
May 22, 2023

New Aware® Breast Self Exam Kit

Disclosure: This post is a sponsored post in collaboration with Aware®. While I share sponsored content I only share things I have personally used, all reviews and opinions expressed on my blog are my own.

Could being "extra" about your breast health be a good thing?

"You are so extra!" If you have children or grandchildren or spend a lot of time around kids, you might have heard this phrase before. For those wondering what it means, you are not alone. According to Sassy Mama "extra" means "when someone is being over the top and overly dramatic, or they are just simply overdressed for the occasion." Despite its definition, there just might be times when being extra is a good thing! Like with your breast health!

While many women know the importance of performing monthly breast self-exams, not everyone is doing this extra step regularly. And since breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States (except for skin cancers), according to the American Cancer Society, maybe we need to do more? You know, be a little "extra"? believes breast self-examination is an important component to screening, especially when combined with regular physical exams by a doctor, mammography, and an ultrasound, MRI, or both.

"Most women's breasts have lumps and bumps in them, and it is important for a woman to do breast self-exams, so that she knows where her normal lumps and bumps are. So that if there is ever a new lump, she will be the first one to find it and seek a doctor's attention," said Benjamin Goldman, M.D., at North Shore University Hospital.

It is important you become familiar with your body and establish a baseline, so you know what is your normal. When performing a breast self-exam, sometimes your hands are not enough, which is why women are using Aware® Pad, to help increase their sense of touch, for some extra sensitivity. 

The Aware® Pad works by reducing friction between fingers and breast and may provide for an easier and more comfortable exam. In addition to the increased ("extra") sensitivity Aware® offers, "just having the Aware® Pad around the patients bedroom or bathroom is helpful because it reminds them that they are supposed to do the breast self-exam once a month," said Dr. Josephine McNamara Von Herzen-so Aware® can serve as an extra reminder. With experts recommending that women should start breast self-exams by age 20, you might want to encourage your daughters and granddaughters to be a little "extra" with Aware® Pads and embrace the slang yourself!

If you want to be a "extra" about your health, you can purchase Aware® Pads for you and your loved ones at Walmart, click here.

The Aware® Pad is an aid for performing breast self-examination. A revolutionary way for you to feel changes in breast tissue-it makes your breast self-exam easier. The Aware® Pad is reusable and FDA cleared!

@blogaboutitall [AD] Early detection is your breast protection! Checkout the Aware® Pad, available at Walmart! The Aware® Pad is an aid for performing breast self-examination. A revolutionary way for you to feel changes in breast tissue – it makes your breast self-exam easy and convenient. #BeAware2023 #BreastSelfExam #EarlyDetection #breastcancerawareness #AwareBSE #CelebrateWomen #BreastCancer#Women #SelfExams #BreastFriends #blogaboutitall ♬ Promotional

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