
March 30, 2020

Celebrating the Life of Selena Quintanilla-Perez

March 31st is the day Selena-Quintanilla-Perez left us.  It is so crazy to think that Selena (Mexican-American singer and songwriter) has been gone for twenty five years.  Selena Quintanilla-Perez was so much more than just a singer.  She was an inspiration to so many young girls, she was a fashion designer, she designed all of her outfits, she was a model, actress, and built a long lasting legacy that lasts even today.

First let me mention I purchased this beautiful Selena sweater I am wearing in the photographs below, from my friend Erica's husband.  Erica is a local Sacramento creative over at  You can find this beautiful Selena sweatshirt and more of Erica's husbands gorgeous artwork and apparel at
Growing up, my parents listened to Spanish music all the time.  We loved Selena's music before her life was portrayed on the big screen.  My parents frequently went to Spanish dances on the weekends and I grew up listening to Spanish music as my mom made homemade tortillas early in the morning hours or whenever she was cleaning the house.  

"Selena" the movie came out in 1997, I was sixteen years old.  While I already loved her, I only fell more in love with her after watching Jennifer Lopez do such a fantastic job of portraying her life story.  After watching the movie I learned so much more about Selena and her family.  Selena began singing with her family at the young age of six!  She broke through a huge barrier, as a female artist in a male dominated market.  When it came to Tejano music, the majority of the artists were male.  It is even amazing to me that her sister Suzette was her drummer, a rare find.  
I think I felt endeared to Selena because she had to learn to speak Spanish and I could relate to that.  Both of my parents are Mexican-Americans and speak Spanish, my grandparents on my moms side only spoke Spanish.  I did not grow up speaking Spanish in our home.  My mom had to learn English as a second language, she struggled in school, when she had my siblings and I, she strongly emphasized education and English.  My mom did not want to see us struggle in school as she did, so she only taught us English. 
I was in the fourth or fifth grade when one of my Aunts and her daughters moved near us, my cousins Angelica and Vanessa were raised speaking mostly Spanish.  My mom, Tia Rosa and cousins would all be conversing in Spanish and my mom would have to translate.  Eventually my mom grew tired of always translating and encouraged me to learn on my own, having cousins and family nearby that spoke Spanish definitely helped and I grew to the place where I understood it and could piece together most conversations.  

Later in Jr. High and High School I took Spanish classes and learned to read and write Spanish fluently.  Quite a few of my best friends in High School had Spanish speaking families, the more I was around it the more I picked up.  I still felt uncomfortable speaking Spanish, because I felt my pronunciation was not authentic.  Later in life after getting married, I worked for my father-in-laws roofing company Briggs Roofing & Repair Inc., I had plenty of practice speaking Spanish as many of our roofing employees only spoke Spanish, so I have definitely grown in being more comfortable speaking Spanish.  Although since I do not speak it often enough these days I find I forget it.  My husband has encouraged me to teach our boys Spanish and I regret that I have not worked on that. 
My mom was born and raised in Brownsville, TX, my grandparents are from Matamoros, Mexico.  Selena was also born and raised in Texas.  Selena, memorized songs in Spanish that she heard her father sing to her.  I can relate as I too, memorized Spanish songs, that I had no idea what was being said, but loved the music.  After growing in her singing career and traveling more Selena wanted to learn the language as she was often interviewed in Spanish.  

Selena dropped out of middle school to help at her family owned restaurant.  My mom also left elementary school and worked with her family in agricultural fields and the family gas station.  

My husband recently spotted the People Magazine which pays tribute to Selena at our local supermarket and I am so grateful he picked it up for me.  The magazine is filled with beautiful photographs of Selena as well as a sneak peak at some exciting Selena news. At the time of Selena's death People Magazine sold over 1,000,000 copies of an issue dedicated to Selena on its release day.  
We have family in Texas and when HEB a Texas grocery store chain released limited edition reusable bags we had our family pick up a couple for us.  These reusable bags were so popular they sold out quickly.  My mom, sister and I went to Texas to visit my grandmother last year and we picked up another edition Selena reusable bag only available at HEB supermarkets.  
Selena's life was cut way to short at the young age of twenty-three.  She was murdered by the president of her fan club and the manager of her boutiques.  After confronting the president of her fan club for embezzlement suspicions, they had agreed to meet up to to exchange missing documents, they met at a hotel, upon leaving the hotel room, Selena was shot in the back.  Selena has been such an inspiration to many.  When I think of Selena I am reminded and inspired by how she pursued her dreams, I love how her family worked together, through facing adversity.  Their restaurant was closed, they went bankrupt, yet they continued pursuing their dream of singing and performing, they did not give up. They hit some bumps along the road, they never quit.  Her father is quoted saying "Family unity made Selena who she was, we covered up for each other's weaknesses.  We depended on each other."  Her managers and promoters were concerned about what the press would do when they found out Selena did not fluently speak Spanish and yet she won everyone over with her heart of gold and her beautiful smile. 

The Selena movie opened at #2 of the United States Box Office, according to Box Office Mojo "Selena" the Movie is the 15th highest grossing musical biopic of all time.  Her name and legacy still live on with clothing and cosmetic lines, a huge festival celebrating Selena has taken place in Corpus Christi, TX and grown over the years.  
I heard a TED Talk by America Ferrera where she shared how she struggled with her identity because she did not feel Mexican enough and at the same time did not feel American enough.  This reminds me of the scene in the Selena movie where Abraham her dad is telling Selena she has to be more Mexican than the Mexicans and more American than the American's.  It's a funny part but so true and I know resonates with so many Mexican-Americans.  America Ferrera shares how people looked at her as too fat, too brown, too poor, she viewed her identity as an obstacle she had to overcome.  America felt she had to straighten her curls, she thought she had to lose weight, sound more latina, and more.  She shares how she didn't think it was possible to exist in her dream as she was.  In her Ted Talk America shares how you can be the person who wants to genuinely see change but also be the person whose actions keep things the way they are.  She challenges us each to question our own fundamental values and beliefs and then see to it that our actions lead to our best intentions.  She encourages us to stop resisting and start existing in our full authentic self.  She encourages us that our identity is a superpower not an obstacle, to just be YOU!!! I see this in Selena, she was not afraid that her Spanish was not perfect, she was free to be HERSELF.  Her confidence came through in her singing and performances.  
I strongly encourage you to take the time to listen to America Ferrera share on TED Talk, not only if you are a latina but we can all learn from it.  We all tend to be affected by stereotypes, by descriptions and labels people place on us and labels we place on ourselves, too often we blame others for the labels, but I have found I am the one ultimately responsible for accepting those labels.  

Being my authentic self is something I have worked on this past year. Pushing past insecurities and fears are essential in being your authentic self.  Looking inward at your fundamental beliefs and aligning your actions to support those beliefs is essential in being your authentic self.  I truly believe in a fundamental belief that you reap what you sow. I strive to encourage and support others, I support all people, no matter their race or socioeconomic status. I have a fundamental belief that as you spread kindness, kindness will be shared with you.  I have a fundamental belief that all people are beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator.  We all are a gift and a facet of God and we all benefit and can learn from each other. 

No matter the rejection or obstacles you may have faced I encourage you to shine on like Selena.  Pursue your dreams, shine bright with your smile and be your authentic self spreading kindness, love, joy and hope.  I have purposed to align my actions with what I believe.  Rather than focus on labels, or others actions, what ultimately matters is do I remain me, a light, a gift, kind, compassionate, a sharer.  Yes, I am a Mexican-American, more importantly I am a child of God, fearfully and wonderfully made,  He loves me just the way I am.  I do not have to be Latina enough, less Latina, or prove who I am.  Selena and America Ferrera are the famous people who have inspired me to be free to be me.  There is not enough room to list all the people who have impacted and encouraged me along this journey.  This week I am remembering Selena and her legacy and I hope you will allow her life and legacy to remind you to pursue your dreams, be your authentic self, find what you love and do it well with all your heart.    
I am proud of where I come from, proud of my mom who dropped out of school and struggled reading, how she raised us to love reading and learning. Proud of both my parents who left where they grew up and ventured out to Arizona and then to California, who have worked hard all of their lives to do the best they could.  My mom has always worked even from home while raising us kids, she babysat, she cleaned houses, she and my dad worked night shifts as janitors, while my dad worked during the day in construction.  She has sold burritos and tamales out of the trunk of her car, she has catered company dinners, she is an amazing woman that I am so proud to call mom.  She passed on her love of Spanish music to me and introduced me to the beautiful Selena Quintanilla-Perez.  
Thank you Selena for living an inspiring life, thank you to Selena's family who even with their tragic loss of their beautiful Selena they have continued to share her life and legacy with us all. I've read how the family had to jump right into the filmmaking process, in the middle of mourning their loss, because others were putting things in print and film trying to profit off her death.  If you have not yet watched the "Selena" film, I highly recommend it.  If you are unfamiliar with Selena's music, one of my favorite YouTube videos is of her last concert which was televised, she performed at the Houston Texas Astrodome.  Her last concert was just a little less than a month before her death.  She performed in front of a record setting audience of 66,000 fans, here is the link

Netflix is developing a series about Selena's life that will debut this year in 2020.  Producer Jaime Davila says this Netflix series is a "chance to tell a great American-Latino story.  It's more important than ever to tell this story of what Latinos can achieve and of how you can achieve success by being true to yourself and true to your roots." 

Selena Quintanilla-Perez April 16, 1971-March 31, 1995.
Known as the Queen of Tejano Music.
At the Age of 10 became the lead singer of the family band.
Selena was married to her guitar player Chris Perez for only three years at the time of her death.
Selena played a mariachi singer in the 1995 film "Don Juan DeMarco", starring Johnny Depp, Faye Dunaway, and Marlon Brandon.

Selena Solo Debut (1989)
Ven Conmigo (1990)
Entre a Mi Mundo (1992)
Live (1993)
Amor Prohibido (1994)
Dreaming of You (1995) - Released after her death.  

Had seven Number 1 Hits and fourteen more that landed in the Top Ten.  In 1986 Selena won awards for "Best Female Vocalist of the Year" and "Performer of the Year".  In 1993 she won a Grammy for "Album of the Year".  

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends. 

March 25, 2020

California Real ID Process and Possible Deadline Extension

If you live in California I am sure you have heard you will soon need the NEW California Real ID.  At the airport signs show to continue with Domestic travel in and out of California you will need the NEW California Real ID by October 1, 2020.  

***Update*** This post was scheduled in advance I wrote it over a week ago.  The California Real ID deadline date will likely be changed due to the COVID-19 "Shelter in Place" order in California.  President Trump said in a task force briefing on Monday, March 23, 2020 due to the Coronavirus, the Real ID deadline date will be postponed to give relief to Californians.  I do not have that new date as of yet, I will update this post once I hear of the new date.  

The Federal Government will begin enforcing REAL ID on October 21, 2021 (one year later than previously announced).

With the updated "Shelter in Place" order, I am not suggesting you run out today and visit the DMV, a great idea though is to schedule out an appointment for late April or May.  While you are home, you could gather all the necessary documents and place them in a folder or envelope.  When the Shelter in Place order is lifted you will be ready to head to the DMV and get this taken care of.  
Beginning on the next paragraph is my original blog post on my California Real ID Process prior to the Shelter in Place order.  I share an encouraging story, about my experience so I hope you will continue to read and share this post.  Thank you!

While you can still use a passport to travel, I try and travel minimalist style.  With four boys I try to find ways to pack as light as possible, I know you moms know.  While I have a passport, I would so much rather travel with a small ID card, than carry around my passport, their birth certificates along with all the other things I have to take as a mom. I know if we are going out of the country than I have to take our passports, but if we are traveling to Disneyland I do not want to take my passport.   

I decided to make it easier on me, just to get it done.  What I did not expect was that I would have to re-take my drivers test.  NO YOU PROBABLY will not have to.  I did because my license expires this year on my birthdate and I am in the weird in between spot between where they send the letter saying you just have to renew by mail and the deadline to get the new California Real ID.  

The DMV attendant suggested I just take the test and avoid possibly having to re-pay, and could possibly have to test anyway.  She was so kind and encouraging, she could tell I was not thrilled about taking the test.  She confidently assured me that I would probably pass and if not, than I could study and come back.  You can take the test up to three times.  

I was seriously considering taking a book, studying and then coming back to test.  It was her confidence that reassured me to stay and attempt the test.  I know it may sound silly, but I hate tests, my heart started to race, I started to think, what if I don't pass.  After leaving I thought to myself, my goodness why did I immediately think that I wouldn't pass, why did I think it was going to be too hard?  
Her confidence in me, a complete stranger reminded me to express confidence in others everywhere I go.  She automatically expected me to pass and it came through in her words. What are you expecting? Of yourself and others? I’m talking to myself! Too often we expect a long process, we expect we will fail and have to redo it, we expect it to be difficult. What are you expecting?

I am so grateful she took the time to encourage me, she even offered tips.  She said, "you’ve been driving for years I’m sure you’ll pass. It’s multiple choice, take your time and I’m sure you’ll do just fine."  She gave me a great tip that if I was unsure about a question to skip it, you receive three skips, then you can come back to those at the end of the test, which some of the other questions my jog your memory on those, rather than chance you may get it wrong, you can only miss three questions.  

This is your encouragement to expect great things! Expect favor! Expect blessings! Expect health and wellness! Expect promotion! Expect your dreams coming to pass! Turn up your expectancy!  Don’t be distracted by all the craziness going on around you, your circumstances or situation, look up and expect great things!

While I wanted to encourage you with this post I also wanted to remind you not to wait until the last minute, to apply for your California Real ID.  The DMV offices will be busier as the deadline date approaches, if you have the time stop in and take care of it.  I was in and out of the DMV office in less than an hour and that's with having to re-take the driving test and without an appointment.  
Here was my process:
I visited as a walk in, no appointment scheduled.  You can schedule an appointment online.  Check with your local DMV for their hours of operation before you visit. 

As for the documents you need to bring I brought my passport, my social security card and some mail as proof of residency.  I brought extra mail and I am so glad I did because the lease agreement which is on the list as approved I brought, is the lease agreement I have not mailed in yet to our property management so because it is not yet signed by them, I couldn't use it.  Thankfully I had a medical form that was mailed in my name and a credit card letter that was mailed in my name.  

At the "Start" counter, they verify you brought the proper documents, than send you to a computer to fill out an application. You can pre-fill this application before you go to save time if you need.  It's basic questions along with asking your eye color, hair color, weight, address, and information.  Once you finish the screen gives you a number G-037, you write that on the card with your folder of documents and you wait for your number to be called.  

I visited on a Thursday morning at 9 AM, my number was called at 9:10 AM.  Once my number was called I went to the counter, they make copies of all your documents, you pay the fee $37.86 and then they send you to another counter to have your photo taken.  As for methods of payment they accept (cash, check, debit card credit card and mobile payment).  I would have been finished in twenty minutes.  Since I had to take the additional step of re-testing, after taking my photo I was sent back to the touch screen computers to test. 
Upon passing my test, I was sent to another counter to sign a temporary paper drivers license and notified my new updated drivers license and California Real ID would arrive in the mail in approximately two weeks.  I was finished at 9:40, it was a quick and easy process even with taking the test.  

I went into my local DMV office on Thursday, March 12th.  My California Real ID actually arrived on Saturday, March 21st, that was a really quick turnaround.  I love my picture by the way, finally a photo ID picture I love.  
Steps to apply for California Real ID
Pre-Apply on-line to save time.  

Documents Needed for Proof of Identity
To apply for a REAL ID card, you must present ONE identity document that includes your date of birth and your true full name (frist, middle and last).  
  • Valid, unexpired US Passport or Passport Card
  • Original or Certified copy of US birth certificate (issued by a city, county, or state vital statistics office).  
  • US Certificate of Birth Abroad or Consular Report of Birth Abroad of US Citizen
  • Unexpired foreign passport with valid US Visa and approved I-94 form
  • Certified copy of birth certificate from a US Territory
  • Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of US Citizenship
  • Valid, unexpired Permanent Resident Card
  • Valid, unexpired Employment Authorization Document 
  • Valid Permanent Resident Card
  • Unexpired foreign passport stamped "processed for I-551
  • Documents reflecting TPS benefit eligibility
You must also present ONE original (not a copy) document that shows your name and full Social Security Number (SSN).  Make sure your document is up to date and accurate to avoid delay.  If you need to correct or update information with the Social Security Administration do so several days before you apply for a REAL ID.

Accepted items:
  • Valid Social Security Card
  • W-2 Form
  • Social Security Administration 1099 form
  • Pay stub with full SSN
Two Proofs of Residency
Two different printed documents are required--no electronic files.
To prove that you live in California, you must present TWO documents that contain your California mailing address.  BOTH documents must show the applicant's first and last name and the same mailing address that is listed on the driver license or identification card application.
If your name does not appear on any residency documents, you may present a birth certificate, marriage license, or domestic partner registration certificate to trace your relationship to person whose name DOES appear on the residency documentation.  For example a, minor may use a residency documents showing their parent or legal guardian's name, but they must also present a birth certificate proving their relation to the person listed on the residency documents.  The name of the residency documents must match the name on the tracing document.

Accepted items:
  • Rental or lease agreement with with the signature of the owner/landlord and the tenant/resident.
  • Deed or title to residential real property.
  • Mortgage bill
  • Home utility bill (including cellular phone)
  • School documents issued by a public or private school, college or university that includes the applicant's date of birth.  
  • Medical documents.
  • Employment documents.
  • Insurance documents, including medical, dental, vision, life, home, rental or vehicle.
  • Tax return from IRS or California Franchise Tax Board.
  • Change of address confirmation by the US Postal Service.
  • Property tax bill or statement.
  • Faith-based document that includes the name and address of organization.
  • Records from any state or national bank, state or federal savings association, trust company, loan company, state or federal credit union or any institution or entity that has issued a credit card
  • Voter registration confirmation letter or postcard.
  • Proof of payment of resident tuition at a public institution of higher education in California.
  • An original copy of an approved claim of Homeowners' Property Tax Exemption.
  • Court documents that list the applicant as a resident of California.
  • Letter attesting that the applicant resides in California from a homeless shelter, shelter for abused women, non-profit entity, employer or government agency within the United States.
  • California Certificate of Vehicle or Vessel Titles or registration.
  • A DMV No Fee Identification Card
For more information, to pre-apply, or print out a checklist visit

If you have already obtained your California Real ID, congrats, I'd love to hear how your experience went.  If you have not I hope this is your reminder to get it taken care of sooner than later.  Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.  

March 23, 2020

Indoor Camping Fun | Indoor S'more Recipes & Free Camping Coloring Page

Stuck indoors due to the rain and/or COVID-19?  How about indoor camping fun!  We love camping and we have actually had the tent set up in our front room many times over the years.  Camping indoors is perfect even when it is too cold to camp in the backyard, we love camping on the backyard trampoline and one year one of my boys did a camping themed sleepover birthday party.  
I made this fun camping themed coloring page you can download and have your kids color.  Download the FREE PDF coloring sheet here.  I also thought I would link these easy indoor s'more recipes I've shared on the blog before.  We have made these many times and love them.  We actually just made the mini s'mores this past weekend.  Happy camping indoors!
Even if you do not want to break out the tent, have your children build a fort and make some of these yummy s'more treats!

S'more Brownies
Pin it for later:
Mini S'mores
Pin it for later:
Homemade S'more Ice Cream
Pin it for later:
While this time of shelter in place is difficult on everyone, let's try and focus on the positives, more family time!  Let's try and lighten the mood for our children and make this time fun.  

Breaking out the tent and having a camping adventure at home, is a great way to bring joy to your kiddos and indulge in some chocolate and marshmallows, it's a win, win.  
Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.  

March 17, 2020

Simple Educational Ideas during COVID-19 / Coronavirus Shelter In Place

How are you parents holding up?  My heart goes out to all the single parents and the homes with two working parents who have to figure out childcare and homeschooling.  I have two boys who homeschool and two who are in a small private school that has not yet closed they plan on closing this Friday, so as of today our schedule and routine has not changed.  

With the recent press conferences, and San Francisco and the Bay Area going on a "shelter in place" order, the school two of my boys attend is now making plans to close for the next upcoming two weeks, so they will be schooling at home now like many of you. 

I have been homeschooling my oldest for three years, 5th through 7th grade and I homeschool my preschooler who will be going to kindergarten this coming school year 2020-2021.  We have loved homeschooling and are grateful for the many classes and outside opportunities that we attend, such as guitar lessons, cooking classes, and more, so even as a homeschooler we too are longing for our school days at the park and school days out and about learning in the world we live in.  As I was scrolling through pictures for this post, I even saw many days where we were going about our day and reading in the car, reading and learning on the go.  I came across pictures of us with our books at our local car tire shop.  I know most people think homeschoolers stay home all day and do not go anywhere similar to a "shelter in place" but that is so not the case. 
I have had some friends ask what I do with my children for homeschool and asking for links, and tips.  I wanted to start off and say, I am sure by now you have seen the color coded schedules and all the lesson plan tips.  I am a big routine person and I thrive on structure and schedules.  Although I think schedules and a plan of action is important, I want to encourage you to take it one day at a time.  Do not overwhelm yourself thinking you have to schedule out every school subject.

This is hard on everyone, we all are having to find our footing in this new season we have been thrust into.  It took me an entire year to really feel like I had a homeschool system in place, so take the pressure off yourself, and give yourself grace over these next few weeks.

Do what you can! One day at a time!  Instead of looking at "all" you have to do, or "all" the subjects pick TWO a day to work on.  Math and Reading in my opinion are the two majors we want to keep our kiddos brains actively working on.  Math and reading can look different depending on the age.  It does not have to be book work, or curriculum.  You can do math while baking, you can practice math while cleaning and organizing.  If they are in the elementary age, practicing their multiplication facts is a great way to stay active with math.  If they can read on their own, just have them read, even if it's a book on their favorite sports player, or their Diary of Wimpy Kid Series, or Dogman Series.  If they are younger read their favorite book to them.  Let them create their own Arts and Crafts, just pull out the supplies and let them be creative.  You do not have to go out and buy a ton of supplies, use what you have.  
Give yourself and your kids grace, I know how much this has affected adults and the weight that is on many minds, imagine our kiddos, who sense and feel our stress and concerns on top of their own worlds looking completely different than a week ago.  

Learning, can take place with so many everyday ordinary things, such as cooking, coloring, drawing, building with Legos.  If you have a Word Search book or can print from the internet, crosswords are great, again depending on the age, for 5th graders, look up a crossword or word search of the State Capitals.  
Instead of thinking they have to sit at a desk/table from 8:30-2:30, just aim to do a learning activity for 30 minutes, than take a 10 minute break.  Then hop back into it and have your kids help lead where you go especially if they are older.  What do they get excited about?  Reading, History, Science, spend the majority of study on what interest them, then take the things that may be more difficult like math or writing and do that in thirty minute increments. Tackle a "needs improvement" subject then enjoy a fun thing, you can go back later in the day if you need to spend some more time on something they need work on and then follow it up with a reward, free time, Disney+ time or if weather permits some backyard fun.  Break out the board games, puzzles, build a fort, have Lego building contests, have a dance party (aka P.E.) and enjoy the extra time with your children.   
Have them look up things that interest them on YouTube.  Science and Art, they can search "How to draw animals", "How to draw people".  I am so grateful for the internet because you can pretty much find some free printable or teaching video on just about any school subject.  4-H is a great resource for hands on Stem Lab ideas.  Right now there are even more resources being made available with the situation at hand.  The Kennedy center has organized a daily Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems.  They will be posting videos everyday at 1 PM ET and they will be available online for future viewing.  This is a great way to have art class with an art instructor free of charge right in your home. 

Saint Patrick's Day happens to be today, have them research the history of Saint Patrick and write a paper on him.  Bake green foods, make shamrock shaped foods, have fun with it!  If they love sports, have them research about their favorite sports player, and write on that.  Search for Writing Prompts by grade level and you will find a ton of free printables and resources.  

One of the biggest tips as much as I enjoy a pajama day, have them get up each morning as if they were going to school, have them get dressed and eat breakfast.  I have seen from experience, my son puts more effort and stays more focused when he is up and dressed and in the school mindset.  

Do what works for your family and your sanity.  Look for one daily accomplishment as you start this week and then as you find success you can go from there.  Again, after realizing how much I overscheduled in our first year, now I try and do Math and Reading every day, and than Science two of the days and History two of the days.  So a sample week would look like this, along with sprinkling in P.E.
Monday - Math, Reading, and History after lunch.
Tuesday - Reading, Math and Science after lunch.
Wednesday - Math, Reading and History after lunch.
Thursday - Reading, Math and Science after lunch.
Friday - Math, Reading, Guitar practice, Art, Cooking or extra curricular activities.

And again, if you do ONE thing each day that is quality learning time and quality time spent together, than give yourself a huge pat on the back.  We want quality over quantity.  

I know our first year of homeschool I overscheduled and it did not effectively accomplish my ultimate goal of spending time together, and developing a love of learning.  We want our kids to have a passion to always be learning, to always be researching, that is a life skill that will go with them and benefit them all their life.  We do not want them to dread learning.  So keep it simple and make it fun.  

Kids are resilient, they will bounce right back! While I don't think we should sit in front of the TV all day or be on our electronic devices all day, I also don't think we should expect them to sit at the table all day doing school either.  It's all about balance!  If they need some screen time and you need a break, have them look up free coding games, there are a ton of free learning Apps again depending on what grade your kids are in. They will feel good about having some device time and you can feel good about it since it's something educational, so rather than just letting them play Fortnite have them search up an educational game or App. has a list of 21 Free Educational Apps for Kids.  
If you can wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast together, have them do some reading, depending on their age maybe 20 minutes reading after breakfast.  Then do some Math, flashcards, printables, online resources, or if they have access to their school books.  Do 30 minutes of Math, take a morning recess break, play in the backyard, go for a walk together and then search up some art on YouTube or a at home Science Stem lab, do that and then take a lunch break.  If you feel done with doing school 9-Noon than that is fine, call it a day.  If they feel like they can tackle something else, do some practice typing, after lunch, or a work on a History project, or go back to do some reading after lunch and then call it a day.  

If you have a little one, have them practice writing their name.  Play with play dough, practice counting, singing the ABC's, read their favorite book to them.  Keep it simple and make it fun. You can print out free tracing worksheets on  Remember the rule of thumb is kids can stay focused as many minutes as their age.  So if you have a five year old, do something for 5 minutes and then play hide and seek and then come back to book work or writing for 5 minutes, that is okay.  If they can stay focused longer, grab the moment, look for the quality moments of learning. 
Remember to schedule in breaks for you moms and dads.  Many of you will have to "work" from home while you homeschool your kiddos.  It's okay to have your kiddos find things that they can work independently on.  Even as a stay at home mom, I had to realize this and find my way in this, laundry, and cleaning and blogging, and whatever else needs attention too and that's okay.  I had to lay off my perfectionism and my A type personality control issues, and learn to let my then 5th grader do a 5th grade job on a project without having my complete oversight.  I needed to allow him to take ownership of his education, especially if you have an older child, have a conversation about needing their help.  Needing them to put forth the effort.  

It can be hard transitioning especially if you are used to working in the workplace with adults, and are used to giving directions and then trying to direct your children and multiple children at all different levels.  Have your older kids "play" teacher, and help, buddy your kids up to work together on a subject or project.  

We have curriculum as a homeschooler, but these are on-line resources that we love and have used over the years.  I have a 7th grader and a preschooler, so these are geared for middle schoolers and elementary age.  I will also be using these resources for my 5th and 3rd grader if their school closes.
You can "Google" any subject and grade level and you'll be sure to find something you can use.  Feel free to e-mail me at ( or message me on Social Media if you need help finding something or need some direction or just some encouragement, I am happy to help. 

FREE Simple Educational Resources
Khan Academy (I use this daily for my 7th grader especially for Math and Science) (Free printable worksheets for preschool through 5th grade)
STEM Lab Activities (You can search by topic and grade)
National Geographic for Kids
Free Kids Crossword Puzzles (21 Educational Apps)
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems

Introduce Typing:

Storyline Online is a great resource where Emmy-nominated and award winning actors read to children.  PBSKids is a great resource if you have a little one. 

Depending on how long this lasts, and if you want to order some books from Amazon, the "Who Was Book Series for Kids" is excellent.  They are inexpensive between $4-$7 and easy reads.  
Who was Walt Disney, Who was Harriet Tubman, Who was Amelia Earhart, Who was Albert Einstein, Who was Leonardo da Vinci, Who was Thomas Alva Edison, and there are so many more! 

Need to get them moving and active check out our local Sacramento Studio T, they are giving FREE temporary ALL ACCESS Dance Pass to Studio T's PassToClass to keep you dancing and active! A hip-hop dance inspired P.E. and rainy day recess alternative.  They will be doing LIVE Video events on Wednesdays and Fridays you can find all the times and links to the live social media posts on their website at

I know that we will all get through this season and we will come out stronger on the other side.  Focus on the positives and take one day at a time.  Since we live in California and have never really experienced a "snow day" of school canceled and never experienced a "hurricane" season, I guess this is what the rest of the country experiences from time to time of "shelter in place".  Stay grateful and see this "forced pause" as a good thing.  We all live busy on the go lives and this experience sure does remind me to be grateful for the little things.  Reminds me of how much I miss the simple things of meeting a friend at Starbucks and taking my kiddos to the Chick-Fil-A playground and park. 

Another little reminder although we are encouraged to practice social distancing, don't go through this alone.  Call your family and friends, keep in touch over the phone, facetime, social media.  I am sure you have seen the video of the people in Italy singing together from their balconies, it is a beautiful site of community.  I am joining in a fun community thing I saw on our local community Facebook Group where we are displaying a Shamrock in our window, and the local community kids can either drive through the neighborhood and see how many Shamrocks they can find, or maybe while they are on a short walk with their family they can spot some.  I had my four boys color their own Shamrock and I am looking forward to seeing others throughout our community.  
I hope these links and resources will help you over the next few weeks.  If you have family or friends who are now homeschooling their kiddos, send this link to them.  Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.  

March 16, 2020

Revive Superfoods Smoothie Review

Do you love smoothies?  We sure do!  Especially with the Spring and the warmer weather we have had, smoothies are a great grab and go breakfast, afternoon pick me up or healthier late night snack.  I would rather reach for a healthy smoothie than the ice cream.  

Revive Superfoods will ship ready to blend smoothies right to your doorstep with FREE shipping.  This is especially nice right now with all the COVID-19 concerns going around.  No need to brave the crazy lines at the grocery stores and big box stores.  Revive will deliver right to your door.  Revive shared on their website what they are doing to stay on top of food safety during this time.  You will also find some great tips on How to Give Your Immune System a Boost.  I am grateful that I can enjoy these smoothies right from home and continue to support businesses.  

We were gifted a box to review and I was most excited to find they have some Keto friendly smoothie options.  They are all delicious, the Clean and Green and Coconut Cream are my Keto favorites.  They have 15 smoothie options, as well as Acai Bowls, Oats and more!  The smoothie options are: Liquid Gold, Grass is Greener, Matcha Maker, Strawberry Zen, Blue Cacao, Acai Twist, Hint of Mint, Morning Mocha, Pink Dragon, Hazy Coco, Blue Magic, Rise and Chai, Clean and Green, Coconut Cream, and Pumpkin and Chill.
These perfectly portioned smoothie cups, arrive frozen, ready to blend all you need to do is add liquid.  I chose Almond Milk as my liquid.  You could use orange juice in some or coconut milk depending on the smoothie flavor you are blending.  
How it works:
First Pick Your Cups.  Select any of your favorite premium superfood cups, developed and balanced by their team of nutritionists and food scientists.  You can choose a weekly delivery plan, or a monthly delivery plan.  You can pause or cancel at any time.  

Next Look for Your Delivery.  Your cups will arrive frozen at peak nutrition and pre-portioned ready to store in your freezer. Free shipping!

Last Scoop, Slurp and Enjoy! Nutritious eats made easy! Whether you’re blending a smoothie or heating a meal, simply add your preferred liquid and watch the magic happen. No food or time wasted!

Cups start at $4.99 a cup.  Use DISCOUNT CODE BLOG60 to receive 60% off.  That makes your first cups $2 each!!!!  That is such a steal!  I absolutely love the convenience of these Revive Superfoods smoothies.  
While I love making my own smoothies, too often I end up throwing away ingredients that go bad like spinach.  Recently I had made ahead three smoothies of my own and placed them in my freezer, the glass mason jars, that I have used before cracked, so I had to throw out the smoothies completely.  Believe me I tried to salvage them, and defrost in a bowl, it just was not working, I had to toss them.  It was such a waste of my flax seeds and all my food ingredients.  

I also love the cups with lids these arrive in.  I hate taking a smoothie on the go in my glass jar and than the glass jar ends up left in my car and ends up really gross.  With these cups, you can easily enjoy and toss, they come with a plastic lid that has a place for a straw.  These portions fit perfectly in my Ninja Bullet.  

I hope you will give Revive Superfoods a try especially at this great price using code BLOG60 totally worth it! Visit their website at

You can also find them on Instagram at:

Disclosure: While I receive a discount and we were gifted these for review, in exchange for my time and efforts in reporting my opinion within this blog.  Although I receive these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine. 
I am extremely grateful when you support my social shares with likes and comments and use my Discount referral codes.  Your support enables me to receive these benefits.  I love sharing great products with you.

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.