
May 2, 2015

Purchases to Make in May

Did you know there are better times to purchase specific items than others?  That is right, there are specific months when retailers are trying to off load specific products or when a launch of a new product is about to appear, retailers often try to move older models by slashing prices.  It does take a little research and shopping around but many times the savings are well worth it.  I love to budget and plan out our money but my husband is actually quite the researcher and savings guru in our household.  Many people, friends and family know if you want to find a good deal on making a purchase to have him research it for you and more times than not, he has a way of finding a deal. 

Well here is a short list of some things to keep in mind for purchases in May!

Mother’s Day Gifts – Although you can find sales for Mother’s Day gifts in May, the closer it gets to Mother’s Day the higher price you will pay for those gifts, so start early!  Also think out of the box, don’t go for the traditional gifts such as flowers and jewelry.  

Vacuums – I know most moms would be furious to receive a vacuum for Mother’s day, so know that this does not mean to purchase a vacuum on sale as a Mother’s day gift.  Now for a side note, one year before Mother’s Day I asked my husband for a vacuum for Mother’s day, I needed one, wanted one and knew there were plenty on sale.  I am grateful I have a thoughtful husband and that was not the only gift I received, but as a woman who loves a good bargain, I appreciated receiving a vacuum for Mothers’ Day.  So hubby’s feel your wife out before you use that, and don’t forget an additional gift if you do make that purchase.  

Mattresses – May is one of the best month’s to purchase a new mattress if you need one!  Remember when shopping the least expensive mattresses tend to be in the rear of the store not the front, display models.  Also keep your eye out for coupons and Groupon deals that you can stack on top of store sales!  Watch the ads for great Memorial Day weekend sales!  

Clothes – Apparel can go on sale for up to 75% off in May, with Mother’s Day, Memorial Day and the change in weather many retailers are marking down clothes in May.  It is a great time to purchase spring and summer clothing before we are in the middle of summer where you will pay a higher price for shorts and summer clothing.  

Star Wars Items – Are you familiar with the slogan May the 4th be with you for “May the force be with you” from Star Wars the movie.  Well it’s May and retailers love to cash in on slogans and trends such as this.  You may find many Star Wars items featured on sale as a result of this slogan.  So if you are Star Wars fan or know one this is a great time to partake on sales and save them for upcoming birthdays or even Christmas gifts!

Thrift Items – Many people take part in spring cleaning their homes and garages which means if you like to find a good deal May is a great month to visit consignment stores, thrift stores and garage sales.  With the nicer weather garage sales start to increase.  Remember the old adage another man’s trash is another man’s treasure!

Party Supplies – With Memorial Day, June graduation’s approaching and summer barbeques, May is a great month to keep your eye out for sales on party supplies such as napkins, table cloths, paper plates, and other disposables.  Remember to look for coupons that you can use alongside a sale and stock up!

I hope this list helps you save some money this May, thank you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends. 

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