
November 3, 2021

Recipes A-Z

Looking for some meal ideas to add to your family menu plan?  I know when I menu plan, I sometimes feel I need more ideas.  Here are some recipes A to Z that I have shared on my blog over the years.  There is something about the Fall and Winter, that puts me in the cooking and baking mood. I hope you will give some of these a try and add them to your next family menu planning.  

A-Avocado Egg Rolls

B-Bacon Wrapped Asparagus

I have not written a blog post on this, but basically wrap asparagus with bacon and bake, or cook in your air fryer, so delicious and Keto and Low Carb friendly! 

C-Copycat Cheesecake Factory Corn Succotash this is perfect when corn on the cob is in season or if you happened to buy corn and freeze it, bright, colorful, and delicious. 

Crab Cheese Wontons making these at home is a fun way to have 'take out' at home and save money by eating at home. 

D-Glazed Pumpkin Donuts

Since we are in November thought I would share this recipe I found on AllRecipes for Glazed Pumpkin Donuts.  Sounds and looks delicious!

A healthier option would be deviled eggs, which I think are highly underrated.  There are a ton of ways to change up your traditional deviled egg recipe, like mixing in avocado, topping with bacon, using some cream cheese.  That is the fun part of cooking, is experimenting right!

E- Easy Egg Rolls this is a fun meal to make with your kids, my boys loved assembling and making Egg Rolls. Anytime I can get them in the kitchen helping, I try, I find they are more willing to try foods they help make. 

F-for recipes and foods that start with the letter 'F' I think of Fried Chicken, Falafel, and Frittata.  Fried Chicken is a family favorite in our house by everyone except mom.  I love the fried chicken itself, it is not my favorite to make because of the mess it makes.  I don't really have a favorite fried chicken recipe, we usually keep it simple.  When making it keto friendly we use pork rinds as our fried chicken breading and basically just add grated parmesan and garlic salt.  

G-Ginger Sesame Shrimp this is an easy summer favorite, summer is grilling season and we get a lot of use of our grill during the summer months.  I also love to use the indoor George Foreman Grill during the winter months to stretch out easy grilling recipes. 

H-for recipes that start with the letter 'H' I am going to go with Hummus, I absolutely love Hummus, but actually have never made it at home. I have been wanting to make it and so maybe after this post I will actually attempt it.  Here is a recipe for Extra Easy Hummus, it really does look easy.

I-Ice Cream - S'mores Ice Cream

J-Jello starts with J, here are two ways we have made Jello, Patriotic Jello and a Keto friendly Strawberry Pretzel Jello Dessert

K-Keto Stuffing, with Thanksgiving right around the corner, this is a definite keeper, be sure to Pin it for later. 

L- Lasagna Grilled Cheese this was a fun change up to the traditional grilled cheese and my boys loved getting in the kitchen and making these with me. 

Lemon Keto Cookies these Keto friendly Lemon Cookies are so yummy and easy to make.  Share with a Keto loving friend or neighbor. 

M-Meatball Subs meatballs in general are frequently requested in our house, not just for spaghetti.  My youngest son loves meatballs!  You can do meatballs all by themselves with some sides of course or do meatball subs.  

N-Nachos . . . a definite crowd pleaser and can be changed up.  We love to do basic nachos, with Que Bueno Nacho Cheese Sauce.  We also love to do BBQ Pulled Pork style nachos.  We will often use leftover taco meat and make nachos after a Taco Tuesday meal.  Nachos is another family favorite in our house. No one complains about dinner when it's Nacho Night. 

O-Oatmeal Cookies, any kind, I love Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies, I love a good old fashioned Oatmeal Raisin Cookie, yum!

P-I am going to link a few recipes that start with P.  First Potato Soup this is one of my favorites but since eating mostly Keto, we do not make this as often as I used to.  This is a simple meal that you can easily cook in your crockpot and also a great meal to keep if you have a crowd to feed.  

Pozole - This recipe is more Keto friendly if you are trying to watch your carbs, I would go with Pozole over Potato Soup. 

Pies (Mini Pies) this is another one you should Pin for Thanksgiving.  

Q-For recipes that begin with the letter 'q' I immediately think of Quesadillas and Queso.  One of my sons would frequently eat quesadillas when he was younger, he would have eaten them everyday if I would let him.  Kind of like Nachos, the great thing about Quesadillas is you can change it up, with chicken, steak, to pulled pork, it is a great way to use up left over meat.  

R-Riyenu this recipe was inspired by Guam, my twin sister-in-law's are from Guam and after tasting their Riyenu, I made a Keto friendly version and loved it.  

S- Salsa - once you make homemade Salsa, you will never want to go back to store bought jar salsa.  You should really give this recipe a try, it is easy, simple and delicious.

T-Keto Tortilla Chips - After making homemade Salsa, you will need some chips to go with it.  Here we used Keto/Low Carb tortillas to make Keto Tortilla Chips. 

U- I do not have a recipe that starts with U, but I wanted to give a shout out to the beautiful food Ube, I am sure you have seen the bright purple food in either smoothie form or some kind of ice cream form.  Ube is a purple yam from the Philippines, it is a bright purple sweet potato. Here is a recipe I found on that I would like to try Purple Yam Jam.

V-I can only think of Vegetables and Vanilla, not combined, but all things Vanilla and all things Vegetables.  My favorite vegetable is green beans and asparagus and since I already shared about Bacon Wrapped Asparagus, you guessed it I love bacon with my green beans too.  

W-For the letter 'w' I think waffles, I really do not have a homemade waffle recipe, I usually use a mix from Costco and our waffle iron.  You could do Chicken and Waffles for a fun family dinner.  I also think of Watermelon, but no need for a recipe, just give me Watermelon and Tajin and I am a happy girl.

X-I don't have a recipe in mind for the letter 'x' but I do have an ingredient Xanthan Gum.  Especially on a Keto or Low Carb eating lifestyle, you have to check out Xanthan Gum. 

Y-Yoda Guacamole

Z-Zuppa Toscana Keto Instant Pot Version, this is my all time favorite Instant Pot Recipe and one I will make often throughout the Fall and Winter months.  This is a MUST TRY!

I hope you will try some of these recipes I linked here, mostly I hope it helps you add to your menu planning.  I know sometimes you get in a rut and don't know what to cook, so I hope these help you and at least spur some other ideas for cooking.  Compiling these recipes and looking throughout my blog for recipes I have blogged definitely puts me in the cooking mood! I always love to hear from you when a blog post has helped you so please tag me if you try one of these ideas or feel free to DM or e-mail me.  Thank you for reading, thank you for sharing!

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