The midterm elections are coming up Tuesday, November 4th.  The deadline to register to vote in California is October 20th.  You can register to Vote on-line You need to re-register to vote when you move to a new permanent residence, you change your name or you change your political party choice. 

I often hear people complaining about our Government and the policies they put in place, my question for the complainers, “did you vote?  Too often we complain about something we do not like and do nothing to change it. 

Voting is a huge way to have your voice heard.  You can also write letters to your local and state officials.  I have friends who work for state officials, and they value every letter and phone call you make. They desire to hear from we the people.  You do not have to be unruly or rude to have your voice heard, but with passion and conviction speak up for what you believe in.

Absentee Ballots are a very convenient way to vote.  No need to go to the polls, you get to vote right from the comfort of your own home.  Registered voters may apply for a vote-by-mail ballot for an upcoming election at any time.  The last day to apply for a vote by mail ballot by mail for the November general election is October 28th.

Too often we complain that our vote does not count, every vote counts.  It is easier to make a difference with greater numbers.  How will they hear your voice if you do not vote. 

If you have a value system and way of life you would like to be present when your children grow then you should vote.  I think at times we forget the price that others paid for us to have the privilege of voting.  If we don’t vote, what example are we setting for our children?  If you do not value the importance of voting, what hope do we have that our children will recognize the importance of voting.

As a Christian I feel I have a responsibility to vote and to vote for leaders who promote bible principles.  We are called to be the light of the world, the salt of the earth.  Part of that is voting!  Christians should prepare to vote through prayer and study of God’s Word.  We should not support candidates whose proposals violate God’s Word on marriage, family, and life. We should vote for the best candidate regardless of party. We Christians should stand up and be as vocal as other groups.  A lot of groups want to claim free speech, liberty for all, and yet, I find too often we Christian’s are persecuted for our belief system, what about free speech then. 

There are many countries around the world that citizens are oppressed and persecuted for their beliefs.  They are not allowed the privilege of voting, and often sacrifice their life and life of their families to preach the gospel.  In the United States of America you do not have to fear about your life for voting.

In this day and age we live in there are many who want to do away with the name and message of Christ.  It is our responsibility and privilege to vote, protect and preserve godly government. 

I am grateful for the church I attend.  Our pastor strongly encourages us to vote!  We pray weekly and faithfully for revival for America, we pray for our government officials, we pray for our president.  As a Christian you should promote this type of prayer in your local church, and not only for your churches but in your families.  Pray together as a family for our nation, for our president and those in authority.  Teach your children the importance of voting and take them to the polls with you so they can see the process of voting.  

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