
September 30, 2019

Keto and Low Carb Tips While Dining Out

I wanted to share some tips to help you stick to your Keto eating lifestyle while eating out.  We all enjoy eating out, no meal prep and no clean-up.  It is important to have a plan thought through because you will be invited to birthday dinners, business meetings at restaurants and more.  I hate going out to eat and thinking my only option is to order a salad.  

Especially if I am going to a restaurant that is new to me or one I do not frequent often, its always a good idea check to see if they have a menu online.  The next place I check is their Instagram page.  Who doesn't seeing food in pictures and knowing exactly what a menu item will look like before we order it?  Knowing the menu ahead of time can help you plan and prepare properly.  For example if I am not too excited about the menu, but I have to go to that establishment for a gathering or a meeting then I know to eat something at home before I head there, so I will not be starving if I just order a small salad another tip take some Keto-friendly snacks, like nuts or string cheese on the drive over, again this helps so you are not super hungry and then you won't feel deprived with a small salad.  I also will drink water before I arrive so I feel fuller before I eat.  

Ask for dressings and sauces on the side.  I have not always done this.  When I first began I did not.  Asking for the dressings and sauces on the side are helpful if you can.  So many dressings and sauces have a lot of sugar in them as well as many establishments are excessive with dressings and sauces.  With the dressings and sauces on the side you can lightly dip your fork in or lightly drizzle a little over your meal, still, enjoy the flavor without the excess. 
If you are going to a Mexican Restaurant take pork rinds with you!  I do this all the time so I can enjoy "chips and salsa" but with pork rinds which are low carb and Keto friendly.  You can even dip the pork rinds in guacamole, or if someone orders nachos that are shareable, many times you can pick off some of the nacho toppings and extra cheese on the side put it on a pork rind and satisfy that nacho craving.   

Ask to swap out a starchy side for extra veggies or a side salad or some Keto-friendly alternative.  Most establishments are happy to swap out an item at no extra cost to you.

If you are just beginning and bread is a temptation, ask the server to take the bread basket away or just pass as soon as they bring it.  In January when I committed to being more strict, that is one thing I started, "no bread please".  Now, later in my journey if there is a bread basket at the table it is no temptation because I have noticed how I feel after having even just a slice, that I no longer desire it.  
Remember portion control.  This is something I had to work on.  Being raised to clean your entire plate and not "waste" food I used to feel compelled to finish all my food.  I have learned now if the portions are larger, it is perfectly okay to save some and have a to-go box for leftovers or even throw it out.  I have learned to prioritize my health and the way I feel even if that means I spend a little more money or "waste" food.  I owe more to my health and it's important to listen to your body and care for it. 

If there are no grilled meat options (again this may depend on you and your goals) I would allow items like breaded Chicken Tenders, or I would swap out french fries for Fried Zucchini or Onion Rings, again they are not on my eating plan and I would not do that weekly but for me once in a while that was manageable.  We would visit Outback Steakhouse and I know the Bloomin Onion is not low carb at all but again I would share it and have some.  I think we have been to Outback twice the entire year, so for me, I'm okay with that as a rare exception and not routine.   

Here are a list of restaurants we enjoy and still stick to our Keto Low Carb Eating Lifestyle

Mexican - We eat Mexican a lot, remember your pork rinds.  Taco Salads minus the shell, Fajitas minus the tortillas.  Don't eat beans and rice.  
Casa Ramos in Natomas or Rancho Cordova, try their Monterey Shrimp (Bacon Wrapped Shrimp covered in cheese), so delicious.  
La Fiesta Altena in Folsom or Midtown
Kikos on Arden Way
El Pollo Feliz in North Highlands has a great Fajita Salad
El Tapatio on Sunrise Blvd. the Fajita skillet is giant!  Plenty of meat, peppers and onions. 
Chandos Tacos - They have Tacos with Cheese Shells
Rubios - Every taco can be ordered with their Keto-Friendly Cheese Shell, I like the Salsa Verde Shrimp and Grilled Mahi Mahi.
Chipotle - Bowls with no rice. 
El Pollo Loco - Bowls or Chicken

Brazilian Steak Houses are a great option!!! Unlimited Meat!!!!
Flame & Fire Brazilian Steak House-located in Roseville
Brisas do sol Brazilian Steakhouse-located in Folsom Palladio, 380 Palladio Parkway.
These places also have a salad bar with many low carb/keto-friendly options.

In-N-Out - Protein Style Hamburgers
Carl's Jr. - They do the best fast food protein style burgers, lots of lettuce. 
Squeeze Burger - They do Cheese Skirt Taco Shells
The Habit Burger Grill 
Red Robin - you can ask for your burger to be protein style, you can substitute steamed broccoli for the fries, you can even substitute with bottomless salad.  They also have salads, chicken options and more you can customize. 

Pizza Options
Campelli's in Roseville offers a Keto crust option.  
Pieology has a cauliflower crust option.
Pizza Factory has a cauliflower crust option. 
Mod Pizza

Greek Food - we love!  You can empty out a gyro, you can many times get those flavors you are craving over a salad.  You can always order a plate of meat and then a side salad.  
We love Wally's Cafe in Roseville, Sal's Kabob & Gyro Grill, Daphne's and Extreme Hummus in Antelope.

Dine-In Restaurants
At Boxing Donkey they have a Keto menu (Buffalo Chicken Cauli n' Cheese, Loaded Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower Mac n' Cheese, Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf, Chocolate Peanut Butter Lava Cake and more.)
Cheesecake Factory - I love once in a while because they have low carb cheesecake, it's nice to be able to enjoy dessert at a restaurant.    
Red Lobster - I love going when they do their unlimited shrimp.  
Outback Steakhouse - steak, veggies, salad and they also do unlimited shrimp at times.
Lazy Dog 
Tahoe Joe’s - we love to go here for steak and veggies.
Buckhorn Grill - great meat options, I love their jalapeno poppers, they are bacon-wrapped, no breading, not fried, totally keto-friendly.  

Buffalo Wild Wings

Salad Bars
Sizzler Salad Bar
Johns Incredible Pizza-They actually have a great salad bar and I consider this place great to take the entire family, the kids get pizza and I enjoy an unlimited salad bar.  

Do you have a favorite Keto or Low Carb dish at a restaurant, I would love to hear about it e-mail me at

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends. 

September 27, 2019

Keto Community: NorCal Keto Meetup

I promise my blog site will not become a Keto website, but many people have contacted me asking questions and for help along their journey.  The easiest place for me to share what I have learned with numerous people is here, so hopefully you will bear with me over the next few days and weeks you may see a lot of "Keto" related posts.  I promise though that is not all I will be blogging about.  

One thing that has helped me along my journey is "community".  I have spoken to many people about Keto, about being Vegan, about their Paleo journey, Mediterranean Style eating and many others.  I am hoping to have a guest blog post from one of my Vegan friends soon.  I have been wanting her to share her journey for awhile because I think it's important to hear different perspectives on food and the food industry so we can be better informed and make healthier choices.  As well as I find for myself as I have dug into what works for others and discovered "why" they eat that way it has changed the way I look at food and changed the relationship I have with food. 

Learning from others is key in every area of life.  Finding your "community" is so important.  That can be your local "mom community", "blogger community", "Keto community".   Asking for tips and tricks, finding out what worked for them, where they find recipes, finding out about their favorite products, learning about their favorite restaurants all of these things have helped me along my journey.  

It is important to surround yourself with people who will understand your new way of eating and encourage you along the way.  

I want to give a huge shout out to @keto.isabella who created @NorCalKetoMeetUp.  In attending her recent event I learned about a lot of Keto friendly products.  I met a lot of great people, it is nice to follow Keto people on social media who share their transformation stories and what works for them which will help me as I continue on my journey.  I have a Keto saved Story section on my Instagram @blogaboutitall you can see some clips from the event as well as learn about some of the great products we received in our swag bags.  
Through the NorCalKetoMeetUp I discovered The Boxing Donkey a local restaurant.  I learned the Chef and some of the Staff eat a Keto Lifestyle and The Boxing Donkey has a Keto friendly Menu.  We ordered the Keto Garlic Parmesan Wings and the Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf with green beans. There was a delicious white gravy on top of the meatloaf with mushrooms.  The portion was huge, easily shareable. The wings were delicious. I'm excited to go back soon and try the cauliflower Mac n Cheese.  I hear they have a Keto Chocolate Cake too.  The Boxing Donkey is located in Roseville at 300 Lincoln Street. You can follow them on Instagram @Boxing_Donkey.

If you are a local here to Sacramento be sure and follow the NorCalKetoMeetUp page to learn of the next upcoming event.  It would be a great way for you to connect with others along the same journey.  

I was also going to mention ask other people for help. I am not a big Keto baker, up until recently I did not purchase almond flour, and some of the other sweeteners, many recipes will call for ingredients you never heard of.  So ask around what do your Keto friends make.  I have a friend who makes a delicious Keto chocolate cake with zucchini.  I asked her to make her Keto cake so I would have a dessert to take to the meetup.  As mentioned in a previous post up until recently I have kept my need for dessert to berries and whip cream.  My brother-in-law introduced us to a homemade Keto Pizza as well as the "chaffle".  Do you want to save money while eating healthy?  Go follow Diana @PantryOverflow, she shares coupons and money saving tips while eating Keto.  There are Facebook Groups you can join and find out if there is a Keto Meetup near your city.  That is what I love about community, let's learn from one another and cheer each other on!
Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends. 

September 26, 2019

A Healthier Me [A Low Carb / Keto Eating Lifestyle]

I started eating low carb / Keto this past October 2018, slowly easing in I really did not get strict until this January 2019. I have done low carb eating off and on since high-school when the "Atkins Diet" was popular.  Over the years I have gained and lost weight so many times.  Usually after pregnancy I would eat low carb until I fit back into my clothes and then I would tell myself "it's all about balance" and then go back to eating sugar and bread and end up way overeating and gaining all the weight back.  

What even started me on this journey?  I was not feeling my best health wise.  I was also considering having another baby, but did not want to get pregnant at an unhealthy weight.  I was dealing with low back pain, knee pain, always tired.  I have four young boys and I need to be able to keep up with them.  In October I said to my husband I was going to make a change and work on losing weight.  First let me mention my husband also has done low carb eating off and on since 2016.  He also would gain weight with me when I was pregnant, and then lose the weight.  In the past he has been so much better at making it a lifestyle.  If he ate something that was not on his eating plan, he would just have that one meal and get right back to it.  I on the other hand, would have what I called a "cheat meal", which turned into a "cheat day", which turned into a "cheat weekend", which turned into I guess I'll get started on Monday.  

I recognized how much my life revolved around food.  I am Hispanic, food is a major part of our culture.  We celebrate around food, we grieve around food, if we get together for any reason whatsoever, food is involved and the menu is planned and discussed in great detail.  Food has always been a comfort for me, I recognized how much I emotionally eat.  Again not always just under stress, or tough days, also around happy times.  If someone got a promotion, lets go out for dinner, if someone met a goal, lets go out for ice cream.  

It also has not helped that I love to cook, I love to bake, I love trying new recipes, which has me eating frequently, and not always the best choices.

This time around on my journey I realized how I needed to make this a lifestyle change, not eat low carb and Keto style to "lose weight" but to live long and live strong.  I purposed to change my eating habits to feel healthier.  I also had extreme back pain in January that persisted all the way through May when I had an MRI was told I had three bulging disc in my lower back and pinched nerves.  The Dr.'s told me to avoid back surgery, I needed to lose weight and strengthen my core.  This was a huge motivator to get healthy and take care of my body.  

I strongly believe it is important to know yourself and your motivations.  Why you eat?  What is important to you?  Do you like to cook or do you need simple fast healthy choices that require no cooking.  Everyone is different.  What works for one person may not work "long term" for you.  That is okay!  Find what works for you.  Some people count carbs, count macros, count calories.  Some people measure themselves and they can stay motivated by their measurements.  Some people get bored eating just salad, meat and a vegetable and they need to find "mock recipes" of their favorite meals.  Some people need the "Keto" bars, drinks, shakes, etc.    

I have all sorts of what I would call "phases" in my journey.  When I first started in October I was not willing to go all in and quit carbs cold turkey.  My husband and I go on a date night every Friday and at the beginning of this journey I just kept thinking I am not going out on a Friday night date night and only eating a salad or In-N-Out with their protein style burgers.   

So for me I had to ease into it, I told myself I could order whatever you want to eat Friday night for dinner.  I also told myself though not to go overboard.  Have one bread roll, no dessert, or I would have a low carb cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory or something like that.  This helped me get started!  In times past I would eat a high carb dinner and then also go to the ice cream shop because I had "blown it".  

Last November and December,  I baked and ate the typical Thanksgiving dinner, for Christmas I had tamales.  I did not make myself not have the things I loved.  I feel by giving myself permission if you would to go at my pace, that I could envision eating healthier for life.  

This Thanksgiving I am planning a Keto Thanksgiving, I've grown in my commitment to eating this way. That is what I mean by phases along the journey.  I've noticed what I feel like when I eat sugar and bread and do not like the way I feel after.  Over the next few weeks I will be sharing some low carb/keto friendly dishes I will be making this Thanksgiving.  My encouragement to you is do what works for you, get started, keep going and don't be discouraged by how slow you go, just don't quit.  

This January is when I found myself more committed and decided no consistent cheat meals no weekly or monthly celebrate days. I also will share I am not super strict or counting carbs, I try to eat as few as possible based on set meal planning, but I did not eliminate croutons, or eliminate regular salad dressings and such.  I will also share for the beginning I ate pretty boring, I was not trying too many low carb or Keto recipes.  In years past I would make "Oopsie Rolls" and many other low carb creations.  This time around I was keeping it simple and consistent, that is what I needed.  Only recently (after losing 50 pounds) have I expanded my eating choices.  I will share some sample meals of what I eat on a daily basis below.  

I’ve lost 50 lbs which is really not a lot in year but I’m reminded of the big difference when I see photos and which is another reason why I’m grateful I didn’t weigh myself weekly, monthly or at all this year. Only at a recent Dr appointment did I realize I’ve lost 50 lbs. If I am honest when I was being super strict at the beginning of the year and if I only saw about 5 lbs a month lost I don’t know if I would have stuck with it. I could have become discouraged by what the scale said. Since I have been walking daily, eating right, etc. I purposed this time around to focus on a “healthy lifestyle”, focus on feeling healthier and not be moved by that scale.

If you are just starting or thinking about starting on getting healthier or any goal you may have I encourage you just get started and keep going. Walk to the mail box, park farther at the grocery store.  I wear a Fitbit bracelet that tracks my steps I find it motivates me to keep moving and reminds me when I have been inactive for too long.  Each day make choices to achieve your goals and don’t be moved by how fast or how slow just keep going forward, keep moving in the right direction for your goals.That’s in paying off debt! Getting healthier! Improving the relationships in your life. Reading more, or whatever your goal, day by day, step by step.  It's not about perfection it's all about progression!
This is what I consistently eat. I will share very soon on another blog post products and things that I have incorporated over time.  I will also mention I drink a ton of water, a low day for me is 80 ounces.  
I will also share at the beginning I ate every three hours.  This helped me because if I wait until I feel hungry than I do not always make the best food choices.  So by staying on top of "never feeling hungry" that helps me throughout the day.  
1-cup coffee with splash heavy whip cream and Jordan’s Skinny Syrup
Eggs (scrambled, over easy, hard boiled) with Sausage or Bacon
Or once in a while I'll make an omelette with spinach, mushroom, veggies.
I also like to make this Easy Breakfast Egg Bake this makes it easy for my husband to have breakfast to take on the go.  
Mason Jar Omelette (don't look at the bread bowls on this post)
Berries sometimes not daily
A handful of almonds if I am on the go and don't have time to cook.


Salad (with meat)
Taco Salad 
Tuna with mayo in lettuce wraps or on celery 
Salami and Cream Cheese
Any leftover grilled meat from dinner (Chicken Thighs,Tri-Tip, etc)
Meat with Veggies
Chicken Breasts and Chicken Thighs (Baked or Grilled)
Fish (Tilapia, Halibut or Salmon)
Hamburgers Lettuce Wrapped
Fajita Style Meat in Romaine Lettuce or on top of a Salad a Fajita Salad
Ground Beef Taco Salad
Bratwurst with Grilled Onions

Kielbasa with Grilled Onions

Brussels sprouts
Green Beans (usually with bacon)
Spaghetti squash with meatballs
Zucchini Lasagna
Whip Cream
Sugar Free Jello
Low Carb Cheesecake (homemade)
String Cheese
Sunflower Seeds
Beef Jerky
Peanut Butter on Celery
Ranch and Celery
Pork Rinds
Cheese Dip & Celery (I make a cheese dip with fine shredded cheddar cheese, mayo and pepper)
First pic was taken last year April 2018, second pic is this September.  The third picture is from just this past November 24, 2018.  The last picture is also from this September 2019.

September 25, 2019

The San Francisco Exploratorium: The Museum of Science, Art and Human Perception

A couple of months ago our family visited the San Francisco Exploratorium: The Museum of Science, Art and Human Perception located at Pier 15.  We have visited before but it has been awhile  I had forgotten how much there is to see and do here.  

The Exploratorium is a hands on experience which is extremely helpful as a family with little kids, who want to touch everything.  There are 650 hands-on exhibits and zero "do not touch signs".  When my kids first heard we were going to a museum thought "really, how can this be fun?"  They were pleasantly surprised and did not want to leave.  
The month we visited it was Moon Month, they were celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo Space Mission.  There were great exhibits for them to learn about what does the moon have to do with the tides?  When lunar eclipses happen and why? There was a giant life size moon to snap a photo of, my pictures do not do it justice, it was super neat.  I did not capture as many photos as I had hoped because I was trying to keep an eye on my children who were exploring everywhere.  This museum is large and there are tons of places to run off to and explore.  Which I am extremely happy that they enjoyed themselves and had an interactive experience.  I loved glancing over and seeing one of them reading and that look of amazement on their face.  I love watching them having fun "while learning".  Be sure to check out their website for the calendar of events or special exhibits.  

You can check out some video clips of the fun we had on my Instagram Story, they are under the Travel Saved Stories, you can find me @blogaboutitall.

They had things to do and read on your own as well as sections, areas, with Exploratorium Staff who would explain and assist with different exhibits.  There was a painting exhibit that you would sign up for and then come back at your time slot.  

One of my boys favorite areas was an area they were able to use objects and light to create pictures with shadows.  My little guy loved the giant bubbles he was able to make.  They also had a ton of fun with all the musical exhibits.  
I loved the exhibits that made you think about your perception. There was a drinking fountain that was a toilet.  It was clean water, it was a perfectly fine drinking fountain, but who wants to drink out of a toilet.  There was another exhibit that had sports jersey's of specific people and it asked how did seeing this jersey, this team, make you think.  It is thought provoking on how we react, respond, and think based on perception.  My husband and I had great conversation about this exhibit.  That is another great thing about this museum, it is not just for kids, adults can have an amazing time here too, it is a neat place to explore for all ages.  
There are comfy couches and rest areas for snack breaks, the Observatory Gallery is a great place to take a break you'll find rocking chairs on the south side of Gallery 4.  You can come and go from the museum (for reentry have your hand stamped).  

I highly recommend a visit to the Exploratorium. I also highly recommend you arrive when they open.  We had a bit of traffic and arrived a little later than we had hoped.  Once you are inside and see how much there is to explore you will want to spend more time there. 

The Exploratorium is located at Pier 15 
Pier 15 (Embarcadero at Green St)
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 528-4444

We parked at the lot across the street from the Exploratorium and used the discount code below.  There are numerous parking garages and lots near our Pier 15 campus. The museum partners with SP+ to offer a discount using the code 1234000 at these lots: Exploratorium Pier 15 Parking Lot and Pier 19 ½ Parking Lot.

General Admission for Adults is $29.95, children 4-12 are $19.95 and children 3 and under are free.
For a full list of ticket prices visit:
They have special pricing for the After Dark Events, which sound amazing as well as reduced rates and community days.  
The Exploratorium is open Tuesday through Sunday 10 AM through 5 PM (plan on staying this entire time, maybe a break for lunch, they have a cafe inside as well as restaurants nearby).
Thursday evenings are for adults only 18+ 6-10 PM.

While visiting San Francisco make sure to visit the Golden Gate Bridge, stroll down Pier 39 and definitely indulge in a Clam Chowder bread bowl, these are on our "must see" list when we drive down to San Francisco.  A great place to walk near the Golden Gate Bridge and capture great photos is at Crissy Field.  
We received complimentary tickets in exchange for our honest review.  Although we receive these benefits all thoughts and opinions are my own.

September 18, 2019

Monster Jam Sacramento January 17-19, 2020 | Tickets on Sale NOW! | Golden 1 Center

**Sign Up Today To Become Monster Jam Preferred Customer
To Purchase Advance Pre-Sale Tickets Started Tuesday Sept. 17th**

This. Is. MONSTER JAM!  The most action-packed motorsports experience for families in the world today returns to Sacramento for another high-octane weekend featuring the ultimate mix of high-flying action and four-wheel excitement with the Monster Jam Triple Threat Series®, featuring six different competitions of speed, racing and freestyle stunts at the Golden 1 Center from January 17–19, 2020.

My boys LOVE attending Monster Jam!  Last year we saw Gravedigger do an AMAZING back flip, a GIANT Monster Truck doing a back flip! My boys were ecstatic!  

Sign up today to become a Monster Jam Preferred Customer at to get exclusive early access to the pre-sale offer code to purchase advance tickets starting tomorrow Tuesday, September 17th to get the best seats available before tickets go on-sale to the general public the following week on September 24th.  

For all the latest news, announcements and updates, be sure to watch the Monster Jam 2020 Season Kickoff Show live streaming on on Monday September 16th at 5:00pm PT.

Featuring eight skilled Monster Jam athletes, fans will witness a fierce battle for the championship with each Triple Threat Series competitor tearing  up the dirt in customized high-powered vehicles: Monster Jam Speedsters, Monster Jam ATVs and of course, the iconic Monster Jam trucks; going head-to-head for points in Freestyle, 2 Wheel Skills Challenge™, Backflip stunts and several Racing competitions testing their agility, speed and versatility.  From unbelievable action to unexpected thrills, this is full throttle family fun!

Monster Jam drivers are trained, world-class male and female athletes who have mastered not only the physical strength and mental stamina needed to compete, but the vital dexterity to control 12,000-pound machines capable of doing backflips, vertical two-wheel skills and racing at speeds up to 70 miles per hour to produce jaw-dropping, live motor sports action seen around the world.  

At the Monster Jam® Pit Party, you can see the massive trucks up close, meet your favorite drivers, get autographs, take pictures and enjoy other family-friendly activities. It’s an unforgettable part of the Monster Jam experience where lifelong fans are born.  Plus, fans in every city can become part of the action by voting for the winner in the two-wheel and freestyle competitions via real-time, in-arena fan voting on their smartphones.

Friday, January 17, 2020 - 7 PM

Saturday, January 18, 2020 - 7 PM
Pit Party open from 4:30 PM–6:00 PM
**Saturday event ticket & Pit Pass required for entry

Sunday, January 19, 2020 - 1 PM
Pit Party open from 10:30 AM–12:00 PM
**Sunday event ticket & Pit Pass required for entry

Golden 1 Center – 500 David J. Stern Walk, Sacramento, CA 95814

Tickets are affordably priced for the whole family with seats starting at just $20 each*
Discount Opening Night tickets available for select seating only $15!
Pit Passes available to purchase for $15 each!
Tickets & Pit Passes will be available for purchase online at or visit the Golden 1 Center Box Office.    
**ticket prices subject to change – venue/ticketing fees may apply.
For more info on Monster Jam event near you, follow Monster Jam on our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter & Instagram
Subscribe to the Monster Jam YouTube Channel at

About Feld Entertainment, Inc.

Feld Entertainment® is the worldwide leader in producing and presenting live family entertainment experiences that bring people together and uplift the human spirit. Properties include Monster Jam®, Monster Energy Supercross, Disney On Ice, Disney Live!, Marvel Universe LIVE!, Sesame Street Live!, DreamWorks Trolls The Experience and the newest show Jurassic World Live Tour. Across the brand portfolio, Feld Entertainment has entertained millions of families in more than 75 countries and on six continents. Visit for more information.

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.