We spend a lot of time swimming during the summer.  We frequent our local swim park Raging Waters, we frequent the lake, beach and although we don’t have a swimming pool in our backyard we have friends and family that do.  I thought I’d share my swimming essentials. 
Sun Screen – Sunscreen is a MUST, even if you are only planning on being outside for a little while.  Sunburn is never fun, especially when it comes to your little ones.  And it’s not only for protection against sunburn but for our long-term skin care.  Remember to reapply throughout the day.  It is recommended to reapply every two hours.  Also, try to apply before you go outdoors.  I always try to apply my boys' sunscreen while we are still at home before we even get to the water park or beach.  I find it’s easier to apply at home because once they are near the water they want to go, they are not interested in waiting for mom to apply sunscreen.   
Look for coupons and when it’s on sale stock up.  Keep some in the car, in the swim bag, and at home, so you are sure not to forget to bring it.

Lifejackets – Invest in a good lifejacket, they will last and are worth the investment. Check the manufacturers' label to make sure it is intended for your child’s size and weight.  Make sure it is approved by the U.S. Coast Guard.  Know there are different life jackets for different water activities. Remember that although life jackets are important, adult supervision is still required.  Remember even if your children know how to swim; when it comes to rivers, lakes and the beach, life jackets are a must.  Many lakes, rivers, and beaches provide free life jackets. Even at our local water park, in what they call the wave pool all children under 48” are required to wear a life jacket.  I know my sons have not always been happy about this since they know how to swim, but I remind them it is for their safety. 
Goggles – I highly recommend goggles especially when swimming in public swimming pools and water parks.  With the chlorine in the water, I’ve watched my boys’ eyes become extremely red when swimming without goggles.  Look up your local swimming pool or water parks policy though, our local swim park does not allow the goggles that cover the nose; you can only bring in the basic eye goggles. 

Beach Toys – Sand and beach toys are not very expensive and yet provide hours and hours of entertainment.  I use a sharpie and write our name on our toys because there are always similar toys at the beach, this helps when it is time to clean-up.  Use a mesh laundry bag to carry them so you can shake off as much excess sand as possible.  Some of my other favorite swim toys: pool noodles, diving rings/sticks, squirter toys.
Baby powder for sand removal. – This hack really does work, I love it!  If you are at the beach or lake, sand gets everywhere.  Sprinkling on baby powder helps clean off the sand gently and quickly.  The more sand I can leave sand at the beach and not carry it home in my car and to my house is greatly appreciated. 

Swimming Lessons I know swimming lessons can be expensive especially when you have multiple children.  They are worth the investment in my opinion.  Budget and plan for swimming lessons, if you can’t do it this year, save NOW for next year.  Look around and find a deal, I have even seen free swim lessons provided by local community groups, it may take a little research and time but it is well worth it.  I have put my boys in swimming lessons multiple times even though they know how to swim I continue to take them, they have different levels available through our local parks and recreation department.  I feel it reminds them of proper technique, water safety, and it gives me peace of mind. 
Waterproof phone case – I killed a phone last year with pool water damage.  I know I love to take a lot of pictures near the water and you know when kids are involved there is also splashing involved.  A waterproof pouch or phone case is an essential and again worth the investment when you think about the cost of replacing a phone. 

Swim shoes, hats and chapstick are some of my other essentials. I’d love to hear what essentials you keep in your swim bag share in the comment section below.  

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