
October 11, 2014

Clergy Appreciation Month

Clergy Appreciation Month is celebrated in October, and the 2nd Sunday in the Month of October is designated as Clergy Appreciation Day.

Make time to honor the clergy in your life, not only on this day or month but all year long.  I am grateful for national days and months because they get us thinking and talking about things that sometimes slip our minds.  Just like Clergy Appreciation Month, we are grateful for our pastors, music ministers, children’s ministers and should do much more for them, with a designated “Clergy Appreciation Month” the conversation or thinking gets started, through social media, commercials, Hallmark cards and many other ways. 

Clergy members don’t always have a measure of the work they do, they don’t always get to see an immediate result.  Being in the people business sometimes the prayers, service, life changing messages that are preached and taught go without vocalized appreciation.  Sometimes the results of a great life changing message is not see for months and years to come.  A preacher or children’s church teacher can say something to an adult or child in children’s church that will mark their life forever, something that will inspire a dream, bring hope to someone who sees no light at the end of their tunnel.  Sometimes those people move away and never have the opportunity to say thank you for preaching that message, or worshiping with such passion and conviction that you inspired me to write music, or start playing an instrument.  A little girl or boy can be so moved by watching your life that they make right choices and go into a vocation of service after watching a clergy live a life of service well.  

We the people don’t always see the hours of prayer, preparation and study that our clergy invest for us to receive hope, love, peace through the Word of God.  You don’t see the hours your pastor spends pouring over the Word of God and writing and re-writing their messages to get it just right hoping to help and change your life.  You don’t always see the hours the music minister practices singing, playing their instrument and practicing the presence of God so they can better serve us and lead us into the presence of God.  We don’t know how much work it is for the children’s ministers to study and prepare lessons, puppet skits, games and prizes to engage our children in the things of God.  Every so often all the kids join us in the sanctuary and as you hear the babies crying, the kids squirming I am so grateful for the teachers that volunteer and serve so our kids can enjoy and receive God at their level and so we adults can receive from the preaching of the Word without having to wrestle our little ones in the sanctuary.  You don’t always see the hours the church staff spend counseling, encouraging, praying with people, hospital visits, meals prepared and delivered to congregation members who just had a baby or going through a tough time.  Clergy members many times have families of their own, other employment while also running and managing a church.  However many children you have, you can think of your pastor as having 500 children, children he is praying for, believing in faith for our success and our goals and dreams, studying the Word to equip us with the tools we need to walk out our faith.

With all that being said, honor the clergy in your life.  Honor them as a family; it’s important to teach our children the importance of honoring the clergy in our life.  Make sure your church is honoring your clergy, if the church you attend does not have something in place to do as a group, speak to someone in leadership and get everyone involved in honoring your minister.  If you are involved in a team or department in your church, have your team contribute towards a group gift. 

Here are some ideas for you to honor your clergy:

Write a note of appreciation, give money in a card, buy flowers for them, give them a gift card to their favorite restaurant, give them a gas gift card for their vehicle, pay for the vehicle to be washed and detailed, cook them a special meal or bake them your special dessert, a gift basket of their favorite things or fruit basket, the possibilities are endless. 

Listen when your clergy speak, many times they will tell you their favorite place to shop, or hobby they enjoy, compile a list throughout the year and know different ways you can honor them.  Honor them on their birthday, Christmas time, Special Anniversaries (Wedding Anniversary, Anniversary of Starting the Church), Clergy Appreciation Month and also just because.  It’s nice to receive a gift on your birthday but it’s especially nice to receive a gift just because someone thought of you.  You can celebrate all month long, with the help of everyone, you can schedule and plan on gifts and surprises presented to your clergy every day in October, or each Sunday and mid-week Service.

Remember it’s the thought that counts, whatever size budget you are working with, your thoughtfulness and appreciation is appreciated!   

Free Download: You can use this worksheet to help with ideas to express your appreciation, you can have their staff, and spouse or children help fill out for them.
Download The Clergy Appreciation Worksheet

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