
October 29, 2014

Financial Freedom Seminar

This post is to encourage you to avail yourself to seminars, conferences and classes.  I know it costs money to attend and it takes planning for your family and sometimes rearranging schedules.  We need to recognize the need for concentrated growth in our lives.  Just like vacation time is important to relax and refocus our lives at times.  Times of investing in the Word of God, and classes/seminars that better our lives are necessary.  It is nice to go to a one day class, but there is a difference in a week long immersion if you would. 

Twice a year my pastor hosts a Financial Freedom Seminar.  We just attended the first week in October, then went into another week of meetings with a special guest speaker at our church.  While it is still October I wanted to share a little of what I received.  The Seminar is titled Financial Freedom but it is so much more.  

Attending classes and growing in your budgeting skills is part of becoming great at living by a budget.  It is in attending classes and seminars like the one above where I learned how to budget, where I learned about the envelope system.  Tips on saving, vacationing, paying off debt and other financial principles.

We discussed finances, budgeting, living debt free, being a giver, but we also discussed many other things.  We learned how our finances affect our marriage, family life, and spiritual life. 

We learned how to kill our fear app that is running, just like using Advanced Task Killer on your cell phone to kill those apps that drain your battery.  In life we have apps that run in our mind if we do not recognize these apps, we can feel tired, drained, in fear and not even know why.

We discussed the love of God.

People shared tips on how they meditate on the love of God.

We discussed times we walked in complete love with people and realized the importance of living a life of walking in love.

We discussed the importance of married couples walking in love and staying in unity for their children and grandchildren.  I saw in a greater way the importance of my children seeing their grandparents happy and in love.   In this day and age we live in with the divorce rate so high both in the secular world and in the church our kids need to see marriage works. 

Someone recently mentioned how young girls these days do not want to get married right away like when I was growing up and times before.  I know education and career goals and dreams are important, but there is a shift if you notice.  The age of women getting married and starting a family is no longer the 20’s but 30’s and 40’s.  I am not saying one is better than the other, just noting another perspective is, if young girls see marriage as something miserable or something that ties you down and keeps you from living your dream career, what hope do we have for our children to have a healthy image of married life.  If they see couples fighting and living separate lives and not walking in unity, why would they want to join the married club.

We had great fellowship with other believers, encouraging each other, sharing with each other.

Below you will find information on the Financial Freedom Seminar which takes place every year in October and March.  No matter where you live, you can join us on-line via live stream.  Make plans now to attend in March, start budgeting money for the event, request the time off work early. 

I also want to encourage you if you attend a local church that hosts seminars avail yourself to them.  Take time to invest in your spiritual life; attend marriage seminars, seminars to better hone your job skills, parenting classes, etc.

Next Seminar: March 2 – March 4, 2015, cost $99, link to register on-line:

Free Monthly classes:
Next free class: November 8, 2015 8:45 AM PST

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.

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