
June 9, 2015

10 Simple Ways To Save When Having A Baby

With baby #4 on the way I thought I would share a few things that have helped me save money when expecting a new baby.
  1. Coupons – Reminder you don’t have to be a crazy all out coupon shopper, if you use coupons that you print and receive through the mail and friends you can still save hundreds on diapers alone.  Not to mention all the savings I’ve saved with Johnson & Johnson baby wash, lotions, Desitin, A&D ointment, Boudreaux's Butt Paste and many other baby products.  I have saved hundreds of dollars on diapers and wipes with coupons.  This is my number one way to save money.  I subscribe for 6 copies of my local Sunday newspaper, it saves me money, and is delivered right to my doorstep.  If you are not an avid couponer you may not need a weekly subscription.  You can also purchase the local Sunday newspaper from the dollar store.  You can also follow coupon sites that lists what coupons are in each Sunday edition, when you know diaper coupons are available then purchase just that week.  My favorite coupon sites are and  Talk to your fellow coupon friends and family members, if they do not have a baby, they may be willing to give you their diaper coupons.  With coupons I have been able to purchase a pack of diapers that typically runs $10 for $3 or less.  I start purchasing diapers with coupons early on in pregnancy and stock up a little at a time.  You can also print coupons from and the diaper manufacturer sites.   My stock-up price for baby wipes is $0.01 per wipe, and for diapers, $0.15 per diaper, many times with a great coupon deal I can purchase diapers for $0.10 per diaper, some deals are greater than others.  Wipes I am not brand loyal at all, I’ll use any Kirkland, Pampers, Huggies.  As far as diapers I am pretty brand loyal, I think you end up saving in the long run by using name-brand diapers rather than the generic or store brand and often with coupons I can purchase name brand for less than the store brand.  I love Huggies, I don’t mind using pampers for newborns to three months, but I prefer Huggies.  
  2. Sign up on Baby Manufacturer Websites - They will sometimes send you samples.  Signing up enables you access to printable coupons on their sites.  This is useful for diapers and formula.  I breastfed my babies for nine months, but through signing up early on at the formula sites, I was able to use the monthly coupons they mailed me and stocked up on a few cans each month, so when I was finished nursing, I used the formula I stocked up on over time for the remaining months until they turned one and very rarely had to pay full price for formula.   It’s not just formula either, its baby cereal, baby food and all the little snacks, like puffs and yogurt melts.
  3. Breastfeed if you can!  I know it is hard work and not everyone can I will blog on breastfeeding soon but if you can it is beneficial to both mom and baby and is also a great money saver.  Even if you don’t exclusively nurse, or nurse for the entire first year every bit helps.  Nursing can save you well over $1,000 in your child’s first year.  Find out if your insurance will pay for a breast pump!  This is new to me, I had purchased a breast pump for well over $200 with my first baby, and also purchased a manual pump with another child, now with my fourth baby something new, my insurance paid for a double electric breast pump and mailed it to my home.  So call and find out if your insurance will do the same for you!
  4. Don’t go crazy on baby clothes shopping!  I know baby clothes are cute and adorable.  Many times you are gifted baby clothes both new and used that you realize you did not need to purchase so many on your own.  Also babies grow out of clothes so quickly, many times you don’t get around to putting every single outfit on them.
  5. Shop the clearance rack and look for sales!  I remember one year our local Mall was being remodeled, well in that process they were trying to move as much product as possible, someone called me to let me know all the baby and kids clothes were on clearance, I stocked up on many things that year, and a lot of stuff for different seasons, planning ahead, that was a huge savings for the long run!    
  6. Look for double-duty items!   Every year there are new gadgets and baby gear on the market, keep your eye out for double-duty items.  Like a crib that can turn into a toddler/full bed and can grow with your child.  A high chair can turn into a booster seat or be used at the dinner table.  Even simple things like a diaper bag that you can use in the future, that isn’t so baby-specific or gender specific.  If you use a Boppy for nursing, you can later use that to help baby learn to sit, you do not need an additional Bumbo or sitting tool.  When purchasing a car seat, look into a convertible car seat that again will grow with them.   
  7. Try to use electrically powered items rather than battery operated.  Batteries are expensive and with all the baby toys and gear that need batteries, anywhere you can save will help.  My favorite thing is my plug in baby swing, I would highly recommend looking for a baby swing that plugs into an outlet, even if it doesn’t match the theme you want to decorate with!  And if you purchase a gender neutral plug in swing, you can save and use with future children.
  8. Research!  Before you purchase a larger priced item check it out on-line, with reviews and blogs.  See what other parents are saying about the item, if they really used it, was it handy, did it last.
  9. Photo Sites - Keep your eye out for special deals on photos and baby announcements.  Many times photo sites like Shutterfly, Snapfish, and sometimes your local Walgreens will offer free prints, or free announcements.  You can also search for coupon codes for free shipping, or discounts off your purchase.  Remember this for prints also, when you are putting together those baby books and scrapbooks.
  10. Laundry!!!  With a baby you will be doing lots of laundry.  Try and wait until you have a full load, to save on your water usage.  If you have a blowout or a big spit-up on a baby outfit, try rinsing it and hang-drying it, until you have a full load to wash.  You can rinse and use stain removers on the item, until the next wash.  Use free and clear laundry detergent rather than spending the extra money on specified baby laundry detergent such as Dreft or if you desire make your own laundry detergent.  This is another one of my favorite items to use coupons on, I rarely pay more than $0.99 for a 46oz 26+ loads bottle of All or Tide Detergent and again, I stock up when on sale and buy the free and clear for the baby laundry.    

I hope these tips help you save money when expecting your next bundle of joy!  If you are not expecting yet, I encourage you if you know someone who is having a baby if it be their first or fourth no matter which one, it is always a blessing to gift them diapers and wipes these are gifts you can never have too many of.  I know I have greatly appreciated when someone brought my family a meal and generously brought a gift of diapers.  I also have done that for people I know, if they are having a baby and I am visiting them at the hospital or their home, bring a new outfit or bring a box of diapers or wipes.  Especially when families have multiple children, and hand-me-down clothes are quite the norm a new outfit for the baby to enjoy is appreciated, and purchase a  larger size again, they outgrow newborn stuff so quickly, so purchase a six-month outfit as a gift.

Thank you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends.

1 comment:

  1. I need your help, can you spread Finn's story for me.

    A 5 month old boy born with a heart condition had open heart surgery in April, he had complications and has been in the hospital ever since. Read more on facebook at Prayers for Finn

    He really is the happiest baby & has won my heart.

    I have put together an instagram auction to help raise money for his medical bills. @prayersforfinnauction #prayersforfinn

    please post a photo of Finn and tag @prayersforfinnauction so that your readers can check it out. It will be June 25

    AMAZING shops have come together in donations and now as bloggers its our responsibility to spread his awareness.

    Thank you so much
    xo, Michelle
