
March 14, 2015

Celebrating Easter - Resurrection Eggs

Each year around Easter I have used Resurrection Eggs in helping teach my children at home and the children I teach at my church about the true meaning of Easter.

It is a fun, easy and interactive way that my kids now ages 7, 5, and 3 still enjoy each year, and I started with my 7 year old when he was just 1 year old.  Each year he is still excited to open the eggs and go over the meaning of each object in the eggs.

Since I work with 2-3 year olds in my church during Sunday School, I have used the resurrection eggs before, and an obstacle to overcome each year is at this age we are still learning about sharing, taking turns, being patient, etc.

I thought there has to be a way to still use my set of resurrection eggs but have something for each child to have in their hand to open. So I used google and stumbled across this website: with this free download  I love this idea, and so I share it with you!


Depending on what time frame you are working with, you can spread out the lessons of the Resurrection Eggs.  I usually use the 4-5 Sunday’s leading up to Easter, for many reasons.  My number one reason is with the toddler/pre-school age, repetition is necessary for greater impact.  Also due to time restraints and my desire to discuss the Easter Story with questions and coloring activities and other crafts alongside the resurrection eggs 4 Sunday’s opening just 3 eggs at a time each week, keeps the kids engaged and looking forward to the next week to see what’s in the next egg.

One of the symbols in one of the eggs is a cup, representing the last supper, I love to take this opportunity to take communion with my kids and discuss why we take communion.  Another symbol is the crown of thorns.  My children’s director at my church has a real life, large size crown of thorns, I love to bring this and show this to kids.  It brings the crown of thorns to life for them.  I also use Thomas Nelson’s Read and Share Bible DVD on Easter to help incorporate the Easter lesson.  It’s geared toward ages 3-7 year olds it is only 30 minutes long, this makes a great gift to include in your children’s Easter basket.

As a believer in Christ I believe it is vitally important to share with our children the true meaning of Easter, it is about celebrating the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2014 Cousin Easter Egg Hunt
We still color eggs, have a family egg hunt and fun annual family get together with all the cousins.  With delicious family favorite recipes might I add.  I find though too often with holidays and celebrations we can get caught up in buying a new Easter outfit, taking pictures with the Easter Bunny and forget to pass on to our children the “why” we celebrate Easter.  I encourage you to take a moment with your children at home and discuss the true meaning of Easter and other celebrations that you celebrate.  I encourage you to remind your children of the importance of spending time with family and enjoying each other, that it is not just about finding eggs and getting candy.  Although that is a great benefit we get to enjoy!
2014 Cousin Easter Egg Hunt

I purchased my set of Resurrection Eggs at my local Christian Retailer, I have seen them at box stores and on-line, they are quite easy to find during the Easter season.

I hope this post helps you celebrate Easter with the children in your life.  You don’t have to be a parent or teacher to share the Easter story, maybe you are an Aunt, babysitting your nieces and nephews one night, maybe you’re a grandparent, this is a great way to spend quality time with your grandchildren.  Share with your loved ones the true meaning of Easter!  Make it fun, interactive and memorable, a tradition that they will share with their children one day.

Making Ninja Turtle Eggs with Grandma
Symbols in the Resurrection Egg Set:
Blue Egg - Little Donkey, Light Pink Egg - Silver Coins, Light Purple Egg - Cup, Orange Egg - Praying Hands, Green Egg - Leather Whip, Yellow Egg - Crown of Thorns,
Light Orange Egg - Nails on the Cross, Light Green Egg - Die
Purple Egg - Spear, Light Blue Egg - Linen Cloth, Pink Egg - Stone, White Egg - Empty

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