
September 30, 2022

Free T-Mobile Internet Hotspot 10-Million Project

Do you have children in school who need internet access? Check out the T-Mobile 10-Million Project.  Their goal is to help students stay connected with the resources they need to succeed in school! I know this will help us when we are out in rural areas with my high-schooler who plays soccer and my younger ones who need to do homework or log into their Google Classroom. 

There are a couple things to note: 

1. You do not need to be a T-Mobile Customer.

2. Must be enrolled in school. I had to enter my child's School ID # and submit a photo to ensure they are enrolled in school. I submitted a photo of his report card.

3. Must "qualify".  Here in California, our entire school is on the free lunch program so we qualified. 

4. There is a GB limit and a limit of something like 1,200 hours per year for the 5 years. Use it wisely for homework/school projects and when you absolutely do not have access to the internet. 

Project 10Million is helping ensure internet access is not a barrier to a child's education.

Share with any families you know who may benefit from this. Share with those in your community who serve underserved youth. Share with your school administrators! They can enroll your school and get your school district enrolled. To get your school enrolled call 1-866-845-0050.

From the T-Mobile Website:

What can a student do with 100GB of data?

140 hours of streaming school videos.

320 hours of on-line virtual learning.

5,000 hours of internet research.

200 hours of online college test prep.

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