
June 7, 2021

Hello Summer Break

Have your kiddos started Summer break?  I have seen over the the years, how quickly the summers go by and if I do not have a plan of action they seem to breeze by even quicker.  The days begin to blend together and even though you intended to do crafts, or tour your city and check out some new fun family-friendly places, you don't get around to doing it and before you know it, it's time for back to school. 

Even if your kiddos have already begun summer break it is not too late to come up with a game plan.  This week sit down and talk as a family what are some key things each of you would like to accomplish this summer.  Schedule time to write out a Summer bucket list together.  

Here are three worksheets that I made for our family to use this summer.  One is a blank Summer Bucket List, A Weekly Menu Plan, and then a Daily Checklist for them.  

A Summer bucket list does not have to be elaborate, it can be simple things, like breakfast for dinner, make s'mores in the back yard, camp out in the living room, movie night in the backyard. It can have road trips and vacation plans on there too, but don't limit it to just the big things. Just like date night or anything else, if you don't put it on the calendar, and schedule it, many times it doesn't happen.  

In summers past, what has worked best for our family is scheduling out our summer by the days.  For example, Monday is our home day, we stay home, find activities to do at home as well as get things done that need to be done around the house.  Tuesday can be a park and library day, we pack a picnic lunch and explore a new park.  Visit a local library later in the afternoon when it is hot and pick up some books to read before you go home.  Wednesday can be movie day, many of the local theatres are doing a summer movie program with $1.50 movies.  The Summer Movie Clubhouse by Cinemark starts Wednesday, June 16th and goes through August 4th this year.  Thursday's can be bowling or roller skating day, there is a program for free bowling for kids during summer as well as free roller skating.  Fridays are our swim day, of course if a day needs to be switched around or changed you can do that, this just helps start with a game plan and some kind of schedule.

Planning the days out for summer, helps keep consistency, so the kids know what is going on and you don't get that question every day "mom, what are we doing today?" It also gives them something to look forward to and reason to get up, stick to a schedule of getting dressed, eating breakfast, etc. 

Kids thrive on consistency and structure, they may whine a little at first, but they really do appreciate the structure.  I made this Daily Checklist for my kiddos and let them know they have to do the checklist before screen time.  My kids love to play on their tablets and watch movies, this checklist helps motivate them to get up in the mornings and get going on what needs to be done first. 

Another area that is vital to plan for is the menu!  Planning out our meals, not only helps you the parent have less stress, it also helps your budget.  If we do not plan out our meals, I find the kids snack and eat a lot more of miscellaneous stuff which means more groceries, as well as we end up eating out more, spending more on our food budget.  

Since the kiddos are home all day during summer break it is important to plan out breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Here is a simple Weekly Menu Plan for you to print and fill out.  Even if it is cereal for breakfast, write it in. Look in your local area, many schools still do a FREE summer meal program for breakfasts and lunches, that can be a huge help to your grocery budget if you are in need.  You can go here and find a participating location near you Meals4Kids

Writing out a weekly menu, helps me stick to a grocery budget and helps me plan out my grocery shopping list.  Going into the store with a list and plan will save you time and money.  Menu planning will help you save on gas and the number of trips to the grocery store.  I used to plan out an entire month at a time, currently I like planning out a week at a time, that is what works best for our family.  I find I waste less food and use more of what I already have in my cupboards when I plan weekly. 

My youngest just graduated kindergarten and my oldest is now in high school.  One thing I am certain of is we only have a limited amount of summers with our kiddos, so I intend on making the most of them.  I might have to remind myself everyday through summer break to savor the simple things and not pull my hair out, that is okay.  I love this song by Dillon Chase about 18 Summers.  I plan on playing it when I have one of those "I am done" moments.  

I also want to encourage you to schedule in educational activities.  My kiddos love their screen time as much as all the other kids, but I do plan on having them read daily, play some educational games, I also have some workbooks that I will have them do before screen time.  Even if it is coloring, I want them to do something educational before they get on their electronic devices.  My boys love these Sticker Puzzle Books, that we found on Amazon here is a link to Sticker Extremely Cute Animals. You can find inexpensive workbooks and educational tools at the Dollar Store as well and Five and Below.  

Thank you for reading, I hope these tips and free printable sheets help you have a fun and memorable summer. I believe with a little planning and strategy you can spend more time soaking up those special moments with your kiddos and a little less stress.  Please share this post with your friends who have kids at home on summer break.  

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