
August 8, 2016

Back to School Tips

It is that time of year again "Back to School".   As much as I LOVE Summer and enjoy the time with my children I also love when it is Back to School.  I love the fresh start, I love that it means, Fall and the Holidays are quickly approaching.  I love getting back to our routine.  When the last weeks of Summer are here I am ready to get back to the routine of grocery shopping on my specific day, uninterrupted cleaning/organizing time and the other things we do when everyone is back in school. 

Here is the link to a post I wrote last year: "Preparing for Back to School"
One tip I'd like to share this year is take your "First Day of School" pictures ahead of the actual first day.  This comes in handy if you have younger children and multiple children.  It takes out the stress of getting everyone to cooperate for pictures the morning of the first day of school.  This is also great if you are planning on doing some of those fun Pinterest ideas for Back to School pictures.  

Below you will find a video with helpful tips I came across that I would love to share with you.  My favorite tip is to start using lunch boxes at home and getting them in routine of eating out of their lunch box.  I especially appreciate this tip since I have a son starting kindergarten this year.

Thank you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends.

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