
November 20, 2019

Dear Box Tops I am not a Fan of Your New Digital Program

General Mills Box Tops for Education Program went digital this year.  They introduced a new App where you photograph or scan your receipts instead of clipping the Box Tops off the cereal boxes.  While I can appreciate the effort to make the Box Tops system modern and easier, I am super bummed about the new digital program.  I know I am not the only one, I have spoken with many fellow mom friends who feel the same way.  We forget to submit our receipts or they end up lost.  Sometime receipts are super long and difficult to photograph and submit.  

I know my kids school has greatly benefited from the Box Tops program over the years. Our kids school uses the funds raised through the Box Tops for our end of year field day festivities as well as for any needed sports and physical education equipment.  Another downfall to the App is our kids school gives incentives to which class brings in the most Box Tops for the month, well with the App there is no way to track that.  

I figure that it will take some time to get used to the new digital program and perhaps I will get in the habit of immediately submitting my receipts.  Unfortunately I know too often I send my husband to the grocery store, or he'll stop at Costco on his way home from work for me and I will not see that receipt.  I don't know about the men in your life, but my husband carries a very thin wallet, so receipts go immediately in the garbage or get lost in the travel from store, to car to home.  
With four boys we purchase a lot of cereal and other food items that have Box Tops.  It is such a bummer when recently we went to Costco purchased 4 of the large Cinnamon Toast Crunch boxes, which have bonus Box Tops, and the receipt is lost.  I hate that our school missed out on those Box Tops.  I hate that I feel schools in general will suffer and lose out on the benefits of Box Tops, schools already are suffering financially, and now this. 

I'm all for Apps, and going digital, it's the world we live in.  I just wish they had a QR code inside the cereal boxes that we could scan without a receipt.  That way even if I lost or misplaced my receipt, similar to cutting out a box top, on the inside of the box I could scan a QR code.  Also many retailers are going for paperless receipts, emailed or sent via text, how is that going to work?  
From the Box Tops website traditional Box Tops are being phased out, they may continue to be found on many products and you can still clip and send them to school.  Every valid Box Top clip is worth 10 cents.  Eventually the Box Tops program will become digital-only.  Participating brands are starting to change their packaging from a traditional Box Tops clip to the new Box Top label.  If you see this label use the new Box Tops app to scan your receipt.  Box Tops are still worth 10 cents for your school.  The app will find participating products purchased at any store and instantly add cash to your school's earnings online. 
What are your thoughts on the new digital program?  Do you love it? Hate it?  Going to take some time to get used to?  Do you have any ideas on how to make it easier?
I think adding a QR code on the inside of the product itself, eliminates the old way of clipping, and still brings it up to date with modern day apps.  Still doesn't solve the class incentive part but it's a start.  
For a list of participating products click the image below or here.
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