
November 5, 2020

World Kindness Day 2020

Friday, November 13, 2020 is World Kindness Day! I am a firm believer that we are the light and our purpose is to spread kindness, love, joy and light everywhere we go. I know there are huge issues people are facing, from life threatening health battles, financial struggles, marriage issues, battling anxiety, grief and the list goes on. 

I know our country has been divided on so many issues and I am not walking with my eyes closed or unaware of what is going on around us, or just recommending sprinkling pixie dust and hoping for the best. I have traveled to Africa on a missions trip, where people don't even have shoes and struggle to find safe, clean drinking water. I've had the privilege of traveling to Mexico to distribute toy boxes to kids in need. I understand that there are massive issues all around us.  

One thing I know for sure is, I can only control my actions, change starts with one, so while I may not be able to tackle world peace, or end world hunger, I can be kind, I can bring a smile to someone, I can buy a meal, I can uplift my neighbor, I can lead by example to my children and live a life of love, kindness, and generosity, raising them to do the same, so one day at a time friend, that is what I will do. 

Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?

I love this verse in the Amplified Version: He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), and to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness].

I've been on the receiving end of a Turkey meal because we couldn't afford one, one year, many years ago my kids only Christmas presents were those kindly gifted to us through a local Adopt-A-Family Program, I personally know the impact of someone's kindness and generosity.  

We can all agree that this year 2020 has been a year with great challenges.  A year where we have been separated from human contact, our smiles hidden behind masks, local businesses, people's life dreams put on pause, which is why this year more than ever we need to be intentional about kindness. 

I am inviting you to join me in spreading kindness all month long, in this month of November, I am hosting a giveaway one for my Instagram followers and one for my Facebook followers, not sponsored, not gifted I bought these books on my own. You will be entered to win a Kindness Prize Package which will include, an autographed copy of "Your Hidden Superpower" by Adrienne Bankert, a notebook and a $20 Starbucks gift card.  

How to enter, go to the platform of your choice or both Instagram and/or Facebook look for this picture below, Like, Comment and Share the post.  At the end of the month I will randomly select a winner, 2 Winners one from Instagram and one from Facebook!!! Comment a random act of kindness idea, tell us about an act of kindness that touched you, share with us a random act of kindness you plan on doing. 

Photo by: @YourCreativeCounterpart

While the giveaway is fun, I love giveaways, my hope through this is to spread and propagate random acts of kindness throughout our city and around the world.  I would love for you to comment on the social posts a random act of kindness you do, or will do in hopes to inspire each other to spread kindness all month long.

I would LOVE if you would tag me and post a picture or video sharing a random act of kindness you do, I can then re-share if you tag me. Get your kids involved, use this month of Thanksgiving to focus on how much we have to be thankful for and spreading kindness. 

Here is a FREE printable list of some random act of kindness ideas to help you get started, print it out and keep it on your refrigerator to remind you. 

Click here or the image for a free PDF printable version.

Here is also a FREE printable of some encouraging notes, a free way for you to spread joy.  Send them to school with your kids to hand out, tape them to a product at the grocery store, tape them in restroom stalls, etc.   

Click here or the image for a PDF free printable

This book by Adrienne Bankert "Your Hidden Superpower: The Kindness That Makes You Unbeatable at Work and Connects You with Anyone" is a great inspiring read.  You can spread kindness by purchasing a copy, Adrienne Bankert is from Sacramento, I love supporting our local businesses and local talent.  Adrienne started her television career here on KCRA local news sharing traffic, moving up to anchoring, she has pursued her dream of National TV and is now in New York a Good Morning America correspondent and anchor.

Photo by: @YourCreativeCounterpart

You can shop local at Family Books & Gifts, they carry her book, shopping local and supporting our local businesses is an act of kindness or find it on Amazon and leave a review, that is an act of kindness. 

Your Hidden Superpower will help you:

See simple acts of kindness from a new and empowering perspective;

Learn how to make kindness a habit and experience more peace, inspiration, and impact;

Engage kindness at work and enjoy remarkable opportunities—plus, know how to get from “here” to “there” quickly; and

Activate kindness as a force to reconnect you to your authentic self, replenish your passion and creativity, and find your voice.

Thank you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends.  The beautiful photographs used in this post were taken by my friend Britney @YourCreativeCounterPart.  Go give her a follow and some love on her page, another simple way to spread kindness! 

Photo by: @YourCreativeCounterpart
Photo by: @YourCreativeCounterpart

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