
March 3, 2021

Jonathan Park Audio Adventures

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Jonathan Park Audio Adventures, we may receive a small commission if you make a purchase through our affiliate link, although we receive these benefits the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

With March being National Read Across America Month, we wanted to share an audio adventure series that our boys have enjoyed. If you have children who struggle with reading, or the desire to read, audio books are an excellent resource.  Our boys love listening to audio books on road trips and when they go to sleep at night.  

Audio books are an excellent tool for parents, to help your children wind down at the end of the night and settle in for bed.  If you have an afternoon quiet time, audio books are perfect to help with that.  Our boys also love listening to audio books when they are Lego building or working on a puzzle.  

Even more so during this season when you may have everyone at home with distance learning, and you may be working from home, audio books are a great way for the kiddos to spend some quiet time, still being entertained, and learning while you are working.  

The Original Adventures were produced for kids ages 7-13, but are enjoyed by the entire family.  The New Adventures are produced for kids ages 10-16 and are also enjoyed by the entire family.  

Jonathan Park Audio Adventures are all-original stories created with actors, composers, engineers, and writers, just like a movie! That's why we say, the Jonathan Park Audio Adventures are like "Movies For Your Ears"!

As parents, we know that there is so much audio and visual content at our kids fingertips in this day and age we live in.  We also are big believers in "garbage in, garbage out".  We aim to equip our kids with resources that are faith building, encouraging and wholesome.  In this technological world we live in kids are exposed to so much through entertainment, and media. We love tools such as the Jonathan Park Audio Adventures that help equip kids with the truth of God's Word and provide them with evidence they need to back it up!

The Experience: With over 2,000,000 albums sold, Jonathan Park has been heard by countless families from all over the globe. Episodes range from 20-26 minutes per episode, each Album contains three episodes and each series contains four Albums or 12 episodes. 

Who is Jonathan Park for?  Jonathan Park action-packed audio adventures are for kids ages 7-16 and really the entire family. The stories are full of faith-building and educational evidence for a Creator. If your family enjoys imaginative and immersive stories packed with biblical truth, then Jonathan Park is for you!

We highly recommend you experience Jonathan Park faith-building audio adventures for yourselves. We know that they will ignite your kiddos imaginations and equip them to defend their faith!

You can purchase Audio CD's, or a Digital Download version, as well as experience online unlimited listening of The Jonathan Park Audio Adventure series, to learn more click here:

If you know someone with children who would appreciate this post please pass it on.  Thank you for reading we are grateful for all of your support and sharing with friends. 

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