
October 22, 2014

Save Money: All you have to do is ask!

When trying to save money or make your money go farther a great place to start is calling your current providers of cable, auto insurance, cell phone carriers, internet provider, etc.

Especially if your contract is up for renewal or close to renewal it’s the perfect time to call around for other quotes.  If you are pleased with your current provider and do not want to change do not be afraid to mention other competitors prices or promotions, most companies will match or sometimes even do better.  As a long time loyal customer and someone who pays their bills on time, mention these great qualities to your service provider, you may receive a discount for your loyalty.

If you are on a month to month basis, call around and make sure you are receiving the best price for the service you are receiving.  Not being tied down in a contract is a plus when looking for the best deal.

When calling be polite, explain that you enjoy their service but after reviewing your expenses to continue with them you will need a discount. 

On the other hand if you are having problems with your cable service or any other type of service, it is okay to call and point out that you are unhappy with your dropped calls or note your complaint and ask for a discount.  Utilize less than great service to obtain discounts and credits on your bills.

My husband and I have called our providers a number of times, especially with cable and auto insurance.  Just this week we called and lowered our auto insurance premium by 30%, we did not even have to switch companies.    

If you are a good driver you may qualify for a good driver discount.  If you are a senior citizen and member of AARP, you may qualify for a discount on your auto insurance as well.

If the person you are speaking with says they cannot lower your bill any further ask to speak to a supervisor.  Do not accept the first no, you might hang up and call back and speak to someone else or call the next day, I have done all three of these things when negotiating to lower my bills.  A lot of companies have a Customer Retention Department, some of the people you speak with in a call center have no authority to lower your payment.  If the person you are speaking with cannot help you ask who do I speak with to lower my payment? 

Be sure to review your statements that you receive for all your bills.  One time, I discovered some fee’s on our home water bill.  I did not understand what the extra fees were for it was listed as a long word and combination of letters.  I called the water company and not only did they remove the fee’s but credited my account for all the previous months those fee’s were on our statement.  Come to find out, it was a fee only homeowners pay, and since we were renting that property we were not liable to pay that monthly fee.  I did not have to pay my water bill for the next three months due to credits. 

Research different options to save money on your bills, do not be afraid to ask for a discount and ask for specials they can offer you.  It is a good idea to be willing to switch to another company and be aware of competitor’s prices and promotions when you make this call.  Call with confidence and also kindness.

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