A ONE NIGHT only Sacramento concert to delight both young and old…THIS FRIDAY, July 6, 2018 at 7 PM.

Enjoy a special evening of classic crooner favorites, as well as a blend of show tunes from popular musicals, past and present, delivered with a rich and beautiful tenor voice! Vincent is an up and coming, talented singer and actor, who has starred in several plays and performances and recently received a Buckley Award for Best Actor, for his role of Mr. Higgins in My Fair Lady!

Tickets are ONLY $10 and can be purchased in-store at Family Books & Gifts (916) 334-7626 or on-line here: https://familycc.breezechms.com/form/vhconcert

If you want to change up 'Date Night' from the usual dinner and a movie this would make a great date night!  You will have time to grab dinner before or after the show. My husband and I recently attended a local play of Mary Poppins and I really love supporting our local talent and the arts.  

If you have kids this would also make a great family outing.  My husband and I are attending with our two oldest boys ages 11 and 9.  I know that this talented young man will be an inspiration to my boys.  My boys were in a Christmas Play this past Christmas with this young man, his voice is AMAZING, he has awesome stage presence.  

The concert is THIS Friday, July 6, 2018, hosted by Family Community Church located at 6331 Watt Avenue, North Highlands, CA 95660, for directions or more information you can call (916) 334-7700.

Here is a clip from one of his performances.

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