
November 20, 2014

National Bible Week

With January comes Goal Setting and New Year’s Resolutions.  Many people set goals in different areas, financial goals, spiritual goals, physical goals, social goals, career goals, and family goals.  I know it is not quite January but it's never too early to start thinking about some of your goals.  Also November 23rd through the 30th is National Bible week, which is why I want to talk about reading through the bible.

If you have made it goal to read through the bible in times past and haven’t reached that goal, I encourage you to try again.  I became a Christian when I was fifteen years old but I did not read through the entire bible cover to cover until I was 18 years old.  Don’t wait till January start early on this goal, research and find what bible version you are going to read, if you have already read through the bible in a version, pick a new version to read through this year.  Find an accountability partner to read with you and keep you accountable.  

November 23rd through November 30th is National Bible Week a week devoted to encouraging people to read the Bible, in the belief that it will arouse a positive spiritual force in a world plagued with problems. National Bible Week is promoted by the National Bible Association (originally the Laymen's National Committee), a non-denominational group of businessmen founded in 1940 and devoted to the application of the Golden Rule in daily life. A huge audience listened to the NBC radio program that was broadcast to kick off the first National Bible Week scheduled for December 8-14, 1941; Pearl Harbor had been bombed just hours before.  For more information check out National Bible Association,

The church I attend provides an annual bible readers program, which will enable you to read through the entire bible Genesis through Revelation in one year with as little as 15 minutes a day.  Our church reading program consists of one Proverb, five Psalms, and three chapters of the bible.

Here is a link for my church standard bible reading program:

I have also read through the Chronological bible, the bible broken up into date order of when things took place.  Some people love reading this, I personally don’t really enjoy the Chronological bible probably because I am just so used to reading each book I don’t really like all of it mixed I know it’s more of a mental thing for me, I like the books together.

Here is a link for the chronological reading program:

I have also read through the bible in 90 days, with the help of the 90 day bible reading program, I find it took me 45 minutes a day to complete this reading.  I also found for the beginning books of the bible, it was easy to read 45 minutes straight, but when it came to books like Leviticus, Numbers and Ezequiel, it worked better for me to break it up into more increments, sometimes 15 minutes each, and then do something and then come back and read more.  

Here is a link for the 90 Day Bible Reading Plan:

Find what will work for you and get started.  Go to you can look up scriptures in a variety of versions, which can help you choose which one you enjoy reading more.  If you fall off the wagon and miss some days don’t beat yourself up just pick up from where you left off and keep plugging along, say you start the 90 day Bible Reading plan but it takes you 120 days it’s better than not reading at all.   

Pray to God and ask for the grace and a greater hunger and desire for the Word of God.  I know sometimes in reading the bible it can seem dry or there are some things you do not understand.  I have found when I do not give up and ask God for Him to stir up in me a greater desire for the Word it has worked.   Also pray before you read and ask God to open your eyes and to speak to you through His Word, a scripture or passage will stand out to you and will come alive in a new way, many times things you have read numerous times, but by the grace and spirit of God they stand out to you in a different way, they speak to your very soul and situation you are experiencing in life at that very moment.

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November 19, 2014

Couples Surviving the Holiday Season

With Thanksgiving around the corner and Christmas quickly following I want to encourage you to stay connected with your spouse this upcoming Holiday season.  I know it is easy to get caught up with all the shopping and get-togethers that life becomes even busier than it already is in the next few months.  It is easy to skip a date night because of school Christmas plays, family and office get togethers and even turning date night into Christmas shopping for the kids, which is fine as long as you are spending quality time together truly filling each others love tank.  

The holidays can also be very stressful on couples, stressful because of family, stressful because of finances, and hurried schedules.  Take time to breathe together, take time to enjoy each other.  Recognize if your spouse is on edge maybe due to finances or their workload and find ways you can help relieve that stress not add to that stress.  Remind each other that some holidays are tougher to get through but that you will get through it together.  Parties come and go, shopping comes and goes but the two of you and the love you share are what really matters.

Our homes are supposed to be sanctuaries for us to regroup and recharge.  Too many times I am guilty myself, during the holidays I get into “director” mode.  We are going here this night, we have this going on this night.  We need to go here and do this.  Can you hang the lights, complete this checklist before family arrives, drop this off for me, pick this up for me that we forget to really embrace our spouse and remember the days before kids when we just strolled downtown hand in hand with no agenda.  When we sat in front of the fireplace and watched White Christmas with no to do list in mind.

I know there are family portraits to be taken, Christmas cards to be mailed, cookies to be baked, with these things be intentional to have a good time together while completing these holiday tasks.  Sometimes the stress and pressure we feel is built up in our minds by only ourselves.  If we would take a step back and think about all the things we have to be grateful for and step out of perfectionist mode than that stress is gone instantly.  

Be sure to spend some quality time with your spouse even if it’s twenty minutes sitting in the car together before you go into that family get together or office party.  Remember good holiday memories from the past and do not be so hurried to get to the next place you have to go.  Surprise your spouse grab their hand before you go into the get together give them a big kiss and tell them how much you love them and how grateful you are for them.

I know sometimes attending family functions can bring strife into your relationship, purpose now, that you are going to enjoy this holiday season, and not fight or get caught up in family feuds.  Go to family gatherings with a united front.  Discuss with your spouse before going how you want to stay in unity.  Most families have that one person who complains or brings a negative attitude to family get-togethers, purpose to walk away, sit at the kids table if you have to and enjoy your family.  Life is too short to get caught up in frivolous family feuds.  Remember who you came to that party with and who you are going home with.  

With all the other events we place on our calendars, schedule time for the two of you.  Even if it’s not going out but spending an evening at home together watching your favorite Christmas movie.  November is pretty much over, don’t let December come and go and then realize you two have been running to and fro without spending some quality time together.  

Also keep in mind the holidays can bring up negative memories for either you or your spouse, be intentional to overcome those before you find yourself in that place.  I know friends and family who have lost loved ones and the holidays stir up those memories of grief and loss.  If you know your spouse experiences this, try to create happy holiday memories that can replace negative ones.  Find ways to remember your lost loved ones in a happy way.  If you are the one who experiences this, be open with your spouse and let them know ahead of time that you need their help and support to get through this season.  

Even more than normal this holiday season send text messages to each other telling each other that you love each other, need each other and are grateful for each other.  Throughout the day or on a lunch break call for no reason at all, not to remind them about what needs to be done or the next event you are attending but just to say I love you.  Set a reminder on your phone to call your spouse and just see how there day is going. 

Purpose and plan to stay connected to your spouse this holiday season and not allow all the festivities and to do lists divide you.  Remember when it’s all said and done, people come and visit, shopping sales come and go but your spouse is with you for the long run.  Cherish each other, prioritize each other and support each other.

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November 18, 2014

Thanksgiving at Our House

We start Thanksgiving morning with Praise and Pancakes at our church, it is one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving.  Our church has this special service at 7 AM, we sing a few songs of worship to the Lord and then one by one whoever would like goes up front and says what they are thankful for.  Most people are in their pajamas, its nothing fancy but special.  After we give praise to God for all we have to be thankful for we enjoy pancakes together and sweet fellowship.  My father in law makes the best pancakes he has been the pancake cook at this event for many years.

We come home and watch the Macy’s Day Parade while we chop and prep stuff for our Thanksgiving Feast.  I say we but it is usually me with a  little help from my hubby.  I love every minute of it though and I do a lot of prep work the night before so I mostly have to drain/strain and put together things, put all the stuff out on platters and such.  

We usually eat our Thanksgiving meal early in the day around 1 PM.  This gives us ample time to enjoy the turkey and fixings all day long.  The guys usually watch football in the living room and my mom, sister and I usually play games or do some kind of craft with the kids in the other room.  The guys usually fall asleep watching football, and we girls go over the Black Friday ads in print and just talk and hang out.  It’s laid back and relaxing and I love every minute of it.  Most years we have great weather and watch the boys play in the backyard, I think Thanksgiving day would be perfect for a rain day, since everyone stays inside and hangs out, but rarely does that happen.
Our Thanksgiving Menu looks like this:
Ranch Dip with Veggies, Spinach Dip, Shrimp with cocktail sauce, Bacon Wrapped Smokies, Chips and Salsa of course doesn’t everyone have chips and salsa on Thanksgiving, guacamole and fruit salad with yummy marshmallow dip.

Main Course and Sides:
Turkey of course (sometimes we have ham also), salad, (which there is usually no room on the plate for and everyone says they will come back for but never does), mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, classic green bean casserole, broccoli salad, macaroni and cheese (for the kids and my dad) and rolls.
I use Trisha Yearwood’s Sweet Potato SoufflĂ© Recipe, it has become a family favorite, here is the link:
And if you haven’t had cold broccoli salad here is the recipe.  It’s light and refreshing and great with leftovers the next few days, it’s quite addicting if I do say so myself.  This recipe calls for sunflower seeds, we usually use slivered almonds instead. 

Pumpkin pie, apple crumb pie, pecan pie, cherry pie and vanilla ice cream.  Never fails as well we usually have some kind of cheese cake, pumpkin flavored or plain.  

I try to do as much as possible the day before so I have time to relax on Thanksgiving too.  I chop everything that needs to be chopped the night before and make all my desserts the day before.  I pull out all the platters I am going to use and leave them out so I don’t have to search for them the morning of.  I usually menu plan for light and quick easy meals the week and days leading up to Thanksgiving, makes it easy on any budget since we usually splurge on the Thanksgiving meal and it has a lot more involved and preparing quick and easy meals the week before makes for less time in the kitchen.    

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November 17, 2014

Tips for Black Friday Shopping

Have you checked out the Black Friday ad’s yet?  Here is a link where you can find the ads:
I usually participate in Black Friday shopping on a small scale.  I have gone out before at the break of dawn and shopped at every store and it was fun but after many years of Black Friday shopping I have found that it is a much more pleasant experience to pick one to two stores and have a targeted plan.

I find if you have a strategy to your Black Friday Shopping it will be easier on your budget.  I know there are great deals and it is easy to get sucked into “this is only $10!”  If you do not have a plan and list of what you want to shop for, it is easy to start throwing lots of different items into your cart and it adds up quick.  I know there are great deals; if you don’t want to go into debt or spend more than you should you should ask yourself do I really need this?

Ideally you should have saved money all year long for your Black Friday shopping.  If you have not, I recommend you set a limit for yourself, only take that set amount in cash and leave your credit cards at home.  I know when you are in the store you will feel like you are missing out by not picking up that thing that is not on your list at such a great price, but when you get home, you will thank yourself.  You will feel so much better about your shopping experience if you stay within a budget.

In times past when you had to actually wait for the Black Friday ads to come out on Thanksgiving, my mom, sister and I would go through the ads and devise our plan of attack.  Now days thanks to the internet you can see the Black Friday ads well in advance which is great for planning.  

We have gone out at 2 AM and stood in line for some large ticket items, one year I roped my husband into going and standing in line for a ticket to purchase a laptop at a great deal.  I think some years they really do have great prices on TV’s, Computers, and other large ticket items.  It is a great idea for the future, if you know you will be needing one of these larger ticket items to save all year and wait for the Black Friday Deals, it’s definitely worth it.  Of course the deals are not always great every year, but it is better to plan and prepare ahead of time.

Some of my favorite Black Friday finds are kids’ pajamas and socks, household towels and bedding.  I usually get my three boys matching pajama sets that they open on Christmas Eve.  If you have little kids or nieces and nephews pajamas are a great Christmas Gift, stocking stuffer, or something extra to go with the gift you’ve already purchased and usually priced at $4.50, makes it easy on the budget.  If you need towels and bedding this is a great time to replenish on those items too and other household items, I’ve purchased things like a vacuum cleaner, coffee pot, and other appliances at a great price during this time too.   There are usually some great deals on kids’ toys as well.  Board games make great group gifts and I find are great Black Friday finds.  This is a great time to pick up a board game or extra toy to donate to a local toy drive.

Instead of getting sucked into overspending and filling your cart which is easy to do.  Plan your shopping trip!  Set your budget, go through the ads circle the items that you actually need.  Have your spouse or shopping buddy look over your list and offer any thoughts of things you might scratch off, or wait on.  Double check and make sure the things on your list are within budget, remember to add in tax.  

It is fun to shop with a friend, but you need to know yourself and your shopping buddy.  Are they going to help you stick to your budget or are they going to encourage you to overspend?  These are all things to think about, because although I know it is fun to shop with a friend, if sticking to your budget and not going into debt is your goal, then you need to be willing to shop alone.  I find the times I have gone alone, I go in, get the things on my list and get out, when I have shopped with a friend, you look around, you see something there getting and feel the need to make the same purchase, etc.  My mom is a great one to shop with because she goes in on her mission, purchases the items on the list and get’s out.  Many times we will have similar things on our list and we will split up, she will take one half of the list, I the other and we find what we need and are out quickly.  

Another thing I have found, you do not need to go as soon as the doors open, one exception is the electronics and large ticket items, if those are on your list then yes go as soon possible because each store is allocated only a specific amount of those items.  If your shopping list is the other items though, pajamas, household goods, toys, etc. it has been my experience that they do not run out.  I have gone later in the day even next day Saturday shopping and there are plenty of those items, no need to leave your Thanksgiving guests and run out to make sure you get your stuff.  

If you have not planned accordingly and saved money for Black Friday shopping, start saving now for next year.  Get an envelope that you can place cash in for Black Friday shopping, start a change jar, where you place all loose change in a jar, open a Christmas Account and have a set amount automatically deposited into from each paycheck.  Another year will go by quickly and another Black Friday will be here before you know it so purpose to save for next year.  

Enjoy your Thanksgiving, enjoy your family and friends, and remind yourself that although it is a great time to get a deal, there is no need to miss out on family time.  No one thing is more important than having quality time with your family and slowing down and enjoying the day.  Remember the same deals and sometimes better ones will come again next year and even at times around Christmas and cyber Monday do not buy into the lie that this is the “only” time you can get this at this price.

Things to Remember:

  • Browse the ads, make your list!
  • Have your spouse look over your shopping list.
  • Pick one to two stores
  • Set a budget, take that money in cash.
  • Leave your credit cards at home.
  • Stick to your list!
  • Know your shopping buddy – maybe shop alone; remember main goal is to stay within budget.
  • Enjoy your Thanksgiving, don’t rush out for stuff, value what is really important family and friends!

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