
June 24, 2021

Things You Should Know Before You Adopt a Cat

Did you know June is National Adopt a Cat Month? We adopted our cat in December of 2019, and I am very happy with the addition to our family. If you are local in the Sacramento area and looking to adopt a cat, we were very pleased with our adoption experience through Itsie Bitsie Rescue I highly recommend them. 

Not only has our family fallen in love with this cat, our kiddos have benefited from the responsibilities of having a pet. It has been good for them to learn to care for and tend to a pet.  I thought I would share some things to know for those of you thinking about adopting a cat. 

Eight things you need to know before you adopt a cat.

Cats have a long life span.  I was at my Chiropractor's office and sharing how we had adopted a cat, when he shared that they had their cat for something like over seventeen years.  I guess I did not even give it much thought as to how long a cat lives, but when I started thinking about it, this cat could easily stick around even after the kids move out, that was surprising.  I am not saying it's a bad thing, but good to know that it is a long time commitment. 

Supplies needed. While a cat is pretty low maintenance in my opinion, you still need supplies.  A litter box, possibly two if you have a two story house.  Cat litter, food, and a scratching post are definite needs.  We bought a small cat bed, that our cat loves. She has a few cat toys, but overall, similar to children, amuses herself with empty boxes, and things around the house. 

Must have to take your pet home. You need a cat carrier, to transport your kitty home. If you do not already have one, you will have to purchase one.  This is a good purchase to have anyway, if you need to take your cat to the Veterinarian or groomers in the future. 

Adoption Fees. There is an adoption fee, (our adoption fee was $95) and you may also have additional fees such as getting your cat chipped. Our cat was already spayed, and had all its vaccinations. 

Have more than one choice.  With our adoption experience, we went to the local Pet Smart and picked out the kitten we wanted, but our name was on a list and they go down the list so someone who is before you could very likely pick the same kitten you wanted.  It is a good idea to have a second choice in mind while you wait for your turn.  We had a couple of choices but luckily were able to adopt our first choice.  

Introduction Phase. We were encouraged to keep her in one room when we brought her home, to introduce her to our family, to the sounds and smells of our house. I was a little concerned that she would be overwhelmed by all the attention from our four boys, but she loved it and adapted well with our family.  

Maintenance.  While cats are pretty low maintenance pets, you still need to set up a feeding schedule, change the litter box 1-2x a day and plan for someone to pet sit when you go on vacation. They do require your attention, at least our cat does.  She wants to be in the middle of the action of our boys, she is quite curious. 

They become part of the family.  Four legged creatures have a way of truly becoming part of the family.  You learn their little personality and they really do become a big part of your life. Our cat had gotten "stuck" high in a tree in our backyard and our boys were super concerned about how to rescue their cat. She found her way down, thank goodness, but it was heart warming to see how concerned they were. The boys miss her when they are away and she misses them, she definitely is part of the family. 

You can see our cat adoption on our YouTube Channel here. You can also read when we announced about the new addition to our family here I wrote a blog post titled "Our Family is Growing."

While there is work involved in adopting a cat, this was a great decision for our family.  I think it is a great way to ease into pet ownership, especially if you have younger children who may not yet be at the age to walk a dog and care for an animal that requires more tending.  

If you are interested in adopting a cat, you can ask your local pet store and/or pet shelters about local pet adoption options.  Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, I would be happy to help.

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