
January 25, 2021

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Photographer

Recently I did a brand update on my blog and website and I am so happy with how it turned out! Updating my website was on my 2020 Goal List and I am so grateful that I was able to accomplish that in 2020.  A huge shoutout and thank you to my friend Britney @YourCreativeCounterPart.  She took the beautiful photos for my updated website.

Working with Britney has convinced me of the importance of hiring a professional photographer.  If you are business owner, have a website, sell product, want to take your social media platform to a greater level, I want to share five reasons why you should hire a professional photographer. 

1.  They think of the BIG Picture!  Working with Britney really inspired me to think about the big picture, business branding, she was so insightful and helpful.  Britney had me research and plan before our photoshoot with branding in mind and future content creation in mind.  We scheduled a photography shoot for a #SmallBizProject she was working on and she was extremely helpful with tips in regards to my outfit for my photography shoot, to ideas for evergreen photos that I can use in the future.  She had me think through props and flat lay ideas, she also brought extra props and background boards.

2.  Professional Investment.  As your business grows, it is essential that you invest back into your business.  That is in taking classes and courses to improve yourself as well as investing in marketing and advertising.  No matter what business you are in, presentation makes a difference.  If you want to stand out and look professional and consider aesthetics, hiring a professional photographer is essential.    

3. Education.  Professional Photographers, do more than just snap photos, they are often educated in so many other areas.  They are educated not only in their photography field, but also educated in who to contact locally for anything you need.  They have worked with real estate people, restaurant owners, small shops and businesses of all types.  In working with Britney and discussing a photography shoot, I shared with her that I have been trying to find someone to update my website it just had not worked out.   Britney referred me to a few people who could help me, one being Mina at Underline Designs. I have been trying to do some on my own and even when I started I used pre-made templates not being html savvy and all.  Which what I had worked, but it was in need of a refresh.  Mina was helpful, had great response time and had a quick turn around on this project.

If you are a content creator I highly recommend you work with others.  Find experts in various fields, photography, public speaking, graphic design, we need each other!  Allow others who have excelled in their gifts and talents to help you learn, grow and achieve your goals. 

4. There is more involved than just having a nice camera.  While a good camera is a great start to improve your photography, there is so much more that goes into taking great photos.  Professional photographers know about all the settings, they know about angles, perspective, framing in a shot right.  They also know how to edit photos to make them even better.  

5.  Experience.  When you hire a professional photographer, they come with experience of working with a ton of people and situations taking photographs.  You may say "I do not like to have my photo taken." or "I don't know how to stand or pose." That is why you need to hire a professional.  I don't know many people who really like their photo being taken, that is why you need a professional, they will help you!  They also know the best locations, where to capture a great background, and so much more.  Because of their photography experience they will think of things that do not even cross your mind.  They also provide a great experience, because of their experience photographing people, they  make you feel comfortable and actually enjoy the time spent together. 

If you are local to the Sacramento area I highly recommend you connect with Britney, she has a heart of gold and is a content creator herself, she knows about blogging, photography, branding and so much more.  I met Britney through blogging/social media and I am so grateful that we have become friends.  She has been one of my biggest cheerleaders and encouragers.  Go give her a follow on Instagram @YourCreativeCounterPart

If you are a small business owner and have been thinking about hiring someone to take photos DO IT!!!!  I know in this day with iPhones which have great cameras it is easy and convenient to take your own photos and if you don't have it in your budget I get it. Save and plan for a photography shoot! Having a professional photographer is so worth it, you will thank yourself after.

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