
February 19, 2021

Phone a Friend!

This post has been in my head since two Christmases ago.  The Christmas Eve message at our church was about reaching out to people, calling people to encourage them, and stay connected, and even though it was years ago, that message has stuck with me.  We were encouraged to make a list of ten people to call. 

My husband and I were on a cruise right after that Christmas and I received a phone call that was so special to me from my friend Chrysti over at I Love Fair Oaks.  I did not have service so she left a voicemail that so blessed and encouraged me.  Her calling and checking in on me, was a reminder of what a blessing and difference a phone call can make.  We did chat and get to catch up once I returned home, and I cannot even express how nice it was.  We tried to hang up a few times and we actually joked we should write a blog post about how to end a phone call. 

We talked about our kids, we talked about how our blogs and social media posts were going. There was no agenda or business so to speak, just good old small talk and it was so refreshing.  Too often, when I make a phone call, it is business or project related, make time for calls that are just for catching up, to simply say I was thinking of you.

While it is easier or more convenient to connect with technology and social media, it isn't always true and meaningful connection.  We live in such a fast paced world many times I intend to check in on a friend and even go to make the call or send the text multiple times and get sidetracked. While I am grateful for low maintenance friends who know we are in the thick of #momlife, they are okay with the likes I send them on social media, it really is nice to connect intentionally.  

Fast forward to a global pandemic and being thrust into the Zoom world, I can see even greater the importance of staying connected with friends, family and acquaintances.  Before our world was dealing with COVID-19 on a larger scale, I was living like so many others such a fast paced, hurried, go from one event to the next that I had lost sight of enjoying the simple pleasure of just talking about absolutely nothing.  I was always racing off to the next thing. 

At first, I will be honest it was kind of nice to be forced to slow down, with a lot of things canceled, it was nice, spending more time at home.  As time went on, though I was again reminded of how special connection with others is.  I miss meeting up with friends for a coffee or lunch, I miss going on double dates with other couples.  I though I would never say how much I miss hanging out at the soccer field for my boys practices and games, but I honestly miss hanging out with the other moms and just talking.  

I share all this to say phone a friend, phone just to say hi, just to say I was thinking of you.  Phone someone and tell them thank you for something they did or said, a year ago, five years ago.  

Just like we have to make exercise a priority, just like we have to schedule date night, schedule time to call people.  Once a week or at least once a month, go through your phone contacts and see who you can call.  You know another nice feature is you can send voice messages through Instagram.  I have received voice messages from my friend Britney @YourCreativeCounterPart and it is just so nice to hear her voice.  A phone call is different than a text message, I appreciate both, but there definitely is something special about hearing someone's voice.  
Photo by: @YourCreativeCounterpart

Call your parents, call your grandparents, call friends you have not spoken to in years.  Communicate with people that you would miss if they were gone, make sure you do not have any regrets.  Life is so short and can change in an instant.  Call a small business owner and just thank them for what they do in your community.  Most businesses receive calls about work or complaints, call just to say thank you for being in our community.  

Now that you have just read this, make that phone call you have been meaning to make.  Thank you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends. 

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