
January 31, 2022

10 Everyday Tips for a Healthier YOU

I am in no way a health expert, and if you have followed my blog for a while you know, I have lost weight, gained weight, and lost it again and gained it again. One thing I have learned for sure is health is not just a number on a scale, it is also not just a diet, health is a lifestyle.  Healthy living is a journey and no matter where you are on your journey I hope these tips help you and encourage you to be mindful of your health and what you can do to improve it. 

Do not be discouraged when you see other people who have adopted toxic-free living, they live without using plastics, and chemicals.  Some garden and have fresh chicken eggs, they have either grown up that way or have learned over many years to incorporate this "clean" "healthy" way of living.  I encourage you to just start, pick one area you can improve on. If that is eating better, then do that.  If it is buying better cleaning products then do that.  I completely understand how healthy living can seem overwhelming, especially when to be honest, it is so convenient and cheap to live an unhealthy lifestyle. 

One thing the past two years have done for me, is, improve my focus on my overall health.  I have been made more aware that there are so many things that are beyond my control.  But you know what is in my control, "ME". I can work on being healthier, little by little every day.  

I have focused on doing everything I can do to have a stronger immune system, taking vitamins, getting sunlight (vitamin D), eating whole foods.  Even while eating a keto lifestyle it is easy to get caught up still eating processed and packaged keto food if you don't watch it, because of convenience and eating on the run.  It is so essential that we eat whole foods.  

Also, there are so many ways to eat healthier, find what works for you.  If Keto has not worked for you, try something else, Paleo, Vegan, Plant-Based, Gluten-Free, we are all different and different things work for us.  I know many people where Nutrisystem or Weight Watchers worked for them, others eating a Mediterranean diet worked for them.  Find what works for you! No matter the eating plan you choose, one thing is for sure, cut out sugar and processed foods, which is a common thread across all healthy eating plans, we must eliminate sugar and processed foods.  

Here are some simple everyday tips that I have been implementing, these are easy things that everyone can do, for a healthier YOU!

Drink more water! I know you've heard this before, but it really is so necessary.  Once you make a habit of this you will crave water.  One thing that helps me is having my six water bottles on the kitchen counter.  You could also get one of those refillable jugs.  Whatever works for you.  This one thing will also help you move more.  Another benefit to drinking more water is when you drink a lot of water, you have to go to the bathroom a lot, so it forces you to step away from the computer and move throughout the day. I love drinking water and have no problem drinking water.  If it is a struggle for you, try adding lemon or fruit to your water.  Try finding the cutest tumbler, just find what will help inspire you to drink more water. 

Stretch! This is one thing I have always hated, even from high school and before, I hated stretching and trying to touch my toes, but how I wish I would have stretched more all my life.  Now kind of like the water, it is therapeutic, and I need my daily stretch time. This is something so simple but makes a significant impact on our overall health.  Unfortunately, I had to learn this the hard way, by hurting my back to then NEED to stretch daily.  Please take the time to stretch even before going on a walk. You may think that you are "just walking" not going to the gym, it is still necessary to stretch.  Do it periodically throughout the day, at the very least in the morning, and at night before bed.  You'll sleep better and wake up feeling better, with fewer aches and pains.  You can find stretching videos on YouTube, I have a video from going to physical therapy that helped me and I still refer to often.

Move your body! I know it would be fabulous to go to the gym daily and have a workout routine, but don't limit yourself to that if you can't wrap your mind around going to the gym daily.  You do not need a gym membership to move your body.  Just go on a walk, and again start with a walk around the corner and increase as you go.  Many parks nowadays have exercise equipment where you use your own body weight, an excellent workout that is completely FREE.  Here is an older blog post where I share the benefits of walking

Sitting is the new smoking! I have come across so many articles on this topic and I completely agree.  Dr. James Levine, from the Mayo Clinic, was credited with calling sitting the new smoking, but there are also so many other Dr's discussing this topic as well. I have had back issues, bulging disc issues, sciatica issues and I think it is related to sitting.  All of my jobs, except my first job, require a lot of sitting.  My first job as a teenager I worked at a Taco Restaurant and did a ton of walking and standing, but after that, the rest of my jobs involve a computer and a ton of sitting at a desk. It is so important that we move our bodies.  I see a HUGE difference in my back pain when I am walking daily compared to when I get out of my routine.  One note though is it's not just going on a morning walk or your morning workout, sitting for long periods of time affects our body negatively.  A sedentary life is linked to disease and a shortened life span.  I have to set a timer on my phone, to remind me to get up and walk even around my house, because it is so easy to get started on a blog post, or project on the computer that before I know it three hours have gone by and I have been sitting, not good for our bodies. If you have a desk job or are often sedentary, set a timer to remind you to get up and move.

Eat whole foods! I try to eat a Keto lifestyle, but more of a low-carb, if you want to call it, I have not been super strict or a clean eater.  Recently I have realized this is something I need to work on.  I need to eat more whole foods.  I get it, we all love convenient eating, grab and go, heat in the microwave or air fryer, but for long-term health, whole foods are what is needed.  Also just because something is low in carbs, does not necessarily mean it is good for you.  Read the packaging, look at the ingredients, pay attention to what you are eating. Stick to whole foods, fruits, and veggies, get back to the basics. 

Vitamins! Even as we eat and consume whole foods, I find it hard to believe we are able to get in all the needed vitamins and nutrients. Embrace vitamins, make it part of your daily routine.  I do not sell these and none of these are affiliate links, but I love the Liquid Vitamins Daily Complete by Pure Trim.  I have been taking these for over a year now and I immediately saw a difference in my fingernails and hair.  This liquid vitamin has over 243 vitamins, it tastes good and I like it better than swallowing pills, I also read how liquid vitamins can be absorbed better.  I also love to take a daily Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Turmeric, great to decrease inflammation, and I take these Bone Strength Vitamins and Magnesium Vitamins. 

Sleep! Quality sleep is so essential.  When we are not sleeping well enough for our body, it then affects other areas of our body and mental health.   Try and go to bed and wake up at the same time daily.  I know when I keep to my routine and schedule, I sleep better.  I understand things come up and sometimes you have to adjust, be sure though not to go long periods of time, with your sleep schedule constantly changing.  Dark curtains are a big help for my sleep and a quality mattress and pillow are the other two things that I know make a big difference in my sleep patterns. 

Garbage in, garbage out! We have all heard this statement and it is so true for our whole person.  I can totally tell the difference in my body, in my sleep, in mental clarity, so many other areas as well.  When I put garbage in, I feel like garbage and I am not just talking food.  Food is a big one, but also what we listen to, what we watch, what we put our attention on.  It is so easy to get caught up on social media, news, what is going on in our world all around us and a lot of times let's be honest it's garbage, it's depressing, situations and circumstances in our world can seem hopeless.  Listen to encouraging and inspirational podcasts, audiobooks, church services online.  Listen to things that encourage and uplift you.  

Spirt, Soul, and Body! I said it at the beginning but it is so true, health is not just a number on a scale.  Is your mind healthy? Are your relationships healthy? Is your soul healthy? Just like we feed our body, we also have to feed our Spirit and Soul.  Bible Reading, Prayer Time, Quiet Time Meditating, reading inspirational books are all things that help feed your Spirit and Soul.  While there is plenty of garbage on the internet there are also some really great things to help encourage and inspire you.  You can find affirmations, daily devotionals, and just about anything on YouTube, and it is FREE! If you are looking for any suggestions feel free to DM me or e-mail me and I am happy to some ideas.  

Homeopathy, this is something that is new to me.  My sister-in-law shared some homeopathic remedies with me when I hurt my back and they actually helped.  My brother-in-law had hurt his back before I did and she shared some pellets that worked for him. She also shared a website so that I could read about it and look into it.  I encourage you to research it for yourself and at least give it a try.  I have had good experiences with the remedies I have tried. This is the website that I have searched on JoetteCalabrese, there are others but start with this one and you'll find more.  Also for those looking to try homeopathic remedies, I started with the brand Boiron which you can easily find and order from Amazon.  On the Boiron website, they even have a remedy finder, based on your symptoms. 

I know I said ten tips, but here is a bonus, Chiropractic Care! I go weekly and have seen a major improvement, not just in my back, but in my posture and minor aches and pains.  I also think it helps reduce stress and helps me sleep better.  I see so many people who just live life with pain daily. Maybe it is not your back, but I hear people complain of hip pain, neck pain, leg pains.  Chiropractic care may be just what you need.  Again, before you knock it, try it. One thing, though just like most, is consistent care, you need to go at least monthly, and depending on your situation maybe even weekly.  If you are in the Sacramento area, I highly recommend Landin-Labinger Chiropractor as well as The Joint in Roseville, I have had a great experience with both Dr. Jeff at Landin-Labinger and Dr. Nick at The Joint.  It is kind of like car maintenance but maintenance for your body, don't wait until something goes out, just go consistently for alignment and adjustments and you could very well prevent having a major issue in the future. 

There are so many things in this world that we have no control over, but one thing we do have control over is ourselves.  Just start being more mindful of your health, and not just the number on the scale, but your overall health.  Pick one area and work on it consistently, once that becomes part of you, a regular habit, pick another area to improve on.  We only get one life, one body, I know I have not always valued my body and health. I heard a statement one time "health is wealth", it sure is true.  We often take our body for granted, until something is not working properly and then realize just how important certain aspects of our body can be.  Take care of your body, do what you can today for a healthier you!  If you fall off the wagon, get back on, don't quit!


  1. I've started stretching with my kids in the morning and we all love it!

    1. That is so great to stretch with your kids. It is amazing how simple stretches make you feel so good, mentally and physically.

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