
July 28, 2020

Recipe Roundup

Recipe Roundup time!  With many of us gearing up for Back to School whatever that may look like for you, I thought I would round up some of my favorite recipes that I have shared on the blog.  I know we are getting back into our routine and over the past couple of months I have to admit we have not been cooking as much, the kids have been eating frozen foods and quick and easy meals they can make in the air fryer.  My husband and I have been eating a lot of salads and meats.  Now it is time to get back to weekly menu planning and eating actual meals.  

Below you will find a variety of family friendly meals, desserts, Keto Recipes, budget friendly recipes and some great side dishes.  Some of these older recipes need updated photos, even without the best photos, I can assure you these recipes are yummy!  Remember cooking is fun and should showcase your families favorite flavors so even if you do not have all the exact ingredients, give them a try and improvise with what you do have, make it your own.  I love doing that with recipes!

Homemade Salsa Recipe

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When you hear salsa, don't just think chips and salsa, although that is super yummy.  Salsa is great on chicken, perfect for taco salad's, I love fresh homemade salsa on scrambled eggs, my boys love it in their egg burritos.  This salsa is yummy on top of a burger, and on top of fish.  This salsa is so easy to make, and is the best!
Easy Egg rolls and Crab & Cream Cheese Wontons (Take Out at Home)

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I love Egg Rolls and Crab & Cream Cheese Wontons, this is such a fun recipe to cook with your kids.  My boys loved rolling the egg rolls and helping assemble everything.  While my boys tend to be picky eaters, I find if I get them involved in the cooking process, they are excited to try new things. 
Ginger Sesame Shrimp

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I love Shrimp, it is the perfect light and easy meal that cooks up in minutes.  Shrimp with bell peppers and onions is an easy summer grilling dinner option.  You do not have to marinade the shrimp long, but you can for more flavor.  
Avocado Egg Rolls

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I love the Avocado Egg Rolls at BJ's and at the Cheesecake Factory, so I had to try and make some at home.  I was pleasantly surprised at how easy these were to make.  These are fun if you want to do date night at home, or to jazz up any weeknight dinner.  
Copycat Cheesecake Factory Corn Succotash

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This Cheesecake Factory Copycat Corn Succotash Recipe is one of my favorite summer side dishes.  This side dish is bright, colorful and tasty.  
Spanish-Italian Rice with Shrimp in a Pineapple Bowl

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Not one, but two shrimp recipes!  Shrimp is so easy to cook and is a great light, satisfying meal.
Egg Bread Boats & Mason Jar Omelettes

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An easy dinner that our kiddos always get excited about is when we do breakfast for dinner.  Of course they would always choose pancakes or french toast but when I am trying to have them eat a little less sugary, eggs are a great option.  With four growing boys, a couple of eggs is not always the most filling, you can make it more filling with these Egg Bread Boats.
Lasagna Grilled Cheese

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Two of our favorite meals combined....Lasagna and Grilled Cheese, need I say more.  Check it out, this is sure to bring joy to your family. 
Have tortillas? Easy Mexican Bunuelos

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This is one of our boys favorite treats!  This is an easy way to make Bunuelos, using a store bought helper.  
Meatball Subs

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Meatballs are a household favorite over here.  While we love spaghetti and meatballs, a meatball sub is a great way to change it up.
Mini Pies

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We love to have all the pies at Thanksgiving, Mini Pies are a great way to go so you can sample all the flavors.  
Homemade S'mores Ice Cream

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S'more Ice Cream is the perfect cool summer treat!  This easy to make recipe is great for kids to help whip up dessert sure to please the entire family.
Mini S'mores

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Let me warn you now, these mini s'mores are so addicting!  They are the perfect bite sized snack and give you all the s'more vibes.
S'more Brownies

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These s'more brownies are rich and decadent.  
Keto Stuffing with Cauliflower

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Since my husband and I have joined the Keto Lifestyle, we had to have ways to make our favorite meals Keto-friendly.  This Keto-friendly stuffing is great for a Thanksgiving swap out but also for a week day night side dish.  
Keto Lemon Cookies

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While we have embraced a Keto eating lifestyle, we still have a sweet tooth and these Keto Lemon Cookies satisfy those sweet cravings.  
Potato Soup

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Not Keto friendly, but definitely a Fall Favorite, this easy crockpot Potato Soup Recipe is warm, comforting and great to feed a crowd. 
Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe

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I love and crave all the Pumpkin drinks during Fall, here is a great recipe that is budget friendly and will help you keep money in your wallet while still satisfying your pumpkin flavor cravings.  
Egg Breakfast Bake

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Whenever we have a family brunch or breakfast gathering this easy breakfast egg bake is always requested.  This is great to make ahead for easy weekday breakfast for the entire family too.   
Inexpensive Meal Ideas

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Looking to save money, here you will find a list of budget friendly meal ideas for the busy family.  
Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.  

July 25, 2020

5 Blogging Business Tips

I thought I would share a little blogging update and some blogging business tips that have helped me in my blogging journey.  These tips can really be applied to any business not just blogging!  I started blogging in September 2014, crazy how fast times goes by.  I really had it on my heart to start blogging since 2012 after experiencing a miscarriage, I came across a blog called 10KReasons.  On this blog Sarah shared her journey of healing after losing a baby at 20 weeks.  She decided to blog daily things she was grateful for, her goal to reach 10,000 reasons in one year.  Her blog so ministered to me and helped me through my healing process. 

I was so grateful for her blog, and knew how much it had helped me.  I started to think of all the things I experienced through life, and how my life experiences may help others.  It is pretty amazing how when God places something on your heart, how you see His messages everywhere you go.  One of those messages was the song "Calling All the Messengers" by Lecrae, it was released in 2014 and it seemed every time I drove in the car, it came on, it stirred in my heart to get to blogging.  I wanted to share my faith, I also wanted to share everyday life, practical things I have learned, recipes, things on budgeting and marriage, really all of it, that is why I chose the name BlogAboutItAll.  A friend of mine had started a coupon blog, Diana over at  I went to lunch with her one day and was sharing how I wanted to start a blog and she just simply encouraged me to "just get started".  
As a stay at home mom, blogging gave me a creative outlet to share from my everyday life with a greater reach of people than my circle of family and friends.  I never imagined it would eventually be so much more.  There are times when I face a mental block, and don't necessarily feel the creative juices flowing. It is during these times when I remind myself of the "why" I started blogging and take just a brief moment to remember how much I have grown through blogging, my passion for blogging is easily stirred and creativity follows.  

Blogging has brought friendships that I would have never had without being involved in my local blogging community.  I am so grateful for the circle of blogging and Instagram friends that have been so kind, supportive, inclusive and even opened their homes to not only me, but also my family.  
Blogging has forced me out of my comfort zone. By attending events, networking, being on television, radio and teaching classes I've had experiences that I never would have thought possible.  If you have ever considered blogging, writing a book, starting a business I hope these tips will help you. 

Get Started
Do not wait for everything to be perfect.  
Do not wait for the perfect logo or theme.
Do not wait until you have the money to start.  You can start a free blog!  I believe the moment you take the step and get started you will see provision and things come together to help you reach your dreams and goals.

My first couple of collaborations and sponsored post I was like a fish out of water and had no clue what I had gotten myself into. Saying "yes" to new things is a great way to start. You don't have to be an expert, most of us learn best by doing, so say "yes" to new things that come your way. I never want to cross a moral line or share things and blog about things that I don't believe in, however part of being a sponsored blogger or social media influencer is simply brand awareness and marketing. 

Get Started-don’t wait for everything to be perfect you will grow in your craft, skill.  It is in doing that you gain experience.

Consistency is vital in every area of life. Want to be healthier, you have to stay consistent, there are no shortcuts.  Walk everyday, drink water everyday, we have heard it over and over and yet, people myself included sometimes yearn for the shortcut.

Having a healthy amount of post and post ideas from the beginning will help your attract different audiences as well as expose your initial followers to you and more of your content. 
To help with consistency you need to schedule your posts. Create a content calendar. 
Look for writing prompts. Think of the National Days that are celebrated.  Think of information or life situations you are certain about and share those.  Once you get started, you will find creativity begins to flow.  

Find what will work for you and stick to it.  Require of yourself to blog twice a week for example, schedule social media posts once or three times a day.  The amount will be different for each person, the key part is consistency.  
Social Media is an amazing tool!  Most people have one platform that produces great results for them and they tend to not stay caught up with the other platforms.  I understand and see the value in investing more time in one that brings greater results.  I still will encourage you not to neglect the other platforms.  You can broaden your reach by utilizing all platforms.  I have come across people that are very active on only Instagram for example, for others it may be twitter.  Well if you only post to Facebook, you are not reaching that person who is most active on Instagram.  It has become easier to post across the board to all platforms and I highly recommend that. I know I speaking from a blogger perspective, I still think it is true if you are an electrician, or an author, social media in essence is free advertising, utilize it.   

I will also say in regards to Social Media is I know it is a lot of work if you want it to work for you.  You cannot just think about what you are posting for your page, your business.  You will greater success if you like, comment and share on other's pages.  Not only have I reaped the benefit from a business perspective but again, I have built friendships that I adore that were brought about through social media.  
Collaboration is not only good for your business it also great for personal growth.  Surround yourself with others who are blogging or writing, if you are writing a book for example.  Hang out with people who do what they do well.  Study them, and learn from them. Again you will learn from others and see things from a different vantage point as you collaborate with others.  Don't limit yourself to just your age group or let's say mom groups, be willing to learn from the young and old.  

In connecting and collaborating with other bloggers remember to help promote others, even those in your same field.  As a blogger and small business owner, you know the benefit from others liking, commenting and sharing your posts, remember to do this for others. 

Let's say you are a food blogger, and you meet someone who blogs kid friendly recipes, and you meet a Vegan Food blogger, share their blog posts on your blog and your social media pages.  

Collaborating with someone that is not entirely similar to you and your blog or audience is a great way to get exposure to a new group of people. My blog is not likely to attract Harley Davidson mechanics so that is a bit too much of a stretch to collab with someone in that space. If you are doing a food centric blog and collab with someone doing mostly arts and crafts, it is a great mix for some excellent crossover.

I find true collaboration to be rare but so essential.  It has been one of my biggest goals since starting my blog to be willing to share tips, and contacts with other fellow bloggers.  Always choose collaboration over competition and I promise you will reap the rewards, I have watched it in my own life time and time again.
Give of your craft, talent, and services.
I believe you should know your value and I understand how much work and hours go into blogging, writing, taking pictures, editing graphics and pictures, making YouTube Videos, scheduling social media content.  A lot of work goes into creating and distributing content and I believe in charging appropriately.  I also believe that you should find ways to give back!  You can give of your craft, talent and services to local non-profits, charitable organizations and local businesses.  

You limit yourself if you only look at blogging to "make money".  You will make money, also look how you can make a difference in your community.  Find causes that you are passionate about and use your platform for good.  

Below is a picture of a community event that I not only purchased tables as a sponsor of the event but I have shared their event annually on my blog and social media platform, raising money for the new Dignity Health Neonatal Intensive Care Unit being built here in Sacramento.  This was a great way for me to give back to my community and also invite fellow bloggers and connect with them over a great cause.  
Be willing to give discounted or even free advertising to help those in your community.  Remember what it was like when you first started your blog or business and be willing to help others just starting out.  

I will always remember one lady in particular who I met attending a blogging event, when she introduced herself and I told her I had just started, she gave me her contact information, she also recommended groups I should join, and offered info and resources, I will be forever grateful for her kindness and I always aim to return that kindness to others.  

Aim to always go above and beyond!  When you do have a sponsored content or a contract of services to provide do extra!  If they are only asking you to post on Facebook for example, why not post also on the other platforms especially if you are starting out and growing your business, be willing to work for free, you will attract more business.  From a faith perspective you reap what you sow, even from a business perspective as a business owner, I would rehire the person who goes the extra mile.  You will be remembered and stand out in a sea of bloggers.  

I hope these tips will help you no matter what area of business you work in.  Thank you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends.

July 22, 2020

Couples Bucket List - Together Let's . . .

In celebration of our 17th wedding anniversary I thought it would be fun for my hubby and I to create a couples bucket list.  We made our bucket list together on our recent date night.  I created a blank printable for you that would be great to fill out on your next date night!  Download your free copy here
Think of things you would like to do together, maybe places you would like to go both near and far, things you would like to make, games and activities, dream list.  It would be fun to make a bucket list for example "Things to do before 25th Anniversary".  You could really put any number in there.  We have done a travel list before and it has listed everywhere we want to travel or vacation.  
Here are seventeen things on our bucket list in celebration of our 17th Wedding Anniversary.
1.  Go to Disneyland, just he and I.  
I cannot believe in all these years we have not taken a couple trip to Disneyland alone.  We've taken our kids, why did we not go the four years we didn't have kids? 
2.  Watch each other's favorite movie.  
Ugh, this will be painful, we are both not huge movie people to begin with and my husband's favorites are Truman Show, Clifford, need I say more.  

3.  Take a dance class.
I tried to talk my husband into taking a dance class when we were on a cruise to no avail.  Now I would probably say he would have to talk me into taking a dance class.

4.  Escape from an escape room.  
We have yet to experience an escape room and that would be fun to do together.  

5.  Play a video game together.
My husband enjoys video games, he does not play often but I would love to do a good old classic video game, like Mario, Duck Hunt or Zelda.  
6.  Rent an RV.
I love a road trip and so does my hubby.  While an RV trip with the boys is definitely on our to do list, I would venture to say it would be a more peaceful experience, with just the two of us.  Maybe we should try first and get the hang of driving an RV and then take the boys, or at least that is what we can tell the kids we are doing. "We are learning how to drive an RV."

7.  Travel to Greece.  
We both love Greek food, it would be a dream come true to travel to Greece and take in all the beauty.  
8.  Buy a House.
We have lived in the same house for 14 years, we should have just bought it, when we had the opportunity.  Instead of dwelling on the "we should have", we just need to plan accordingly now.  

9.  Family Tree Research.
Another one of those things we have been meaning to get to.  It would be really neat to research both of our families history, and document for our children and our children's children.  I would love to use an Ancestry service and go way back.  

10.  Host a Couples Game Night.
We did this years ago and it was so much fun, when all this social distancing is over, I am so up for all the entertaining things.  
11.  Drive In Movie.
We have not been to a drive in movie since before we had kids.  We need to plan to go.  Although this one seems so simple and easy we have hit that age where we do not stay out so late.  

12.  Drive out to the Sutter Buttes and explore.  
I hear there are beautiful trails and scenic spots, we have only seen the Sutter Buttes from afar.  
13.  See a broadway show together in New York. 
We went to New York for our honeymoon and we have not been back together, my husband has been for work travel.  We love the city lights and non-stop action of New York.  We actually saw Stomp in New York on our honeymoon and last year we were able to see Stomp here in Sacramento.  We would love to visit again and go to a Broadway show.
14. Visit Disney World. 
My husband went to Disney World as a kid, I have never been, we would love to take our kiddos to Disney World.  I think our kids are the perfect ages for a Disney World vacation (13, 11, 9, and 5).  I also appreciate that my husband humors my love for all things Disney and always up to wear Disney themed shirts and let me have my Disney fun.  
15. Go on a shopping trip and pick out each other's outfits.  
This would be probably be more fun for me on the receiving end.  I always wear the same thing, and my husband although since becoming a family man really doesn't pay attention to trends or fashion he has a great eye for it.  As for me picking out his outfit, I would rely on Pinterest and you all for help, because I am clueless when it comes to fashion.  
16.  Share a banana split at Leatherby's.  
Again this is something so simple and we could do today, just have not.  We eat mostly Keto and just have not done this in a very long time. Why is this on our bucket list?  Well one of our very first dates courting was at Leatherby's and we shared a banana split, so I think it would be romantic, seventeen years later to do this again. 
17. Plan a 20th or 25th Vowel Renewal. 
Married life should be celebrated, really each anniversary is such a gift, especially in this day and age where many don't make it to ten years.  I would love to renew our vows it doesn't even have to be elaborate, an intimate ceremony on the beach sounds lovely.   

Here are some other ideas:
Hot Air Balloon Experience.
Vacation in Turks and Caicos. 
Vacation in an overwater bungalow in the Caribbean.
Go on a spontaneous road trip.  
Pick out each other's meals at a restaurant, order for each other.
Pick out each other's outfits for date night.
Visit the place you first met or first place you went on a date.
Couples massage.
Write a poem to each other.
Write a song for each other.
Read your old letters or e-mails you wrote each other, together.

Here is a blog post I shared a couple of years ago in celebration of our 15th wedding anniversary. 
15 Marriage Tips
Thank you for reading I would love to see you and your spouse use this free printable, feel free to tag me on social media or e-mail me a picture of you guys completing yours.  This is a fun date night activity to do over dinner or while enjoying dinner in the backyard.  Thank you for reading if you've enjoyed the content you've read above please share with your friends.

July 20, 2020

What You Need in an Emergency Preparedness Kit | Batteries Plus Bulbs

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Batteries Plus Bulbs. All opinions are 100% mine.

It is important to build and have an Emergency Preparedness Kit ready to go in case of an emergency. We have been taught to have an emergency fund, for unexpected expenses that arise such as an unexpected medical expense, car trouble, etc. I completely agree on having an emergency fund it is something our family has utilized and has been very grateful for over the years.

In the past we have not been as diligent in building a Emergency Preparedness Kit. It is vital for families to be prepared for power outages and emergency evacuations before they happen. Living in California and seeing the devastation the wild fires caused over the years has impacted our emergency preparedness as a family.

In 2019 alone there were more than 7,000 fires recorded according to Cal Fire and the US Forest Service. The 2018 wildfire season is recorded as the deadliest wildfire season ever recorded in California. Watching the destruction on the news was heartbreaking and also a reminder to be prepared.
Last year, power companies like PG&E and SCE announced they would be cutting power without notice during strong and dry winds. As wildfire season kicks off, California families should prepare for widespread power outages as utility companies cut power to reduce the risk of fire. Batteries Plus Bulbs offers a number of products that can help families prepare for short-term and long-term losses of power as well as quick evacuation.

Seeing on television how fast and how devastating a wildfire can be, moved our family to prepare an Emergency Preparedness Kit. We want to share our kit with you to encourage your family to build your own. Experiencing Shelter in Place orders during this COVID-19 pandemic and seeing the shortages in toilet paper, and other daily supplies has me looking at preparation with a new perspective. You can easily find products for your emergency preparedness Kit at Batteries Plus Bulbs stores, which are currently offering curbside pickup, making it even easier!
What to Have In Your Emergency Preparedness Kit:
1. Flashlight - An emergency can take place in the middle of the night, a flashlight is essential to get around in the dark. In an emergency there can be power outages, making a flashlight even more essential. I love this compact handheld flashlight, it is ultra bright with LED lights. It is water resistant and is powered by 4 (AAA) Batteries, which are included.
Here is the link to the flashlight we have

2. Battery Powered Lantern - A lantern comes in handy when you need light for a wider area. This lantern features four light modes, has a flashing red mode to attract attention in case of an emergency. This lantern is impact and water resistant, the LEDs are virtually unbreakable!
You can find this Lantern here
3. Battery Powered Car Jump Starter - This is a great device to have on hand in case you have a stalled vehicle with no help around. Delivers 750 peak amps to start stalled vehicles. This one has built-in light to illuminate your work space, 12V DC outlet powers a variety of electronics and is a Sealed lead-acid AGM battery which is ideal as a portable power source.
Order yours here

4. Cigarette lighter/car battery inverter - This is great for laptops, cellphones, cameras and portable electronics. Features a single, 3 prong outlet and 1 USB port.
We have this one linked here

5. USB Power Pack - In this technological world we live in most of us are reliant on our cell phones and electronic devices. This USB Power pack is lightweight and compact perfect for a pocket, bag or small purse. This one is equipped with Qi charging technology with lightning and micro-USB inputs means you can charge multiple devices at a time.
Here is the link

6. Single Use Phone Chargers - This mini portable charger is fantastic and only $5.99. PawaMini is an easy, fast, portable, low cost, universal single-use lithium power pack charger that will rapidly boost your phone by 40% or more, iOS and Android Compatible. This comes pre-charged in water resistant packaging with no cords or power supply access needed. It also comes in a biodegradable shell, so when you are finished using your portable battery pack, you can take it to a local lithium-ion battery recycling receptacle and dispose of it there. Arrives fully charged with a capacity of 1800mAh which is a perfect fit for wherever you are, whatever situation or an emergency.
Find these here
7. Batteries - Be sure to have a variety of sizes. While smaller flashlights may take Double (AA) Batteries or Triple (AAA) larger lanterns usually take D size batteries. If you or someone in your home relies on other battery powered devices such as hearing aids, glucose meters, wheelchair, or other medical devices make sure you have extra batteries on hand.
8. Bottled Water and Non-Perishable Foods - Be sure to have bottled water for drinking as well as larger gallon sized jugs that may needed. Some canned and dry food are great to place in your Emergency Preparedness Kit as well.

9. Pet Food and Supplies - As a new pet owner, I have a whole new insight into planning ahead for our furry friend in case of an emergency as well.

10. Baby Food and Diapers - Our youngest is five so we don't need these in our kit, but having a change of clothes is another great idea to include in your kit.

11. First Aid Kit - As a mom with four boys, I always have band-aids on hand. It is a great idea to include a First Aid Kit.

12. Cash and Important Documents - Even if you don't place these inside your Emergency Preparedness Kit itself, be sure to have these in a safe place that you can grab quickly in case of an emergency.

Things to keep in mind:
The size of your Emergency Preparedness Kit. Depending on the size of your family you may need to have more or less supplies on hand.

While building your kit you also want to keep in mind, do you want to have a stockpile to get your family through a few days, a week, a month's supply.

Storing your kit. A plastic storage container is a great option, I like to have a small emergency kit in my car, you also may want to have a backpack inside your container, in case you needed to take your supplies on foot.

You can find many of the items above at Batteries Plus Bulbs stores, my local store is located at 8025 Greenback Lane, Sacramento-Citrus Heights. You can also order online at and have products shipped right to your doorstep or utilize the convenient curbside pickup option.

With the recent extra time we all have at home, now is the perfect time to build a family Emergency Preparedness Kit.
Disclosure: While I was compensated by Batteries Plus Bulbs for this post, in exchange for my time and efforts in reporting my opinion within this blog. Although I receive these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine.
I am extremely grateful when you support my social shares with likes and comments. Your support enables me to receive these benefits. I love sharing great products with you.
Batteries Plus Bulbs is a retail chain offering 32,000 types of batteries and light bulbs to power homes, businesses, automobiles and more. Additionally, its stores offer services like phone and device repair, key fob repair and key cutting.

Thank you for reading if you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read above please share with your friends.