
November 12, 2021

California School Sit Out Round 2

Hello fellow Californians, it is time for round two of a California School Sit Out!  This Monday, November 15, 2021, keep your kids home from school as an unexcused absence in protest to the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate.  Attend the peaceful protest at the California State Capitol this Monday, there are a few Facebook Group Event Pages, click here. Governor Newsom has already announced a COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for children to attend school, there has been talk of it beginning in January 2022 and/or the next school year.  Please like and share the image below on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.  

I am not anti-vaccine, in fact, I after much consideration decided to get the Vaccine for myself, I talk about that on this blog post here.  As the parent of MY CHILDREN I am not ready to give my children a vaccine that has not stood the test of time. Secondly, I don't see how it is necessary.  It has been proven over this entire pandemic, that it does not affect kids as much as it has adults. Our children have been attending in person school since very early on. There has not been any mass outbreaks in schools. There have been some kids who tested positive and had to quarantine, all the kids I know who have tested positive for COVID-19 recovered without hospitalization. Our school was fortunate enough to open up when most all other schools were still doing distance learning.  I am so grateful my children only had to do distance learning for two months, they have been attending in person school since September 2020. 

Bottom line, this is a FREEDOM issue, its not political, not a right issue, not a left issue.  EVERYONE should be speaking up, pushing back and holding the line.  I am sure you have experienced or know someone who is being forced to have the COVID-19 Vaccine in order to keep their job.  I am so grateful for the many nurses, pilots, military personnel who have stood for FREEDOM, thank you! 

Please do not sit on the sidelines and wait for someone else to fight for your freedom.  Even if you do not have school aged children, this still impacts you.  What about the business owner whose employees will have to manage their job from home while managing distance learning with their children, this will impact everyone.  What about what this sets in motion for generations to come. 

I am so grateful we were able to attend the last peaceful protest at the State Capitol.  I was so blessed with the amazing turnout.  The speakers did a fantastic job.  This was a teachable moment for our kids to get to experience, and I am so grateful we were able to attend.  There is another rally this Monday, November 15th at 10 AM, at the State Capitol, 1315 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.

Please do not come at me with "this is hurting our schools", well guess what, school boards stand up for us.  Push back with us.  Join arms with us.  I will continue to participate in this as long as necessary.  I understand it costs the schools, school funding.  I even know schools who are not for the mandate, but I also do not see them doing very much to fight for parents rights.  THANK YOU to the very few school districts who have pushed back and said they will not comply, thank you!!!! 

Thank you to In-N-Out for standing for freedom of choice, we loved In-N-Out to begin with and now we love them even more.  Please frequent and support businesses who are standing for freedom.  Too many small businesses and restaurants have had to close, people's lifelong dreams ended, we need to support local businesses, we need to support our local restaurants, we need to support FREEDOM. If you have not read or heard I loved this from In-N-Out “We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government,” Arnie Wensinger, the company’s chief legal and business officer, said in a statement shared with The Washington Post. “It is unreasonable, invasive, and unsafe to force our restaurant Associates to segregate Customers into those who may be served and those who may not, whether based on the documentation they carry, or any other reason.”

Please do not let this issue separate you from your friends and family, I have witnessed the division happen first hand.  I am not against you if you want to vaccinate your children, you are their parent, that is your choice.  I am for freedom of choice. This is not about if you are Democrat or Republican, unfortunately the media and many others are using this to polarize us and bring division. There is NO perfect side to politics, Republicans are not perfect and neither are Democrats.  Unfortunately politics are ruled by power and money and guess what so is the health care system and pharmaceutical system.  

Even if you want your children vaccinated, I would hope you understand the desire for freedom of choice.  Our kids school education should not be a tool to force people to comply.  It has been brought up before about other vaccines, and why is this one different.  Again because the other required school vaccinations were tested over years, over decades before they were made mandatory.  Medical freedom is essential!

After researching for myself and reading about the risk of myocarditis especially in boys, I am not comfortable having my children receive the COVID-19 vaccine, I will not comply.  I should be able to wait until I feel comfortable.  This entire situation has opened my eyes to so many mothers who have fought for medical freedom way before this.  Please forgive me for not helping, please forgive me for not writing and speaking up.  There are a ton of reasons parents have chosen not to vaccinate their children and it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree, bottom line, they are the parent, it is their choice.

I know and understand that COVID-19 is real, it is likely to become something we have to deal with like the yearly flu strain and we all have to learn to live with it.  I refuse to live in fear, life is too short and I am over it.  At the beginning of all of this we stayed home as much as possible. We went to online grocery orders, my husband stopped working at the office and worked from home, our kids did distance learning.  We wore our face masks and did all the things.  Another lie that was told, at the beginning of vaccinations... they sold a promise to get vaccinated and you will be able to go back to life as normal, you won't have to wear a face mask.  LIES, and more lies, even the vaccinated have to still wear face masks.  

After being lied to, I am over it, we were lied to.  Told not to wear face masks, at the beginning told they did not help, by Dr. Anthony Fauci, but later he changed that and said he said that because they didn't want us to buy up all the face masks.  Dr. Anthony Fauci also in his own words said he "nudged" his target range for herd immunity to promote the vaccine.  I am not an expert on COVID-19, but once someone lies to you, please ask yourself what else are they lying about? Why is natural immunity not being discussed, just immediately a vaccine being forced.  Why is testing to see if you have the antibodies not being discussed more.  Why is it so expensive and not covered by insurance, but they will cover the invasive nose swab testing.  Why are the vaccine companies not to be held liable for any adverse effects.  If they believe in it so much, why aren't they willing to back it.  

I could go on even about the double standards we have seen both from our Governor Gavin Newsom and many celebrities, them saying how important it is to wear our face masks, while they do not.  Them telling us to stay home and don't have get togethers with our families while they have plenty of parties and get togethers.  

This is also not even a true vaccine, even while vaccinated you can still get COVID, you can still spread COVID. Even if you are pro vaccine, why are you not demanding better? Are you willing to continue to take more boosters and for how long?  Are you willing to mix and match between Pfizer, Moderna and whatever else and just be an experiment for them?

I completely agree and understand if you are immune compromised you have to be extra cautious and safe.  I understand and agree that the elderly need to take extra precautions. I understand those who are battling cancer and other serious health battles, that are doing everything they know to do to protect themselves, I get that.  I think we ALL need to use wisdom and stay home if you are sick or have even a little bit of symptoms to help stop the spread.  You should do that even with any other sickness that is contagious.  But I am not for punishing our kids and threatening to take away their in person education.  I am not for threatening to take away the careers of those who have been on the front lines of this since the beginning.  I saw an immediate improvement in my sons mental health when they returned to in person school, when sports opened back up, our kids deserve to have an in person education. 

Private school parents, homeschool parents do not sit on the sidelines, this will very likely still affect you.  My children have attended private school, I have also homeschooled before and am prepared to if that is what it comes to.  I also know as a homeschool parent, especially in California if you are going through a charter, it wouldn't surprise me if they will mandate vaccines because of on-site classes, group events, etc.  Please stand up, please write and e-mail, I have a list of people you can contact on this post here.  Please join us and keep your kids home this Monday and send a clear message to Governor Newsom that we parents stand for freedom and will not comply.  Attend the rally at the Capitol if you can, numbers speak volumes.  Please do not think you can just wait until next school year, hold the line now. 

Please e-mail and contact our state representatives, again I started a list on this blog post here. Thank you for your support I appreciate every follow and share on my posts you can find me on social media below:

Instagram @BlogAboutItAll Facebook at BlogAboutItAll and on TikTok @BlogAboutItAll, share, share, share!

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