
June 5, 2021

What to do When You Find Wild Animals in Need of Care

Guess what we woke up to this morning in our backyard? A baby possum!  Our cat was making quite a ruckus and when we looked in the backyard there it was.  

My boys of course immediately wanted to feed it and adopt it. I know with wild animals, it is not safe to feed them you could possibly hurt them without meaning to. My husband looked online and found a local Wildlife Care facility nearby at McClellan Business Park.   

When we called, they said they would definitely take the animal if we would bring it to their facility.  As the morning went on, it would lie down on the cement and we became more concerned for it.  We were not sure if it was sleeping or playing dead.  We carefully placed the baby possum in a box and loaded it in my husbands car. We drove to the facility, they have quite a unique building.  We sure do hope they are able to nurse the baby possum back to health. 

If you find a wild animal in need of care, you should contact a wild animal rescue center near you.  Sometimes they will come out, other times you have to take the animal to them. 

You should keep the animal in a dark, secure container if possible.  It is encouraged to keep your distance as much as possible and stay as non-invasive as possible to reduce the animals stress and give it a better chance to survive. Do not feed the animal.  Take the animal to a rehabilitation center as soon as possible.  Never keep the animal or try to keep it as a pet. Wild animals should never be kept as pets. 

Everyone from our first phone call to our visit was extremely friendly and helpful.  If you find a wild animal in need of care you can reach them at (916) 965-WILD.  You can visit them online for information at WildlifeCareAssociationI wanted to share this great facility with you all, in case you need it in the future or know someone who does.  

Wildlife Care Association is a non-profit, independent, volunteer based association.  They currently receive more than 6,000 animals a year! Their work is completely supported by generous donations.  

For more information on the Wildlife Care Association visit their website at:

Contact Wildlife Care Association 5211 Patrol Rd., McClellan Park, CA 95662 (916) 965-9453

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