
October 26, 2021

Operation Christmas Child

Have you heard of Operation Christmas Child? It is a program through Samaritans Purse that provides Christmas gifts for children around the world. From individuals to groups, people pack shoebox gifts each year to bless children and bring hope and joy. Partnering with Operation Christmas Child is a great way to teach your children about giving. 

We have participated with Operation Christmas Child throughout the years, and have loved doing this as a family.  I've done this with my boys since they were little.  This year my oldest two are packing shoeboxes with their youth group at church. Want to see us pack a box, check out our TikTok.

If you are local in the Sacramento area, you can pick up a Samaritans Purse Shoebox at our local Christian Bookstore Family Books and Gifts (6349 Watt Avenue, North Highlands, CA 95660), here is their phone number if you want to confirm they still have them in stock (916) 334-7626. I have also seen them at Hobby Lobby stores.  

National collection week is November 15-22, 2021 this year.  You can find a drop off location near you on their website.  They collect shoeboxes the third week of November every year.

How to pack a shoebox, you can purchase one of their shoe boxes and even track your gift to see where it ends up or you can make your own.

You can make a box for a specific age range and fill your box accordingly.  Ages ranges are 2-4, 5-9, 10-14. Fill your shoe box with gift items!

Some great items to pack your shoe box with are school supplies, glue sticks, crayons, tooth brush, flip flops, socks, playdough, small toys, building blocks, craft items, small stuffed animals, stickers, chalk, jump rope, sunglasses, hair bows, playing cards, puzzles, a personalized letter or Christmas Card. 

You can then donate $9 to follow your box and help with the shipping, processing and distributing process of the shoeboxes.  

Samaritans Purse has been doing Operation Christmas Child for years, another very cool part of their program, they partner with churches and community leaders who help host child friendly outreach events, that help distribute the boxes as well as the Gospel.  Offering these kids something priceless, the love of God to carry them through.  Many years ago, I interviewed a recipient (Zarina) of a shoebox and her words stay with me "The shoe box impacted my life by giving me my first glimpse of hope.  Receiving the shoe box brought awareness that God was orchestrating something for my life." 

Thank you for reading, if you have never packed a shoebox with Samaritans Purse, I hope you will pack your first this year.  I know after seeing how easy it is to give back you will want to continue and make it a Christmas season tradition. 


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♬ Christmas Bells - StudioKolomna

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