
October 13, 2021

California School Walk Out October 18-Protest Vaccine Mandate

I do not typically talk politics on my platforms, I believe people should make their own choices and do what is right for their family. There is not always a perfect answer when it comes to certain things, there is no perfect party, some issues are not always cut and dry. 

I have refrained from discussing COVID and the COVID Vaccine because I think it should be your personal decision.  I have family members who got the vaccine and still got COVID, I have family members who did not get the vaccine, got COVID then changed their mind about getting the vaccine and went and got it after their experience.  I have family members who got COVID struggled through it and still are sticking with not getting the vaccine. 

Bottom line, I stand for FREEDOM OF CHOICE! That is why I will be keeping my kids home from school this Monday, October 18th, 2021.  If we parents in California do not stand up, get loud and fight for our children's freedom of choice, who will.  I am not anti-vaccine, my kids have all the other required vaccines to attend school.  This particular vaccine in my opinion has not stood the test of time and has affected so many people in different ways, I am not okay with my children being test subjects.  I do not and will not judge you if you want your children to get the vaccine, that is your choice, that is what I am for FREEDOM OF CHOICE!

Please if you live in California are a parent, grandparent or someday want to be a parent PLEASE get involved.  Parents keep your kids home from school this Monday, October 18th and write, call, go to the protest DO SOMETHING! I will have a list of e-mails at the very bottom of this, please e-mail, call, do something! Don't think this won't affect you, your children or grandchildren.  

There is also a protest taking place at the California State Capitol Monday, October 18, 2021 at 10 AM.  The images below are from Facebook Event Pages, click image to go to link.

I do not think our children should be punished and have education taken away from them, because of a vaccine.  Most kids don't even make those decisions, especially the younger ages, they are not deciding for themselves to get the vaccine or not to get the vaccine and yet, the Governor of California is threatening to take school away from them, this is insane.  

I am not here to tell you to get or not get the vaccine, everyone has to make their own decision.  My husband and I at the beginning of this entire thing did not feel it necessary for us to get the vaccine, we felt we were young, healthy, not in the "at risk" age and we don't have any above average immune situations to consider.  We both have never had the flu where we were out for days or weeks.  We have been sick over our lifetime, we have had a sniffle and a cough, but nothing over the counter meds couldn't help with, we have never even had pneumonia or strep. 

Over the last year+, when his previous employer was discussing that the vaccine was going to be required to come back to the office, we strongly considered it and discussed it.  My husband had a job change, but even with a new job, and travel requirements it is strongly encouraged. He has a work related trip scheduled for out of the country which it will be required. We both discussed with each other for our own personal choice, that we would support each other with whatever decision each of us makes. 

Recently my mom and my sister got COVID and had it really bad, they were in bed for weeks, they couldn't stop coughing and at some points couldn't even talk to me on the phone, I could hear them struggling to breathe.  Thank God they recovered, I was strongly encouraging them to go to the hospital after hearing how awful they sounded on the phone, they powered through it at home (their decision).  My brother and my dad were home with them and in close contact, my brother ended up with it, but not as bad as them, and he had symptoms for just days not weeks.  My dad never got it or was asymptomatic, we don't know because he did not test right away, when he did test he was negative.  My mom after symptoms cleared and she felt strong enough to go get tested, because she seriously was so weak, she could not drive for weeks after having COVID.  She tested negative, my sister after symptoms went away still tested positive for two additional tests. 

After my mom went through her experience, she decided to get the vaccine.  My sister has chosen not to.  After seeing how they were in bed for weeks, I recently after much consideration decided to go get the vaccine, not because of the virus, not because of the symptoms, but because in the past I have had bulging disc issues with my back and I can't even sleep in or I have severe pain in my back.  I cannot stay in the same position for long periods of time, I decided that I can't afford to be in a bed sick and it affect my back.  I know I've thrown out my back by sneezing too hard, I can't imagine struggling with a cough as bad as they had it, there is no way my back can handle that. 

I do not go around telling people I am vaccinated, I have only even shared that I am vaccinated with a small handful of people because it should be your own personal decision, have I said that enough.  I went back and forth in even sharing this information here, because people have mad this issue so divisive. You do not have to agree with everyone on this issue, but attacking people for their decision is beyond me. I don't feel it is anyone's business.  Where does it stop, do you go around asking people if they got the flu shot this year, do you ask people if they have any other ailments.  I don't post about the vaccine, I was even offered a sponsored paid opportunity to post about the vaccine and I declined, because I feel everyone should make their own decision.  So here I stand a person who took time to chose the vaccine for myself, but I am not for mandating the vaccine for anyone but especially our children.  I am definitely not for giving the vaccine to my kids until it has stood the test of time.

I don't even want to begin to get into the discussion of the fact that over 90% of people recover, and even with the vaccine, you can still get COVID, people have still died from COVID with the vaccine.  I unfortunately in the recent months personally know people who have suffered a loss of a loved one due to COVID, it is heart breaking. I understand it is a real virus, and it is impacting so many people across the world. 

Our kids have been in school for months now, and there has not been a mass outbreak, and yet they are ready to force and threaten to take away education.  The vaccine which is supposedly to protect you, doesn't, you can still get it, you can still spread it, why people are not demanding better I do not understand.  California Universities saying they care about keeping everyone safe and healthy, yet not doing very much for mental health, suicides, drug addition, alcohol addiction, substance abuse and the list goes on. California where are you helping protect our children from sex trafficking, pornography and the list goes on. 

I am a Christian, I believe in the power of prayer, I also believe in using wisdom, I am not an anti-mask person either, I wear my masks, not 100% of the time, but I wear my mask on an airplane when I travel, I wear it when it is required indoors.  While I stand for freedom of choice, anti-mask wearing people should not be attacking the grocery store clerk, drive-through employee and so on, they are following instructions.  

I also believe in strengthening your immune system in natural ways, living a healthy lifestyle, taking vitamins, using healthy foods to boost your immune system.  I also believe in you seeking the direction of God for your family, what you are supposed to do, He will lead you, HE your creator knows you more than anyone and knows what you need.  

Life is not easy, we are not promised tomorrow, each day is a gift.  I stand for being kind and compassionate with one another. I am for being kind to the employees that do comply and show up to work so we can have the goods and services we do have.  I think we should also be kind and supportive of the ones who protest and walk out.  I stand to love my fellow neighbor, and do unto others as I would want them to do unto me.  No matter where you stand I choose to love.  Each person has their personal reason their why for their choice.  In the words of MDMotivator "Your Vaccination Status WON'T Change How Much I Love You."

SCRIPT TO EMAIL feel free to edit (copy and paste):

Subject Line: California School Walk Out October 18

Dear California Representative,

What are you doing to protect our freedom of choice?

I am against school COVID 19 Vaccine mandates.  Our children should not be punished and unable to attend school because of the decision of their parents to vaccinate or not vaccinate.  

I am keeping my kids home from school on Monday, October 18th, to express that I stand for personal freedom, personal choice when it comes to the COVID 19 Vaccine.  I am against a Vaccine Mandate.  I would think in California of all places that stands for my body, my choice in other areas, how could they not stand for choice in this case. 

I am not anti-vaccine, my children have the current required vaccines to attend school.  I am not for this vaccine as it has not stood the test of time.  If I have to pull my kids from school I will, I will do what I have to do to protect my children from a mandated vaccine. 

Signed a very Concerned Parent,

Your Name

Your Contact Info


(Some are Sacramento County, Placer County, e-mail them all, not just your district)

PLACER COUNTY Superintendent of Schools

Gayle Garbolino-Mojica

SACRAMENTO COUNTY Office of Education Superintendent. 

David W. Gordon-(916) 228-2410


*Update: Adding Senator Dr. Richard Pan after seeing this interview on Fox 40 News 

** Scroll to the bottom I have my e-mail that I sent to Senator Dr. Richard Pan. If you would like to use. Note you have to have use a District 6 address to submit your e-mail, because they feel the right to speak to all Districts, but do not welcome emails from outside their District. Sacramento, CA 95822

Here is a link to a map of District 6 in Sac City

Senator Dr. Richard Pan

State Capitol, Room 5114, Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4006


GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM- only available through website

Write/Call Governor Newsom:

1303 10th Street, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (916) 445-2841

The White House

Senator Feinstein

Sample E-mail this is what I sent to Senator Dr. Richard Pan feel free to use. 

Dear Senator Dr. Richard Pan,

I saw your recent interview with Fox 40 and respectfully disagree.  I am a vaccinated mother who does not feel comfortable yet to issue a vaccine, that has not stood the test of time AND that does not work.  My vaccinated family members still got COVID, people still die of COVID with the vaccine AND you can still SPREAD COVID-19 with the vaccine, that does not say to me this vaccine is necessary for ALL CHILDREN.  

What are you doing to protect our freedom of choice?

I am against school COVID 19 Vaccine mandates.  Our children should not be punished and unable to attend school because of the decision of their parents to vaccinate or not vaccinate.  

I am keeping my kids home from school on Monday, October 18th, to express that I stand for personal freedom, personal choice when it comes to the COVID 19 Vaccine.  I am against a Vaccine Mandate.  I would think in California of all places that stands for my body, my choice in other areas, how could they not stand for choice in this case. 

I am not anti-vaccine, my children have the current required vaccines to attend school.  I am not for this vaccine as it has not stood the test of time.  If I have to pull my kids from school I will, I will do what I have to do to protect my children from a mandated vaccine. 

Signed a very Concerned Parent,

Your Name

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