many times it is not until a funeral that people verbally express how that person has touched or changed their life.  I am excited about this task, I know how it has made my day when someone has expressed their gratitude to me.  I know even when my kids take the time to say thank you for a small or simple thing, it makes me smile, it warms my heart.  

I also know that it is so easy to get busy in life and forget to let people know how much they mean to you.  I have heard from others who had someone close in their life commit suicide they often feel so sad that the person did not know how much they were loved and needed.  When I have heard of a celebrity or if you are watching the show "A Million Little Things" it has made me think, does my husband know how much I love him, do I tell him enough.  Do I notice the people around me that are hurting or lonely?  In the show "A Million Little Things", the friends who were close had no idea that John was going to kill himself.  The friends and spouse of Rome had no idea that he also was going to kill himself when he received the call that John had committed suicide. There are hurting people all around us, there are people going through tough times, there are people who have work stress and pressure, do we notice.  Do we let them know we care, we see their hard work and effort?  Think of mom's, working mom's who I don't know how they handle it all, I am a stay at home mom and feel like there is so much I don't have time for or get done, I can't imagine having to work full time outside of the home and take care of my family.  At the same time, think of the stay at home mom's who can feel alone, who can feel unnoticed.  Who their life revolves around taking care of little ones and being a taxi driver and who often don't get five minutes to themselves, who are so busy they forget to eat, or only end up eating off their kids' plates what is leftover.  Think of grandparents you know who are raising their grandchildren, think of adults you know who are caring for their small children and caring for their ailing parents.  My point is we need to notice those around us, recognize everyone has things they are facing, even sometimes good things can be overwhelming, having a new baby, getting that new promotion, with added responsibility, it is not just hardships, but also good things.  It is important to express appreciation for the people in our life.  Even appreciation for things like the delivery person, who delivers our mail and packages, appreciation for our lawn care person, imagine the difference we can make if we not only this week but all year long, sent a text or call to someone telling them we are grateful for them.  Grateful to our kids' pediatrician, grateful to the local business owner who makes the donuts my kids love, grateful to the tire shop owner who recently fixed my tire, grateful for the person who collects the carts from the grocery store parking lot.  There are so many people we can say thank you to.

Assignment number two in this challenge is before you go to bed each night write down three things that you are grateful for.  I have done this at different times in my life and there is something about taking the time to write it down.  Not just think about what you are grateful for but pausing and reflecting.  It makes a big difference in how you feel and your outlook on life.  Which in turn affects the way you feel and the way you treat others.  I find when I have an attitude of gratitude when I am in a grateful mood, I am more patient, I am more compassionate.  

I think these are great things we can do all year long, it is amazing what a difference it makes in your life when you have an attitude of gratitude.  

With the fires here in California it has me thinking and discussing with my children the everyday things we take for granted.  We all have so much to be grateful for, even if you are having a rough season in life, there is always something you can find to be thankful for.  

At church, they gave us these Gratitude printables from Focus on the family.  There are so many great quotes on them, there is a list of the outcomes of Thankfulness and seven tasks to do this week, ways to stay thankful even after the turkey and pie.  
You can download your very own gratitude placemat and 7-days-of gratitude devotional to do with your family here

I hope these tools help you cultivate gratefulness this week and beyond.  I pray you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving. I hope even with the busyness of the season you will slow down and enjoy your loved ones, enjoy the simple moments and take time to pause and express gratefulness.   

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