
June 17, 2019

Higher 2 Hired -June 22, 2019 | Sacramento, CA

Higher 2 Hired will bring in a group of young people and their families and educate them through a four-station process on the science and art behind acquiring work. Each station will, in fact, be a ten-minute training session.
Think of it like this — a speed-dating style, job training rally with DJ’s, prizes in between each station, and an interview at the end.
This is an on the spot job opportunity event so be sure to bring your I.D. and plan to stay the entire time for training, prizes, and to land that job. There are tons of opportunities in different fields for several large corporations (customer service, graphics, the arts, drivers, administrative, food services & more).
Partners include Paratransit, Studio T, Walmart and more.
Visit to register for the day!

Date And Time: Saturday, June 22, 2019, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM PDT

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