
February 10, 2023

Easy Coupon Deals Just Using Your Phone

Something you may not know about me is I used to be really into couponing. Every Sunday I would purchase multiple copies of the Sacramento Bee newspaper, so I could use paper coupons. At one time I even had multiple subscriptions delivered to my house.  After many years of doing that and building a stockpile of all kinds of things from cereal to laundry detergent and everything in between, I stepped away from couponing.

I took a break from couponing mostly because once I started my Keto/Low Carb journey I realized many of the coupon deals were junk foods and foods filled with sugar. I would still use my Ibotta App, which I still love, by the way, I just stopped buying the Sacramento Bee newspaper and stopped printing coupons from home.

Couponing is a great way to save money and although many of the deals are for sugary cereals, fruit snacks, and junk food, there are still so many great deals on things you may use. Some of my favorite things to save money on are paper towels, feminine products, laundry detergent, and cleaning supplies. 

I am not going to share every deal I come across on my blog or even on my social media accounts, I will only share if it is a super great deal. Right now you can check out a Walgreens deal on Bounty paper towels on my TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube, I know everyone participates on different social accounts, so I link them all. You can also check out this great deal on those laundry Downy or Gain scent beads, right now at Target you can earn a $10 gift card when you buy three and there is a $5 off rebate on each one on Ibotta, if you have those offers, you can get $15 back from Ibotta and $10 back from Target and there is a $5 P&G Rebate offer online! Check out that deal here on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. Often times on my Instagram stories I will share Costco deals, and Grocery Outlet Deals, and any time I am out and spot something that is a great price, so go give me a follow if you like to save money! If you are not on social media at all and want the breakdown on these deals send me an email at and I'll fill you in. 

If you have never couponed or like myself used to but stopped, I encourage you to look into it. Especially now with Apps, you do not even have to cut out paper coupons, there are so many digital ways to save. If you are new to the Ibotta App, use my referral link and once you submit your first receipt, you will receive a sign-up bonus (free money, yes please) and I will also receive a bonus. Here is my link

Now even has a digital App, you select the coupons you want to use, upload your receipt, or link your card, my Walgreens account is already linked. You do have to select the coupons before you shop at the stores where your rewards number is linked. You receive the money in your PayPal account. This is an easy way to save especially on things you were already going to purchase anyways. 

My favorite memory of using the Ibotta App, is one year we decided we would not transfer any of the rebates out. You have to reach at least $20 before you can transfer your Ibotta Rebates, you can also purchase gift cards with your Ibotta Rebates or transfer them to your bank account. Back to my story, one year we decided to leave our Ibotta Rebates in the account to see how much we could save, we saved over $500 and we used that money on Christmas presents. I will say it was a year I was doing a lot of couponing. On most months nowadays I earn $20-$40 on Ibotta, as I have cut back on shopping deals. That may not seem like a lot, but the truth is every little bit helps. Again if you use Ibotta on the things you are already buying, why not save a little bit. Ibotta is a great way to try NEW products, they will often do deals labeled free after rebate, many times on new flavors of beverages or a new cereal or granola bar. You can also use Ibotta to give back, our kids' school does a food drive every year and many times I will save up those free after-rebate items, that maybe we wouldn't necessarily eat and don't those items, that is a free way to give back. I really love using Ibotta on feminine products, it's something we all have to purchase why not get $2 back every time you buy them. 
I wanted to share those two great deals that you can do this week and I wanted to share about Ibotta because it is such an easy way to save money right from your phone and with egg prices where they are and really all-around prices at the grocery store, we could all use little extra ways to save. I hope you will download Ibotta and give it a try. Another great way to save us use your Ibotta Rebate money and purchase gift cards to your favorite coffee shop or Walmart gift cards they even have restaurant gift cards, hey free money towards date nights! Click here to download Ibotta,

Cheers to an amazing 2023 and saving money on everyday things for more coffee money, Disney trips or whatever suits your fancy.

Want to read more on couponing here is an old blog post where I share how I cut my grocery budget in half with the help of couponing, click here. Here is an old blog post where I share 10 simple ways to save when you are having a baby click here. Don't laugh at these posts, they are so old from when I first started blogging and need to be updated. 

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