
July 25, 2020

5 Blogging Business Tips

I thought I would share a little blogging update and some blogging business tips that have helped me in my blogging journey.  These tips can really be applied to any business not just blogging!  I started blogging in September 2014, crazy how fast times goes by.  I really had it on my heart to start blogging since 2012 after experiencing a miscarriage, I came across a blog called 10KReasons.  On this blog Sarah shared her journey of healing after losing a baby at 20 weeks.  She decided to blog daily things she was grateful for, her goal to reach 10,000 reasons in one year.  Her blog so ministered to me and helped me through my healing process. 

I was so grateful for her blog, and knew how much it had helped me.  I started to think of all the things I experienced through life, and how my life experiences may help others.  It is pretty amazing how when God places something on your heart, how you see His messages everywhere you go.  One of those messages was the song "Calling All the Messengers" by Lecrae, it was released in 2014 and it seemed every time I drove in the car, it came on, it stirred in my heart to get to blogging.  I wanted to share my faith, I also wanted to share everyday life, practical things I have learned, recipes, things on budgeting and marriage, really all of it, that is why I chose the name BlogAboutItAll.  A friend of mine had started a coupon blog, Diana over at  I went to lunch with her one day and was sharing how I wanted to start a blog and she just simply encouraged me to "just get started".  
As a stay at home mom, blogging gave me a creative outlet to share from my everyday life with a greater reach of people than my circle of family and friends.  I never imagined it would eventually be so much more.  There are times when I face a mental block, and don't necessarily feel the creative juices flowing. It is during these times when I remind myself of the "why" I started blogging and take just a brief moment to remember how much I have grown through blogging, my passion for blogging is easily stirred and creativity follows.  

Blogging has brought friendships that I would have never had without being involved in my local blogging community.  I am so grateful for the circle of blogging and Instagram friends that have been so kind, supportive, inclusive and even opened their homes to not only me, but also my family.  
Blogging has forced me out of my comfort zone. By attending events, networking, being on television, radio and teaching classes I've had experiences that I never would have thought possible.  If you have ever considered blogging, writing a book, starting a business I hope these tips will help you. 

Get Started
Do not wait for everything to be perfect.  
Do not wait for the perfect logo or theme.
Do not wait until you have the money to start.  You can start a free blog!  I believe the moment you take the step and get started you will see provision and things come together to help you reach your dreams and goals.

My first couple of collaborations and sponsored post I was like a fish out of water and had no clue what I had gotten myself into. Saying "yes" to new things is a great way to start. You don't have to be an expert, most of us learn best by doing, so say "yes" to new things that come your way. I never want to cross a moral line or share things and blog about things that I don't believe in, however part of being a sponsored blogger or social media influencer is simply brand awareness and marketing. 

Get Started-don’t wait for everything to be perfect you will grow in your craft, skill.  It is in doing that you gain experience.

Consistency is vital in every area of life. Want to be healthier, you have to stay consistent, there are no shortcuts.  Walk everyday, drink water everyday, we have heard it over and over and yet, people myself included sometimes yearn for the shortcut.

Having a healthy amount of post and post ideas from the beginning will help your attract different audiences as well as expose your initial followers to you and more of your content. 
To help with consistency you need to schedule your posts. Create a content calendar. 
Look for writing prompts. Think of the National Days that are celebrated.  Think of information or life situations you are certain about and share those.  Once you get started, you will find creativity begins to flow.  

Find what will work for you and stick to it.  Require of yourself to blog twice a week for example, schedule social media posts once or three times a day.  The amount will be different for each person, the key part is consistency.  
Social Media is an amazing tool!  Most people have one platform that produces great results for them and they tend to not stay caught up with the other platforms.  I understand and see the value in investing more time in one that brings greater results.  I still will encourage you not to neglect the other platforms.  You can broaden your reach by utilizing all platforms.  I have come across people that are very active on only Instagram for example, for others it may be twitter.  Well if you only post to Facebook, you are not reaching that person who is most active on Instagram.  It has become easier to post across the board to all platforms and I highly recommend that. I know I speaking from a blogger perspective, I still think it is true if you are an electrician, or an author, social media in essence is free advertising, utilize it.   

I will also say in regards to Social Media is I know it is a lot of work if you want it to work for you.  You cannot just think about what you are posting for your page, your business.  You will greater success if you like, comment and share on other's pages.  Not only have I reaped the benefit from a business perspective but again, I have built friendships that I adore that were brought about through social media.  
Collaboration is not only good for your business it also great for personal growth.  Surround yourself with others who are blogging or writing, if you are writing a book for example.  Hang out with people who do what they do well.  Study them, and learn from them. Again you will learn from others and see things from a different vantage point as you collaborate with others.  Don't limit yourself to just your age group or let's say mom groups, be willing to learn from the young and old.  

In connecting and collaborating with other bloggers remember to help promote others, even those in your same field.  As a blogger and small business owner, you know the benefit from others liking, commenting and sharing your posts, remember to do this for others. 

Let's say you are a food blogger, and you meet someone who blogs kid friendly recipes, and you meet a Vegan Food blogger, share their blog posts on your blog and your social media pages.  

Collaborating with someone that is not entirely similar to you and your blog or audience is a great way to get exposure to a new group of people. My blog is not likely to attract Harley Davidson mechanics so that is a bit too much of a stretch to collab with someone in that space. If you are doing a food centric blog and collab with someone doing mostly arts and crafts, it is a great mix for some excellent crossover.

I find true collaboration to be rare but so essential.  It has been one of my biggest goals since starting my blog to be willing to share tips, and contacts with other fellow bloggers.  Always choose collaboration over competition and I promise you will reap the rewards, I have watched it in my own life time and time again.
Give of your craft, talent, and services.
I believe you should know your value and I understand how much work and hours go into blogging, writing, taking pictures, editing graphics and pictures, making YouTube Videos, scheduling social media content.  A lot of work goes into creating and distributing content and I believe in charging appropriately.  I also believe that you should find ways to give back!  You can give of your craft, talent and services to local non-profits, charitable organizations and local businesses.  

You limit yourself if you only look at blogging to "make money".  You will make money, also look how you can make a difference in your community.  Find causes that you are passionate about and use your platform for good.  

Below is a picture of a community event that I not only purchased tables as a sponsor of the event but I have shared their event annually on my blog and social media platform, raising money for the new Dignity Health Neonatal Intensive Care Unit being built here in Sacramento.  This was a great way for me to give back to my community and also invite fellow bloggers and connect with them over a great cause.  
Be willing to give discounted or even free advertising to help those in your community.  Remember what it was like when you first started your blog or business and be willing to help others just starting out.  

I will always remember one lady in particular who I met attending a blogging event, when she introduced herself and I told her I had just started, she gave me her contact information, she also recommended groups I should join, and offered info and resources, I will be forever grateful for her kindness and I always aim to return that kindness to others.  

Aim to always go above and beyond!  When you do have a sponsored content or a contract of services to provide do extra!  If they are only asking you to post on Facebook for example, why not post also on the other platforms especially if you are starting out and growing your business, be willing to work for free, you will attract more business.  From a faith perspective you reap what you sow, even from a business perspective as a business owner, I would rehire the person who goes the extra mile.  You will be remembered and stand out in a sea of bloggers.  

I hope these tips will help you no matter what area of business you work in.  Thank you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends.

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