
October 26, 2016

Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe

Today is National Pumpkin Day!  I have posted this recipe before but I thought I would share again in honor of National Pumpkin Day.  It's quick and easy to make!

I love the pumpkin smoothie at Jamba Juice.  Since tasting this yummy treat I wanted to see if I could make a similar one at home.  I used what I had at home and it came out quite tasty.  I would not say it is the same as the Jamba Juice creation but it satisfies my pumpkin smoothie craving.
With the Fall season, you see pumpkin creations everywhere Starbucks, Jamba Juice, even McDonald's.  If you went out and purchased one of these treats every day during the fall season, the cost of these treats can add up quickly.  Although it’s fun to splurge every now and then, I encourage you to experiment at home.  It is good for your budget, and also fun to get in the kitchen.  I don’t know about you but there is just something about Fall and Winter that has me desiring to cook and bake more. 
With Pinterest and the Internet at our fingertips you can usually find a copycat recipe for a lot of restaurant treats.  You can usually find a lot of healthier versions as well, which comes in handy if you are trying to eat healthier.  This is not one of those lighter versions but again, that is the great thing about cooking at home, you can substitute to fit your dietary needs.
Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe
This recipe made two adult servings and three small kids cups.
1 cup Libby’s Pumpkin Purée
1 cup of Ice
2 cups of Whole Milk (You could easily substitute with Almond Milk or Soy Milk)
2 cups of Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (this is what I had, you can substitute with frozen yogurt or regular vanilla ice cream)
A sprinkle of Cinnamon
A sprinkle of Nutmeg
Place all the ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth.  Pour and enjoy!

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