
February 5, 2021

Feeling Beauty FULL with Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. #Sponsored

I may not be a beauty and fashion expert, but one thing I know for sure is that true beauty exudes from the inside out! Kindness is a big buzzword right now and I firmly believe in kindness. In discussing kindness I think we often forget about being kind to ourselves.  Being kind in my self talk and kind to my body are healthy practices that I am determined to be intentional with this New Year.


Did you know embracing your natural beauty and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can start with 28 @BlueDiamond Almonds a day.  I love Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds! I also love how convenient they are. A simple, mess free snack. 

If you look in my purse you will find Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds, they help curb those snack attack cravings throughout the day and keep me on track with my health and wellness goals.  An added bonus is all the AMAZING health benefits you receive when eating Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds.

I like to portion out my 28 Almonds ahead of time, using small reusable containers I have and I like to eat them throughout the day.  I actually will eat seven almonds at a time. Usually that looks like this, 7 almonds with breakfast or on the drive to dropping my kiddos off to school, 7 around 10 am, when I have the pre-lunch munchies, 7 in the afternoon around 2-3 pm, and then 7 after dinner, when the night time snack cravings try to come on me.

Here are just a few of the health benefits when adding Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds to your daily routine:

Healthy Skin and Nails: Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds are an excellent source of antioxidant Vitamin E. Vitamin E promotes healthy and smooth skin, nails and hair.

Healthy Hair: Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds are a superfood source of biotin. Biotin supports hair health.

Restfulness: Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds are packed with magnesium.  Magnesium promotes restfulness.

28 Almonds have 5g plant protein per serving and are an excellent source of antioxidant Vitamin E and a good source of magnesium.

You can find Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds in-store and online at Walmart, with FREE pick-up!

Value 30oz size:

I am working on loving myself, and ensuring I feel beautiful.  Some practical ways I do that is by checking in on how I am eating.  As a busy mom to four active boys it is easy to be focused on making sure the family is taken care of, that I forget that I need to fuel my body too so I can continue to love on my family well. When I am eating well, I think clearer, I am better able to flow with everything we have going on and when I eat well I feel beautiful. When I feel beautiful I am confident in my skin.  So many parts of our lives can be impacted by just adding 28 Blue Diamond Almonds to our daily routine!

It is important to check in on how I am resting, and while that does mean sleep, it also means, checking in to see if my mind is at rest throughout the day.  Pre-planning and having my Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds portioned out and ready to go for the day helps my mind be at greater rest throughout the day.  Portioning out my Blue Diamond Almonds is now part of my beauty and wellness routine. 

Part of my morning routine is writing out my affirmations, writing and saying them out loud has made such a difference in my day, it is an added bonus when I have my favorite snack to munch on.

Whether or not you added health and wellness to your New Years goals list I hope you will join me in being kind to yourself and adding Blue Diamond Almonds to your daily beauty routine.  It is a simple and easy way to be intentional, about self-care, simply add 28 Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds to your daily routine. Set them out on your night stand next to your bed so you see them first thing in the morning.  Grab them and have them in your purse, in the car, near your desk, have them near the places you spend your time.

Next time you are at Walmart be sure to add these beauty enhancers to your cart! You can also order them on-line, or right on the Walmart App!

#WholeNaturalAlmonds #FeelBeautyFull #BlueDiamond

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